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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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  1. Like
    sach1 got a reaction from GreenTealael in Why do I feel guilty?   
    Thank you.
    You are right. I need to give it more time.
    But as I said Its my fear and I feel guilty after eating.
    Will definitely observe and adapt changes if needed, like exercise and more water.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app

  2. Like
    sach1 got a reaction from GradyCat in Why do I feel guilty?   
    Thank you.
    But as the other mentioned my program suggested that. And I take lactosefree fat free milk or Protein yoghurt as snack.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app

  3. Like
    sach1 reacted to Queenhkb in Why do I feel guilty?   
    Give yourself some credit and pat yourself on the back for making the decision to get healthier.
    I think that it would be good to give your self grace. Be kind. Your body is not just going through a shock it's an entire way of life that you are changing. So make an effort to stay positive and optimism is key. food intake should follow the dieticians recommended foods.
    You will loose weight. And to keep it off follow the plan like your life depends on it.
    Hang in there. And perhaps Journal your feelings and track your food.
    All the best,

  4. Like
    sach1 reacted to Blue Crystal in Why do I feel guilty?   
    I’m six weeks post-op and had the three week stall as well. Mine lasted for about a week. Also, I wasn’t given any specific goals by my surgeon and dietician except for liquids and Protein. But, they did specify to eat 5-6 small meals per day.
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    sach1 reacted to catwoman7 in Why do I feel guilty?   
    it usually lasts 1-3 weeks. Mine lasted two.
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    sach1 reacted to Jaelzion in Why do I feel guilty?   
    You're doing fine. I lost 15 pounds my first MONTH after surgery. Then 10 the next month and 10 per month for the next year. Stalling early on is very common, just stick with the program and the weight will start coming off again.
  7. Like
    sach1 reacted to PolkSDA in Why do I feel guilty?   
    "Most WLS programs"? No offense is intended, but as others have pointed out, it's frequently the opposite of what you state. Both my surgeon and nutritionist said they want me to be eating at least 4 times per day if not 5-6, but small amounts spaced evenly throughout the day rather than dedicated "meals". Snacking is important IMO.
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    sach1 reacted to Lynnlovesthebeach in The changes we don't talk about   
    After my RNY-120 lbs, but from my highest weight about 3 yrs prior to RNY I've lost 133 lbs!
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    sach1 reacted to Arabesque in Why do I feel guilty?   
    It seems unusual that your surgeon or dietician didn’t give you a plan but ... shrug. Ask for a program you can follow until you discover out what works best for you as you progress & within their recommendations & guidelines. In saying that I wasn’t given a caloric goal just portion size & food recommendations & suggestions.
    Some people can consume more calories than others. I was a small calorie consumer - less than 300 for the first few weeks. I’m not a n avid calorie counter just randomly check but I did record what & how much I ate for the first couple of months.
    You can only eat what you can eat with your much smaller tummy. Unless you force yourself to overeat at every meal, make poor food choices, etc. you’ll lose weight. Eating to excess will cause you lots of discomfort: pain, vomiting, etc.
    But it sounds like you’re committed to the program which will lead to your success. Just take a breathe. You can do this.
    There’s a lot of good information & real life experiences on this site. If you’re unsure, there’s always people here to share what they found worked for them.
    Good luck.

  10. Thanks
    sach1 reacted to Arabesque in Weight loss amount   
    The general rule is the more you have to lose the faster you’ll lose to begin. That ‘s why people on My 600lb Life lose 25-30lbs in a month. I’m not sure what your starting weight was but 18 pounds is a lot of weight to lose in two weeks.
    I lost about 5kg in the first 2 weeks so about 10lbs which seemed pretty average for those with similar height & starting weight to me. But, everyone loses at their own rate as other factors besides just caloric intake can come into play (age, gender, metabolic rate, weight loss history, lifestyle, etc.).
    As long as you’re following your plan & meeting your Protein & fluid goals, you’ll lose weight. Every pound lost is a win in my book. Celebrate each one you lose.

    Congrats on your surgery & good luck on your journey.
  11. Like
    sach1 got a reaction from Betty1971 in Why do I feel guilty?   
    He recommended 30 mins walk 3x a week maximum.
    With kids at home and this weather its difficult for me to go out for a walk.
    I will ask him again what type of exercises I can do at home.
    I agree we are much tougher than we think.
    I will start with stretching and maybe walk on the spit for few minutes.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app

