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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by ShoppGirl

  1. ShoppGirl


    I had the sleeve but I still have just a protein shake for breakfast. It’s convenient and it helps me get a jump start on my protein
  2. ShoppGirl

    Pain after GS surgery

    As catwoman said pain seems to vary tremendously amongst people and I think we hear more from the people who have a lot of issues than we hear from the ones who do not. I was one of those with a pretty uneventful recovery. I didn’t even have the gas pains that most people have the first couple days (I am still not sure if my dr just didn’t use the gas on me or what). I was tired for a few days and moody but other than that I felt pretty normal. I had very little pain post surgery. I even asked them to take me off the pain rx in the hospital. They put me on Tylenol. But I know someone who had surgery a couple months before me that said she had to ask for stronger pain meds and she had the same doctor so I assume she woke up on the same pain rx as me. If you do have pain and you aren’t shy about asking they will definitely give you something to help make it manageable.
  3. That’s really weird because we are mostly all told not to drink while we eat??
  4. ShoppGirl

    Got Medicare approval!!!

    Congratulations 🎊
  5. ShoppGirl

    Treadmill recommendations

    I found one on Amazon that is designed to be used under a desk. The arms fold down and it can be slid under a bed if necessary. Which is nice in my tiny house. It’s not super easy so I just do it when I am wanting the house to be really neat. I only spent about $300. It’s a little more now. I have had it for a few years now and it serves the purpose. The two downsides are the weight limit which I think was 250 and the fact that you can’t do inclines but these were not deal breakers for me. Goplus 2 in 1 Folding Treadmill, 2.25HP Under Desk Electric Superfit Treadmill, Installation-Free with APP Control, Remote Control, Blue Tooth Speaker and LED Display, Walking Jogging for Home Use https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07ZRRS26L/ref=cm_sw_r_cp_api_glt_fabc_9NNP86SB59G4Y0D6H4YB?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1
  6. ShoppGirl


    I don’t drink coffee but was one of the ones that was offered coffee in the hospital the next morning.
  7. If you are just looking for a weekly weigh in I bet you could ask your team if you could just go into the office for that.ooh now i see your updated post and it looks like you figured it out.
  8. ShoppGirl

    weight loss

    I think that is awesome weight loss but to ease your mind I have seen several people on these boards who were actually slow losers (lost less than you) and even they eventually reached their goal. I think it was catwoman who continued to lose for two years. So as long as you are following your plan and the weight trend is down try not to worry too much about the speed of the loss.
  9. I am only 8 months out so I can’t speak about regain but if you haven’t seen a nutritionist yet you could learn some things that will help you to lose weight. Is the doctor saying they won’t do a revision unless something is wrong?? I was told that they do revision because of heartburn even if you aren’t that overweight. Have you considered seeing a bariatric therapist? Maybe since you experienced addiction transfer and you are sober, you transferred back to food again and need to get to the root of the addiction before you will be able to lose the weight.
  10. ShoppGirl

    Struggling with eating and water intake

    One thing I didn’t know and wish I had is that you can go and get fluids as an out patient. You don’t have to go back into the hospital to get them. Try your best, tiny sips and try different flavors and various temperatures of drinks but if you start to see signs of dehydration contact your team and they should be able to arrange for you to get fluids. It’s not the end of the world. I was SOoooooo anxious about not getting enough fluids in because I was worried about having to go back into the hospital. I had to go a couple days out just to get me over the hump but each day I could drink a little more so after that one time I was good to go.
  11. So sorry to hear this. I hope things get better for both of you quickly.
  12. You shouldn’t have to start all over if you go to another doctor. They should be able to just use the records of any tests or consults you have done already but they may have different requirements and you will have to fulfill their requirements in addition to what you have already done. i would let the office know if you do not feel comfortable meeting the surgeon the day of surgery and ask them to schedule an appointment to meet them. Hopefully that can happen before 1/11 but if not, waiting just a bit longer to have surgery will not be a big deal once you are on The other side of this looking back. I know we all are just chomping at the bit wanting this life changing surgery like yesterday but in the whole scheme of things a week or two won’t make a big difference. I am 8 months out and post surgery the time has just flown by. I’m sure it will for you too.
  13. That sounds about where I was at your stage. Now I can eat quite a bit more. Like a full slice of cauliflower pizza or a whole burrito. Basically around what things say as one serving size. Sometimes a little less. But I am 8 months out.
  14. ShoppGirl

