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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl

    Loosing too much weight

    Have you only spoken with you bariatric dr, in regards to this being related to surgery? Perhaps it’s coincidence and you have something totally unrelated going on. I would have a chat with my PCP if you haven’t already.
  2. ShoppGirl

    Anyone in CDA ?

    I’m not near you, unfortunately, but love the idea of a walking buddy. I bet an accountability partner would be really good for me too. If you don’t find one right away though I know alot of people tend to walk the malls. (Not sure what the centennial is so forgive me if that’s already your plan). I would assume it’s earlier in the day when it’s less busy but can’t say for sure. I was thinking about doing something like that. Thinking I may meet someone there and we can sync our schedules.
  3. ShoppGirl

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    I appreciate your input and you are very right. I did speak with one therapist and it’s like $300 a visit but maybe I can talk to my husband about it. At least I could go a handful of times, mayne. I edited my post to explain a lot more of my story. I’m kinda feeling like I’m on my own at this point. If I still feel this way after I meet with the dr next month I will be considering other options.
  4. ShoppGirl

    Everyday diet post surgery.

    I have a therapist that I speak to refularly but no she doesn’t specialize in food. Unfortunately there are not any therapists around here that specialize in food taking on new patients. I even asked the surgeons and they only know the ones they refer you to for evaluation to be cleared for surgery (who apparently want to make the quick $300 or whatever it was and move on because they don’t accept new patients). I know that it could be a huge help for me but I hate to bring it up again knowing he won’t have an answer anyways. I don’t want him to think I’m not fit for surgery if that’s my only option. I don’t have any eating disorders. I don’t binge or anything but I do eat when I’m upset. I am not sure to what degree that is normal or can be helped but I would love to try. I just can’t find anyone and I’ve asked anyone and everyone I can think of. Basically my drs team does not hace any info on the surgery yet. I think I may be one of his first patients with this particular procedure. He is a very well know and excellent surgeon but he only offered sleeve and bypass before as far as I know. Anyways so far I have read from many different sites that you can’t have grains, probably won’t be able to tolorate dairy, can have a small amount of fat, must eat a lot of protein of course but some people can’t tolorate beans and keep carbs low so limit the amount of fruit and what I consider to be the edible vegetables. Basically that leaves me eating meat all the time, with maybe a little avacado and nothing else, I mean in terms of the options that I actually like, am I right? I mean at least with the sleeve I could eat eggs and beans and fruit and veggies I liked. I’m talking about even in maintenance I don’t think people who get SADI can have these things. Otherwise it causes the bathroom side effects. im really hoping that I’m wrong. There is such a little Amount of very confusing information about this surgery out there and I do intend to ask the dr and the dietician. In fact I called and left a message for her earlier today wanting to know what she knows about this procedure and whether I should schedule with her to learn about diet in the long term? She didn’t call back yet. Do you know that there isn’t even a cookbook for this procedure yet. At least that I could find. I’m not getting this much of my anatomy altered and facing this type of risks without knowing my long term diet is going to be.
  5. ShoppGirl

    Struggling to stop losing

    My first thought was a snarkier version of that such as your concern has been noted but, I think I’ll take my medical advise from those with medical degrees. Contrary to how that may sound, though, I’m not a confrontational person so I would only ever think it in my head. I like your version as an actual solution. Seems like a very nice way to say stay in your lane.
  6. ShoppGirl

    Post-Op Congestions

    I’m wondering if it really has anything to do with the surgery at all. My primary dr told me that immediately post surgery if I had issues that I would call the bariatric dr and ask if I should see them or go to my family dr. Maybe try giving them a call and see if it sounds like something of concern.
  7. ShoppGirl

