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Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Aray611

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  • Birthday 06/11/1995

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  1. Hi, I had gastric bypass in November of 2020. I'm having a hard time finding support buddies. Would anyone be interested in being my buddy? Hw-312 Sw- 274 Gw- 175 Cw-157
  2. Aray611

    weight gain and Water intake?

    I learned ice helps me get some down sometimes but other times, my body doesn't handle the cold well. I see my NUT on Monday so I figured I would wait. I think ill try the milk to see if that helps.
  3. Aray611

    weight gain and Water intake?

    I've been having a hard time with protein shakes in general. I cant keep them down. I do have high protein milk but don't drink that as often as I should. This whole process is a learning experience
  4. I'm 6 weeks post op and have gained about 6lbs. I'm thinking its from not reaching my water goal but not really sure. I get about 2/2.5 16 oz. bottles down a day. Which I know is definitely not enough. Anyone have any ideas on how to get more water in? I use the flavor packets but its still hard to get down.
  5. Aray611

    Stomach pain when eating?

    The last time i saw them was at my 2 week post op. I don't see them again until after the new year.
  6. Everyone loses at different rates. When my mom had the gastric bypass 6 years ago, she started out slow too and then maybe 2 months after surgery she was steady losing weight . It all depends on the person.
  7. Aray611

    Stomach pain when eating?

    I'm in the pureed stage. I've been eating only Greek light yogurt and mushed foods basically. I take like 2-3 bites and feel sick.
  8. Hi, I had gastric bypass 11/17/20 and every time I eat anything, I get super nauseous and feel terrible. Is anyone else having this issue? or does anyone have any recommendations?
  9. My doctor just cleared me for puréed foods but I’m still struggling to get my protein in.
  10. I had gastric bypass on 11/17 and am looking for some support people. If anyone is interested!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