    My 2.0 Bday and sexy AF

    Congratulations. On the weight loss and your anniversary. Enjoy the cruise.
  15. Congratulations. Great non scale victory.
  16. ShoppGirl

    Last 10 pounds

    I am working on my last ten as well and it is really tough. Can’t offer much advice. Just say I feel ya and that I was already worried about regain at my first post op appointment. I think it’s because I have lost weight before. More than once and I always put it back on. I have everything crossed that this is different for us.
  17. For me the protein shakes were way too sweet post surgery. I found the clear protein drinks to be tolerable until I found premiere protein cafe latte. It has caffeine in it which some people can’t have and I’m not sure about lactose but it was not overly sweet tasting and I still drink one for breakfast daily.
  18. ShoppGirl

    Pre-procedure anxiety ESG

    On you and possibly your therapist can answer the question of whether you are ready. I struggle with anxiety and post sleeve it is the same but there are those people who struggle with it post surgery. I would ask the therapist if they feel like you are totally prepared mentally for the surgery and trust their advice as long as you have been 100% honest with them.
  19. My pre op was mea and veggies mostly and it was surprising to me that it wasn’t horrible as well. I am glad to hear that yours isn’t too bad either. For me, that was the start of a few phases you will go through that are equally as doable. Good luck.
  20. Everyone’s experience is different but i am 8 months post op hovering at 9 or 10 pounds from my goal weight and I would absolutely do this again. Many will tell you their only regret is not doing this sooner and I agree (although it is a major surgery with some big life changes so I think this is the time when I was ready). And I absolutely could have done a cruise at 6 weeks. You will have to bring shakes and things with you and you will have to enjoy all the many other parts of cruising other than indulging in ALL of the foods available but I’m sure you will find a couple delicacies that you can enjoy that are on plan. My plan does not exclude ANY food. I have had chocolate, pizza, pasta, etc. just in very small amounts but you will want to follow your doctors plan and some are more restrictive. I was on a diet on a cruise and I remember bringing those crystal light to go packages with me and mixing them with a glass of water at dinner which is one tip if you don’t like water a second would be if you don’t feel you can order and eat normal enough to eat in front of people you can just live it up on room service the whole time. My husband was excited to learn that you can have beer delivered to the room. Lol.
  21. ShoppGirl

    Wondering if this is normal?

    I went through insurance but I know someone who paid privately and she didn’t have to go through all the hurdles either. I am not sure if she had to do labs or not but she didn’t have to see the nutritionist or the psychiatrist. Which was all I had to do with insurance. The other medical stuff is as needed to determine you are fit for surgery or to prove comirbidites to insurance companies so it varies person to person. If you think you may have disordered eating (like boredom or emotional eating or binge eating) I would definitely see a bariatric therapist whether they require it or not. I learned after surgery about boredom and emotional eating and I struggle with both. I wish the psychiatrist I had to see had picked up on this so I could have dealt with it before surgery. I wanted the surgery asap but I feel the process has been harder for me dealing with my disordered eating while also doing weight loss phase.
  22. ShoppGirl

    November Surgery Buddies!!!

    If you are allowed caffeine the cafe latte by premiere protein is the only one that didn’t taste too sweet to me post surgery. Also the clear protein waters were less sweet. If you are having serious trouble with the meds you could consider having them compounded into liquid? It’s not cheap but it’s an option for many meds. They can combine some of them so you won’t have to take as many doses. I never thought to ask about the liquid they use though. It may have sugar?? I have to do it for my dog is the only time i have done it. Something to look into.
  23. I do not but congratulations on your surgery date.
  24. lol. I did a lot of searching food and recipes too. I think it’s cause our bodies are starving. I am jealous that you have Aldi’s nearby. My friend has one that lives about two and a half hours away and I think we are going to have to make a day of it someday. I will just bring a big cooler and meet her there. I imagine it will take me quite a while to shop the store the first time the way we have to reading every label but I am looking forward to picking up some of the products I have seen mentioned on here.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