  12. Like
    sach1 reacted to Grammie2 in The changes we don't talk about   
    I had my Bypass Surgery Nov. 4, so it’s only been a month. I have read all your insights, and think I myself may be there someday in the near future. I’ve already been feeling that when I look in the mirror and I see my face seeming to be a little thinner after 20 lb. loss but I have this type of face and jawline that no matter how I look in the mirror my face will look like a turtle with loose skin hanging from her throat!,! I’m almost afraid to think positive. I am just hoping to make it to the regular food phase! My appetite has been deeply hampered by these high Protein Drinks. It has taken away my appetite for anything else. And I’m going on about me, and I’m sorry. This isn’t the topic.
    I wish you all the best in finding peace and happiness in your life, as you continue to work through these times. I’m thankful I was able to see inside your lives a bit.
  13. Like
    sach1 reacted to pmz in The changes we don't talk about   
    I really appreciate what you shared as I'm heading into Gastric Bypass surgery on 12/8/2020.
    I particularly identified with staying with a spouse because I was overweight and felt that no one would want me. I had actually had this surgery scheduled for Feb. 2019, but my husband refused to acknowledge that he had diabetes and developed double vision, so I had to cancel because we felt we could not have both parents incapacitated. There were also issues of mild physical abuse (hitting, pushing), as well as verbal, emotional, and financial abuse. Turns out that I needed to lose his 330 lbs. prior to getting my surgery done and ended a 25 year marriage. Life is so much better!
    I wish you the same feelings of relief, freedom, and confidence. You can do this.
  14. Like
    sach1 reacted to summerset in The changes we don't talk about   
    Yeah well, there are some issues I doubt will ever get better and I know many people struggling with it, regardless of their weight or if they ever were overweight.
    feeling of fat: I often have that "feeling of being fat". I guess the loose skin contributes to this. I know it can't be real. I wear mostly a medium size (depending on the brand I wear either small, medium or large) and that's not "fat". I also can see some bones and muscle definition when looking in the mirror. That's also not "fat". Usually the look in the mirror helps this feeling but sometimes it needs wearing really loose clothes (thanks for being able to wear scrubs at work) or the direct comparison to other people, e. g. in the reflection of a glass door.
    I guess that comes with living in a weight and thinness - and lately also fitness - obsessed culture.
    addiction transfer: not sure, I prefer to call it "obsession transfer". I tend to really get into the biohacking and clean eating stuff when feeling stressed, especially when some things are out of my control (like now).
    Shopping I'm not so sure. One might say I spend too much money on unnecessary things and I wouldn't object but I don't view it as a problem as long as I don't get into financial trouble and I like to treat myself to some nice stuff. However, I'm not sure if that really has something to do with food issues. It could very well be that the issue is that money was always really tight when I grew up and went to university and when I finally got a "real" job I suddenly had money to spend.
    relationships: together with the same guy since September 1994. We went through a lot of things together. We only see each other on weekends and during vacation time because of work and living in different cities and I guess that helps when people have a different lifestyle.
  15. Like
    sach1 reacted to Betty1971 in Why do I feel guilty?   
    Your surgeon should be able to tell you how aggressive your exercises can be. I just had my two week post op and during my lap Sleeve surgery he fixed a hernia and removed a few polyps I had but he still gave me the go ahead to get on the treadmill as much as I want as long as its just a brisk walk. No weight lifting or actual running yet but walking a couple times a day for a couple miles really feels good. Your surgeon should tell you exactly how much for your specific situation you can handle.
    I am an old nurse and can tell you that our bodies are much tougher than we give them credit for. When we feel things tug and pull when we stretch our arms and such it isn't necessarily a bad thing. Those muscles we are guarding need to be used or else we can actually do more harm than good. I nice steady stretch that is slow with deep breathing is a super good way to get blood flow to entire body.

  16. Like
    sach1 got a reaction from GradyCat in Why do I feel guilty?   
    Thank you.
    But as the other mentioned my program suggested that. And I take lactosefree fat free milk or Protein yoghurt as snack.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app

  17. Like
    sach1 reacted to bufbills in Why do I feel guilty?   
    My plan calls for 4-6 meals per day.
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    sach1 reacted to Jaelzion in Why do I feel guilty?   
    Very true. As my weight came down I eventually had to add exercise in order to keep losing. Over time, it may become necessary to change things up.
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    sach1 reacted to ms.sss in Why do I feel guilty?   
    We are not one size fits all and everyone will respond differently to the seemingly endless amounts of programs out there.
    To the OP: Find what works and try not to beat yourself up if you aren’t fitting squarely into a program or whatever. So long as there is a downward trend over time (and your labs come back fine), then its all good.
    Edited to add: of course what works today may not work as effectively a couple months from now. The challenge is to recognize when to maintain the status quo and when its time to re-evaluate and make adjustments.
  20. Like
    sach1 reacted to Jaelzion in Why do I feel guilty?   
    I think this may be my situation as well. Instead of 3 main meals, I've settled into a routine of 5-6 mini-meals. But I weigh and measure everything and overall, my daily caloric intake averages 800-900. I've been able to reach my weight goal and a normal BMI. We're all different.
  21. Like
    sach1 reacted to Kam-R in Why do I feel guilty?   
    I'd respectfully disagree with Grady here. Advice varies in the medical world & each body/stomach is unique. You may require the odd nutritious snack, especially if its high Protein. I'm exercising at a level that requires more protein than many at my stage (I'm pretty new to this too!) My nutritionist wants me to have protein yogurts or bars post work out to prevent muscle loss.
    I know someone who has a long thin stomach & can't fit enough in at normal meal times so must supplement by snacking.
  22. Like
    sach1 reacted to Jaelzion in Why do I feel guilty?   
    700-900 kcal a day does not seem excessive given your current weight. You're only 19 days post-op. Focus on sticking with the eating plan you were given and hitting both Protein and Water goals. Give your new tummy and your prescribed eating plan a chance to work. I was also fearful that surgery would not yield successful results for me but it turned out that what has worked for so many others, worked for me too! Give it a chance. 😊
  23. Like
    sach1 reacted to catwoman7 in Why do I feel guilty?   
    as long as you follow your clinics program, you'll lose weight.
    starving yourself is a terrible idea - your body needs the nutrition and you'll destroy your health if you starve yourself. Plus kill your metabolism. Just follow your clinic's food plan.
  24. Like
    sach1 reacted to Neller in 14 days after WLS   
    It happened to me, too. It’s a stall, and there’s nothing to be done but follow your plan and wait it out. It’s discouraging while it happens, but it’s normal and it WILL end! I dropped another 8 pounds in a week when it finally ended. Hang in there!
  25. Like
    sach1 got a reaction from GradyCat in 14 days after WLS   
    Thank you
    I will stick to it.
    Hope to see more lbs falling off soon.

    Sent from my SM-N960F using BariatricPal mobile app

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