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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    My VSG Play-by-Play

    Glad to hear you are doing well.
  2. ShoppGirl

    sabotaging visitor

    Look at the title for your post. You said it yourself. One, he is a visitor, not someone in your care (he is your ex-not your responsibility) or someone you have taken in long term. Two he is sabotaging you. That’s not what someone does who is appreciative of you for giving him a place to live. It tells me he has a backup plan anyways. Provably one of where there are more rules that he will actually feel the need to follow.
  3. Good luck tomorrow. You will do fine. 🍀
  4. ShoppGirl

    What I've Learned Four Years In

    Thank you for your honest take on the process beyond the honeymoon period. Congratulations on the five pounds and good luck getting off the other five. You can do it.
  5. It’s best for you to have a doctor you can trust. Is there a NP at his office? Sometimes they can be saying the same exact exact thing but they are just better with reassuring people (surgeons are great at what they do but tend to not be the best with people). I say don’t do anything sooner than the surgeon says but if you need to go a little slower for peace of mind that can’t hurt anything. Like others have said. Just because he says you CAN swim doesn’t mean that you HAVE to.
  6. My first goal was 180. The last weight I remember when I was social and comfortable enough with my appearance that I went out and did things like bowling league. I just reached 180.7 today!!
  7. ShoppGirl

    8 days till surgery

    Good luck tomorrow 🍀
  8. ShoppGirl

    Gastric Sleeve LA Self Pay

    Are you 100% certain you are using your correct height. We shrink as we age and I was shorter than I thought and my dr’s apparently haven’t measured me in a while either because I was shorter than their records. Turned out I had a 35 BMI almost exactly.
  9. ShoppGirl

    No weight loss pre-op

    I experienced weight gain pre op and it was because I was mourning the future loss of food. I ate things I shouldn’t because I was worried I would never be able to have them again. I did manage to lose the extra weight really quick on the pre op diet but I probably could have lost more had I not had all the food funerals. One thing that may be helpful in avoiding that is that if there is a food you have an intolerance for post op most likely you will also develop a taste aversion for it so it’s not like you will be craving it and never be able to eat it again. I didn't realize that so I wanted to eat everything I loved one last time before surgery and I packed on the pounds.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Night Sweats

    Are you on any new medications or vitamins. I experienced this at 40 and it turned out it was medication causing it. Bamboo sheets and comforters helped a bit though.
  11. ShoppGirl

    6 week PO Food

    I had protein only for my meals and vegetables for my snacks early on to get In some fiber (I still had to supplement though). That seemed to work though so I knew I would meet my protein goals.
  12. ShoppGirl

    VSG Tomm 9/13/2021

    I assume you are in recovery if not in your room by now. Hopefully all is well.
  13. ShoppGirl

    6 week PO Food

    Fish and broccoli (stems cut off and steamed to mush)
  14. ShoppGirl


    Ooh it’s honestly better to weigh less. I am just ocd and my compromise is to delete everything except the once a month.
  15. ShoppGirl


    My weight fluctuates by like 3-5 pounds just in a day on any given day. That’s why I weigh every day and record it everyday but then on surgery day each month I delete everything but that day so I have one weight each month officially logged and I can see the downward trend despite fluctuations.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Drinking with Meals

    I wonder about drinking before meals. What people’s dr’s say and what the vets do. I know I have done this on accident a few times and nothing happened. I have drank with meals and I can feel it pushing the food down too fast but i can drink a whole glass right before I eat and it doesn’t bother me at all.
  17. ShoppGirl

    Need vitamin for sensitive stomach

    My clinic questions the effectiveness of them but I have heard people on here talk about vitamin patches. The NP says she has yet to be able to get any of the companies to send her research to prove they actually work but people on here have saiD they work for them. I would Say in a situation such as yours it would be worth a try. I would do regular labs to make sure though.
  18. ShoppGirl


    I haven’t noticed it myself but have read many stories on here of excessive gas post op.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Pre op diet

    That’s a long time to do the pre op. It does get easier as time goes by though so hopefully it will for you too. Maybe ask the surgeon if they can give you something for nausea. I think the lack of energy is pretty common but they make medications for nausea and vomiting. Keep hanging in there. You can do this.
  20. ShoppGirl

    8 days till surgery

    No. No purchase is necessary.
  21. ShoppGirl

    8 days till surgery

    I was nervous that I would do the surgery and everyone would know I did it and I would still fail yet again. Of course I didn’t. I have lost 54 pounds and still losing slowly but surely. It’s normal to have reservations though.
  22. ShoppGirl


    I had lots of second thoughts. I was a lower BMI and I kept wondering if I should try one last time to lose the weight myself. But reality is I did just try one last time (I just didn’t know it was the last time) and I stalled and gained it all back as usual. Post surgery I didn’t have any regrets at all. Probably because I didn’t have a lot of pain of complications and I can eat everything I did before. Some people do have regrets immediately post op but that goes away the first month or so for most people.
  23. ShoppGirl

    Starting the process

    Congratulations on getting started on this path. Many people on here say it is weird, but somehow easier to lose weight once they have made up their mind to do surgery. I guess there is something to that. Less stress and cortisol or just more drive from being hopeful but it seems to help many people. Just one or two small changes and you should be able to drop 20 pounds eventually. How long do you have to wait? Do you have the 6 months monitored weight loss??
  24. About to watch the Patriots game with my hubby and I am finally able to fit back into my womens jersey. Feeling super feminine and flirty.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