    Struggling to stop losing

    I would love to say don’t worry about the comments but the honest truth is I probably would too. lol. Maybe if you get in to see your team and run it by then they will make you feel better about allowing your body to find its new happy place. Keeping in mind that most people do have some bounce back weight whether it’s the same year or three years down the road you will be lucky in my opinion to have a little cushion there. I also have to ask, are the people making these comments bigger than you now? Some people could actually be jealous or they just need you to be heavy to make themselves feel better. Maybe They were used to you bejng the overweight friend making them feel better about their own insecurities. Some may be Thinking things like I may be overweight but it’s not like I’m as big as some people I know (aka you). Now they have to look at themselves and feel what they actually feel without justifying it in that way. Or Perhaps they are thin but they felt inferior to you in some other way and In their mind their insecurity was off set by the fact that you were overweight (I’m not as funny or smart or whatever it may be but at least I’m not overweight). Not sure if that makes sense or if it’s exactly one of those thing but if I had to guess it’s something that is 100% a them thing not a you thing. You are doing great!!
  8. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    I thought that there must be an actual formula out there somewhere since they were referring to this number in medical journals. I will baxe to ask my surgeon which one is the most commonly used (although they are all pretty close). I also noticed they are almost the middle of the bmi range.
  9. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    I agree 100% that BMI is completely flawed. When I was young I did fit right in there but at around 25 I just started gaining and never stopped. I would love to get back to that perfect BMI but I just don’t see if Happening for me.
  10. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    I love that last part. That’s so true. I am looking at every way or calculating it and it boils down to the fact that losing only a percentage of that I am most likely not going to reach my “happy weight” however I will lose a large amount of weight and I will be healthier. That’s what matters most.
  11. ShoppGirl

    50 and over crowd?

    Question. How do they determine “excess weight.” Is it calculated from a certain BMI?? I tried to get an answer to this three hears ago when I was awaiting the sleeve and I still haven’t figured it out.
  12. ShoppGirl


    I can’t really answer your question. But I can add that Meds can definitely change how they react post surgery. Idk about right away but I was on a med for years pre surgery. Has to go off of it after surgery because it only absorbed with a meal of at least 300 calories or something like that then I went back when dinner could be 300 calories and all of a sodden I had terrible side effects from the medicine I never had the first time. Dr said that happens.
  13. ShoppGirl

    Foods for Hike

    What about Turkey Jerky? I found some snack packs at Walmart (they are actually called Turkey sausage bites) that have 10g protein for 120 calories. The pack is pretty big too. I’m not super good at macros but it’s 7g fat and 2g carbs??
  14. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    Yea I’ve told them all I know they are just being polite and I know it’s not their job to help but yet I’m still asking them to please help. Last time it was always you doing so good, one slice of pizza won’t kill or one whatever. But I have enough of a fight inside myself without them tempting me too. i told my husband tonight I sit here and think about this time vs last time and I am starting to think maybe last time I really just wasn’t really ready. Last time at this point I was out eating everything I could trying to get my last hoorah in. This time I’m eating healthy as I can trying to lose some now to make it easier. I can’t say for sure but I hope that’s a good sign.
  15. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    ChunkCat. I seen on another post where to listed out your daily food log and it was super helpful. I can’t find it now but i took a screenshot and I was just looking at it. I’m hoping my log will be somewhat similar. I am wondering about the keto muffins. You said homemade. Do you mean from a box or scratch. If scratch do you have a link to the recipe by chance?! Since my appt I have been eating lower carb and I am quickly recalling that if I don’t have carbs for a few days I don’t crave them nearly as strongly. I have since told two close friends, my husband and my aunt that apparently no i can’t have just one brownie or one slice of pizza or one piece of cake even if I have this surgery and I’m doing great and please try to remember not to tempt me because it’s hard enough on my own not to have it. I honestly think I’m addicted to carbs and I have to go cold Turkey to be able to do it. I mean I had a wrap the other day and that was okay because it was still low amount I think but if I have a lot. My body screams out for them again for several days afterwards. Maybe most of you know this or maybe I’m weird but I’m hoping that if people who love me understand this about me then maybe I will have better success this time around. Ooh and my point to telling you all that is that I would love to try your muffin recipe because I am basically doing low carb now. Lol
  16. ShoppGirl

