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About Shanell

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  1. Shanell

    Meat, food UGHHHH!!!!

    Yes!!! Chicken is a no but I will try sauce with it thank you and meatballs make me gag Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  2. Shanell

    Meat, food UGHHHH!!!!

    Thank you so much I hope this helps Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  3. Shanell

    Meat, food UGHHHH!!!!

    Thank you so much Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  4. Okay so I have been told meat holds a lot of protein and thats cool.......... if it stayed down my surgery was 03/12/21 and everything went great Im doing great but when it comes to eating meat its a NO for me only meat that tends to do alright is turkey sandwich meat and ribeye steak cooked right! Fruits and veggies does great especially when its soft but why do I spit up after I eat? I'm getting tired of it, I gotta keep spit bottles with me or plastic cups in my purse[emoji17] its disgusting [emoji1785][emoji2961] do anyone have this issue or is this normal or what I'm doing wrong? Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  5. Shanell


    Thank you!!!! Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  6. Okay yesterday I found myself forcing myself to eat so today I was kinda hungry but still not in the mood to eat did or do anyone have this problem or had this problem? Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  7. Shanell


    Thank you Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  8. Shanell


    Thank you so much Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  9. So for the last two days whwn I go to the bathroom my urine is really foul in the morning.......... so my question is do I need to drink more because its letting me know I'm dehydrated or is that the protein running threw? I'm not itching or burning I have no problems with UTI's I just want to know if anybody else had this problem Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  10. So I'm 3 months out I reached one goal and that was to get to 250 started at 289 so 38 pounds gone so far now for the 50. So my question is can I have Oatmeal????? Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  11. Shanell


    Thank you that means a lot I been Meds way before the surgery I have been diagnosed with depression years ago and I have talk with a therapist before, I'm pretty much strong minded just have my moments. Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  12. Shanell


    Thank you so much!!!! I do have support some out of town and some in town my kids are a big help my parents too and I have 8 lovely dogs that I love and attend to everyday [emoji173] which was my husband pride and joy and believe it or not I'm at peace great peace its just those tough times I know he would help me push threw. Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  13. Shanell


    Thank you much!!!! Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  14. Shanell


    Thank you much!!!! Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app
  15. Shanell


    Thank you so much it means a lot Sent from my SM-S515DL using BariatricPal mobile app

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