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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl


    Could add a few tablespoons of hummus maybe. I would say avocado to just add calories but not a lot of protein there. I’m not home or I would just look at the container but according to google four tablespoons has 5 grams of protein and that 106 calories. 1/4 avocado is 80 calories and 1 gram protein according to FatSecret.com.
  2. You shouldn’t have to go to hospital if you see signs of dehydration and don’t wait till it’s emergent. Just call your team and they should be able to arrange fluids as an out patient. I was so anxious about that for no reason. I just went to a different part of the hospital building and sat In a recliner while I got two bags of fluids. It was no big deal and I was good as new.
  3. ShoppGirl


    I actually thought you would be up to 350 calorie meal sooner than that. Does your team have you restricted on calories. I was just given amounts of food to have which if I was eating protein restricted my calories but by the time I got to regular food I could have eaten 350 calories at one of my meals if I tried. I personally have a shake for breakfast, a low calorie lunch and a higher calorie dinner so I would have taken it with dinner and made sure to add in something to get closer to the 350 if I had stayed on it. Of course if that puts you over calories for your teams plan then talk to your doctors first.
  4. ShoppGirl

    I tried real food

    I wouldn’t advance your diet faster than you are supposed to. That staged return to eating is to protect your healing tummy. That being said. It most likely that the nerves aren’t healed yet and your restriction will kick in but even if it doesn’t (mine didn’t) and you can eat more than expected without feeling full you can still do this. You just have to measure out your portions and eat until you are “satisfied” instead of “full”.
  5. ShoppGirl

    Under Boob rash

    i just got out this chafing ointment that I used between thighs as preventative after it went away and read directions again. It says ot can be used on chafed skin. It’s called camois butt’r and it’s anti-chafe skin that’s used by a lot of cyclists. It works. I got it on Amazon. Chamois Butt'r Original Anti-Chafe Cream, 10-pack of 9mL packets https://a.co/d/71kRtha
  6. How are you feeling now? Did your prescribing doctor adjust your meds??
  7. ShoppGirl

    Abdominal Binder

    I woke up from sleeve surgery with one on. Wore it while in the hospital. Dr said it was for my comfort and I could remove or put it on as desired. I took it off to shower and didn’t notice any difference so I didn’t put it back on. I was lower BMI, though. I think it helps most if you carry alot of your weight around the belly area. I wore a long slimming cami though just to keep my clothes from rubbing the incisions.
  8. Try the clear protein drinks if things taste excessively sweet. I’m not sure why but I had the same issue and those weren’t nearly as bad. Also I found one flavor protein shake that wasn’t too sweet but it has caffeine so check your plan if you are allowed to have it try premiere protein caffe latte. I had the clear protein drinks by premiere protein as well but there are many brands that make them. I suggest trying to find these at convenience stores so you can try just one without buying a case. Walmart sells a four pack of the caffe latte though and it’s much cheaper than convenience store so may as well get that.
  9. ShoppGirl

    Surgery in 5days

    Congratulations on your surgery date and good luck on surgery day.
  10. ShoppGirl


    It gets so much easier as you progress through the stages. It does take SOME planning though if it’s a new restaurant. Most places have the menu online so you can study it before hand. I am in maintenance and I will usually order alacarte and get a grilled protein and veggies. If that’s not an option I will get an entree and have just a couple of bites and I get a salad or veggies as the side. Depending on how the protein is prepared sometimes I really have literally just a taste and I just have a protein shake as a snack to compensate. If I can get grilled protein I will have that and a few bites of the salad. If it’s not a healthy choice I will cut off what I eat and box up the rest right away to send home with whomever I am dining with and if not I will waste it (something that is still a little difficult for me but I know if I take it home I will eat it). The biggest thing I find helpful is to review the menu the night before because EVERYTHING looks good in the moment, of course, and it takes me a while to talk myself out of ordering that junk. Usually If I study the menu the night before I can talk myself into a relatively healthy option by the time I get there but if I just wait till I get there I am very tempted to order those less healthy options. Also, I never go to a restaurant when I am starving. Everyone who I dine out with knows I eat on a schedule. If I am out with family or my best friend we stop to eat on my schedule if at all possible. If it’s not possible I will have a protein snack so that I am not feeling super hungry when I get there because that’s when I make bad choices.
  11. If you are allowed caffeine try the caffe latte shake by premiere protein. If not try their clear protein waters. I was the same way with sweet post surgery and that caffe latte and the fruit punch clear were the only two things that didn’t taste too sweet to me. A lot of people also speak about the fairlife protein shakes for this situation. I have not tried them though.
  12. I brought pajama pants to slip on under my gown since the back is open on the hospital gown. I figured with all the tubes and wires it would be too difficult to change my top. And I wore the same thing home from the hospital that I wore there. You will be wearing it for probably less than an hour unless you have a long drive. I just brought fresh undergarments and the pajama pants. I also brought a sports bra because I hate being in public without a bra but couldn’t figure out how to put it on with the wires and stuff. Even the one that totally unzips in the front by shefit. I’m sure they would’ve unhooked me and I could have gotten it on but I didn’t want to bother them just for that.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Gastric Bypass as an Outpatient