    Total regret

    What’s the difference between the sasi and the Sadi. I am contemplating the Sadi and I just learned it’s the same as sips but this is first I heard of sasi. Wow there are alot more bariatric surgeries than I ever realized.
  17. Hello sunnyg. I just learned today that sips is the same thing as SADI which I am looking at converting to from sleeve pretty soon I hope. I was hoping for a bypass and he told me to research this procedure as well. I am glad because it seems like a better fit. I hope you are doing well in your weight loss these first couple of months
  18. I have no experience with tricare but If you have no luck and your not absolutely set on bypass, i I was reading up on Sadi and If you had sleeve and convert to the sadi procedure instead one article said it’s under 10K without insurance (I guess that’s cheaper than alot of revision procedures). Anyways, Not sure if that’s doable for you but maybe with care credit you could make installments?? I Just figured I’d mention it in case it helps.
  19. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    That makes a lot of sense. Thank you. I guess I need to go with my gut too which says that she is a very qualified provider that has done right by me thus far and I like that she didn’t even pretend to know about it. I usually say that I would rather have someone who can admit what they don’t know and know how to find the answer when they need it than someone who tries to pretend to be experts at everything but really doesn’t have a clue. I suppose i was overthinking it a bit. She asked me to get a list of labs from him and said she will order them for me with my regular ones. I think for the first year they will probably want me to do them at the surgeons office, though. They did with the sleeve.
  20. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    That’s very true. Even as we spoke today she was researching it a bit. Perhaps it peaked her interest and she will search it a bit more. My surgeon is not at a weight loss center but he does have a NP and I am expected to do follow up appointments with her. Post sleeve I stopped going as soon as they said I could get my labs at my pcp but that’s just because I was so ashamed about my regain. I know that the malnourishment is a lot bigger of a deal with this procedure though so I will be more diligent this time around if I choose to go with the SADI.
  21. I wish I had realized that if I had pain or needed an in office procedure or whatever that drs would not just rx me pain meds like I was led to believe. I had back pain and had two procedures requiring NSAIDS and was basically left to tough them both out because I could not take them and they felt that rx pain meds were not warranted even though I told them my medical history. I even had a doctor ask me to leave his practice after I was telling him I was concerned about future pain management. I think he thought I had an addiction but I was really just in pain and scared because they weren’t helping me.
  22. ShoppGirl

    Sleeve Veteran researching revision to SADI

    Update. I just met with my PCP and it was a total waste of time in terms of getting my questions answered but it gave me more to think about. I mean I appreciate her honesty but she hadn’t even heard of the SADI procedure. She said in terms of whether I am fit for surgery or whether she thinks I am a candidate for bariatric surgery she can answer that and I am but in terms of which surgery is the best fit she would defer to the specialist. It kinda scares me a bit her not knowing much about it. Not that I can’t make a decision now without her just that what if I have a long term complication that’s surgery related and she doesn’t know it because she doesn’t known the surgery. I can just see me on a wild goose chase trying to get to an answer on something that someone familiar with the procedure would know about. I guess if I have a medical issue I can always ask her if it could be related to my surgery and she will search it online?? She said if I had any issues immediately post op we would call surgeon and ask if it could be related to surgery or if I should call my pcp but I don’t know if something happened say two years out whether she would realize if it was related to my altered anatomy.
  23. ShoppGirl

    So...it's happening!

    I didn’t really deal with a ton of hormonal changes as far as I can recall but yes I have heard that many women do. I am an emotional eater too and not to scare you but I have gained my weight back and I’m contemplating a conversion. If you have access to a therapist to get to the bottom of the emotionally eating. I STRONGLY suggest it. There aren’t any in my area so I am working with my regular therapist but I don’t know how well it is working. One of my questions for the surgeon is if he can make some calls for me and find someone who will try to fit me into their schedule. As far as tool or equipment I had sleeve and didn’t need much. I bought those little cups that your dressing comes in at restaurants for the very beginning just to measure things out and store in fridge but you can use anything that is the right size. Some people do use a blender in the purée stage. Personally puréed food that isn’t normally purées kinda grossed me out so I didn’t use that. I did buy a few flavors of shakes and keep others ready in my online cart for my husband to pick up if I needed him to. I did buy a scale but honestly don’t recall using it much. One thing that someone told me that you didn’t ask about was what to pack for hospital. I found pajama pants, a sleep mask and a extra long phone charger to be helpful items that weren’t on the list. The pants come in handy when you get up to walk since the gowns are open on the back.
  24. ShoppGirl

    So...it's happening!

    In my opinion this is the exact time to ask alot of questions. I was sleeved three years ago and I don’t think I asked enough questions beforehand or I may have made a differnt choice for myself in terms of which surgery. I am so excited for you and your surgery date. Congratulations.
  25. ShoppGirl

    Just me, myself, and I

    Amazing Progress!! Looking forward to seeing that final pic.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