    I would just ask what they do to be sure you are ready to go home. They probably have specific criteria that you have to meet. I mean the dr should have the authority to just admit you if you aren’t ready to go home but make sure that they are at least flexible on that.
  14. ShoppGirl

    Stretching Exercises

    I would wait until your cleared for actual exercise.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Swollen Feet?

    I really hope you get to go off all the meds but as you may already be aware some people do not. My husband doesn’t even like salt and has always been very fit as is his entire family yet almost all of them have high BP. It’s just a genetic thing sometimes. i am glad you are messaging your doctor. Not sure if you will get a response today (Sunday). They may not even look at emails before Monday. You may actually have more luck if you call the after hours number and tell them to look for your message or consider urgent care if you want answers sooner (I know I would). Of course if you have any other symptoms or it gets suddenly worse you should go to the ER.
  16. I didn’t do this but wish I had done one I could share here on an anniversary or after a certain number of pounds lost. Possibly in swimsuit or exercise clothes. Just Something you can mimic for before and after.
  17. Under the message you click on the button that says “quote” then type your messsge and click submit.
  18. I am a year and a half out and have been on these boards since just before surgery. I have heard of quite a few people that cheated on their preop and only a couple that they closed them back up and didn’t do the surgery. That being said, the smaller your liver is the easier the surgery is for the doctor to perform so that means it’s safer and I believe less painful if you can shrink it down as expected. I wouldn’t beat yourself up about it or worry too much, but don’t do it again. And DO NOT do it post op because you can really hurt yourself if you do it then.
  19. ShoppGirl

    So many updates, so little time...

    Ooh I believe you would have been able to take them for sure. But it may have been a while going without AND they may not have absorbed as well. That’s what they told me I needed to be concerned with was them not absorbing properly with bypass but then I learned sorta like you did that lots of people do not have any issues with Med absorption after bypass. Who knows though, we could have been one of the few that did have an issue.
  20. ShoppGirl

    So many updates, so little time...

    I am a year and a half out and I sorta wish I had gone with the bypass too. Not cause of any complications, just cause I didn’t lose as much as I had hoped and I wonder if the grass would’ve been greener on the other side. I chose sleeve because I am on medications though and have to remind myself that I may have issues with that had I chosen differently. I think it’s pretty natural to wonder if things could have been better if we had made a different choice but who knows. I have to think that everything happens for some reason. That’s what makes me feel a little better about it.
  21. Clothes. I wouldn’t consider clothes to be a good investment as I was losing but I wanted to love the skin I was in through all the sizes. I didn’t buy a ton but I made sure I had a few cute outfits in every size. The new iPhone sounds like a great idea. Could also do a weekend getaway or a spa day.
  22. ShoppGirl


    You may still be able to tolerate it with less food but the 350 calories is for it to absorb properly. So your body may be getting like 20 or 30 out of those 40mg. I’m just making up numbers but it’s probably getting something less than the whole dose. You could be fine on the lower dose, though. I was on Latuda pre surgery and I switched to Vraylar because I was concerned about the absorption but if you feel fine I don’t think I would worry too much about it. You will be taking in more calories soon anyways.
  23. ShoppGirl

    How much walking did you do?

    My Watch reminds me to get up every hour. I did that in addition to getting up to pee or get drinks, etc so probably every 30 minutes?? If your team says one minute every 15 though I would follow that advice.
  24. ShoppGirl

    Recipes for Ninja creami

    I had never heard of this and just had to google it. Looks pretty cool. If I didn’t have such a tiny kitchen I would get one and give it a whirl. I would definitely like to hear more about what people are making with it though.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Anyone make Protein Shake Pops?

    Well let me know. I am always looking for ways to make protein more of a treat.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
