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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Betty1971

  1. It is BUT I have watched too much television and Dr Now gets way better results!! I know I did not weight 600 pounds but golly darn it, that would have been so awesome!!! I am a science freak and I just can't figure out how with calories burned and calories in not changing how that darn stall can find you!! I mean science tells you if you burn 3500 more calories than you take in, the scale should move down one pound. A gallon of water weighs 7 pounds so if you drink a gallon of water and pee a gallon of water you shouldn't have any water retention. If you retain 2 quarts of water you will retain 3.5 pounds. My Apple Watch tells me every day how many calories I burn while I exercise so where did I go wrong??? Science should prevail but that darn stall still won!!! I have carefully tracked every bite of food that went into my mouth for the last 5 weeks and the math does not add up!!! lol oh well it is what it is!!!!
  2. Betty1971

    Skin sagging

    I am using Monat skin care line Rewind.
  3. Betty1971


    Whoop whoop! Really stay on top of the constipation side of things and you will be fine
  4. Betty1971

    No exercise?

    My surgeon gave me a stern talking to when I went back for my 2 week appointment as well. When I went back for my 1 month he was a little more clear. He was fine with a walking program but he didnt want me to get into an aggressive walking program until after my 1 month appointment. He also didnt want me to start any other physical activities until my 6 week appointment, he said he has seen too many people get too aggressive too early when they are feeling good and they tear things up inside. Even though you do not have much for incisions on the outside you had a major surgery on the inside, its very important that everything on the inside is healed well before you start anything more than walking. You do not want to damage anything you cannot see. Just be patient and it will all work out for the best
  5. I guess we are in different places in our weight loss journey. I will not use the word "diet" ever again in the form of calorie restriction. I try to think of food of just plain fuel. I spent almost 50 years using food as a crutch and ate my feelings. I ate when I was happy, bored, sad, glad, mad....any reason I could find to eat I did. Now I think of food as just fuel. I will only use good fuel in my vehicles because cars are expensive and I only have one body so I will just use good fuel in it. I am almost 6 weeks post VSG, in week two I completely purged my house. I got rid of all garbage food. I boxed up all the unopened foods that I wasn't going to use anymore and took them to the local food bank and trashed all the opened stuff. I went on a grocery haul and filled the cupboards with low carb and high protein foods. We live about 60 miles from town (in the middle of nowhere in ND) so if we don't have it we don't eat it. Congrats on not gaining!! That in itself it a huge win!!! I would just focus on protein and fluid and get back on track with your physical activity and keep your mind and body busy. Your so close to your goal just focus on that and run with it!!! I cannot wait for the day when I can see my goal weigh!!!!! What a feeling that must be!!
  6. Betty1971

    Feeling Good About Getting Back to Basics

    Food is just fuel
  7. Betty1971


    When I went in the Dr said they would not touch my intestines due to all the scar tissue, when I had my VSG I they did have a little trouble with some scar tissue because of all of my previous surgical procedures BUT they were able to due it laparoscopically and besides maybe a little more sore due to some muscle pain and I had seven little incisions instead of five or six as I have seen, I had no problems at all. I still have constipation issues, as most do. Stool softness and an occasional ginger tea and abdominal massage take care of that. My dietitian actually claim that I shouldn't have any issue at all because popcorn and other foods that were on my naughty list before are on my naughty list now
  8. Betty1971


    I have had two bowel resections due to diverticulitis. I can tell you from years and years and years of history with it, that there it is awful But if you watch your diet and not eat the things that are on your no no list you wont have issues. I am only 5 weeks post VSG and I have not had any issues at all but I haven't had any desire to eat any foods that are on my no no list. It by no means affected my surgery. I actually went in wanting the gastric bypass but with my history of having the bowel resections due to dead tissue from bad diverticulitis bouts they said they didnt want to mess with my bowels so they decided they wanted to go with the sleeve. I was disappointed at first but I have done super good with it and lost over 40 pounds so far so I am pleased. Just take the horrible meds until they are gone, stay away from all the foods they tell you to stay away from and you will be fine
  9. I wanted to be safe and not pop back up into the 2's but I think 10 pounds is very safe so ........its a Christmas miracle!!!! I am 190 today with a dry weight!!! Its such an amazing feeling knowing that this surgery was the correct decision and even though at times I wish I could take a big bite of something super satisfying or grab a cold soda this is a much better feeling!!! I have been able to get rid of so many medications in a month its just plain crazy!!!! What a ride folks what a ride
  10. I had the sleeve and before the sleeve I had three bowel resections due to diverticulitis, so I have had constipation issues most of the last 15 years. The sleeve only made it worse BUT I have found that ginger tea, hot baths and a stool to put my feet up helps a great deal on my poop day. I also have to day a stool softener every night and I only poop every three days. That is a lot of poop information right there but you will find that pooping becomes a very important part of your life right now!!!! I found chewable exlax is very helpful in that third day!!!
  11. Betty1971

    hesitant to start regular food

    OK, call me a big ole chicken or something but I am a little over three weeks post op (gastric sleeve) and besides a constipation I haven't had any issues: knock on wood. I am still losing weigh at a pretty good clip, I haven't run into my 3 week stahl yet, I am walking about 3 miles a day, I am getting my protein and water in but I am afraid to start eating a regular soft diet. I don't know exactly what I am afraid of either. I just look at foods and see carbs, fats and calories......... My husband was supposed to be in his two week prep for his surgery but it was rescheduled due to the COVID garbage (yea now we can pay a deductible again) but I am cooking for him. He is willing to do anything I want or need to do to comply with my diet but I am perfectly content with my bone broth, protein shake, and egg every day! Has anyone else really had a hard time diving into a regular diet? I don't know if its because I don't have an appetite or if I am really loving this weigh loss or if I am becoming a little psycho about it all!!! LOL I asked the dietitian and she said as long as I am getting in my protein and water and all my labs come back in line not to get concerned unless I am ??? I did not think that answered my question!
  12. Christmas is looking a little different around our place this year. We went and did some secret Santa drop offs last night that was kind of fun. Just dropped off a few boxes of gifts to a few neighborhood families that were really affected by the COVID and had a lot of fun with it but with being one month post VSG I planned on a low key Christmas because I wasn't sure how I would be feeling about everything. Sad thing is I AM FINE!! I am cooking a big bird and a ham and all the fixings and we have a few folks who don't have anywhere to to coming by. I don't mind not eating at all. I mean I can taste it and know its fantastic and let everyone else feel miserable!! We live in the tundra of North Dakota and its a whopping -11 right now so we are planning on going ice fishing this weekend with the nephews and processing our deer from this fall. I was so afraid of the surgery because of the bad wrap it gets from the few bad stories out there and I have had a couple of bad days but all in all it has definitely been the best decision I have made in a very long time and I am so please with the outcome so far!!! Its only up from here (or down on the scale) LOL
  13. Holy cats, has anyone measured themselves in inches instead of pounds? I am using the app Baritastic to log my food and for fun I took my measurements at right before surgery and then at the two week post op and now today. If anyone gets caught up in the scale I would highly suggest keeping track of measurements. The scale has slowed down a tad this last week, its still trending down ward but not as swiftly as the last few weeks but the I have lost 18 inches in two weeks! I thought that must be an error so I tried on some clothes because clothes don't lie right?? I mean the last two weeks have been stretch pants, sweat pants and PJs most of the time and you really do not notice much in them so I got out some blue jeans and tops and I can say that the measuring tape does not lie either!!
  14. Betty1971

    Hmmm, change of plans

    Food will be there next week!! whoop whoop!!
  15. Betty1971

    800 calorie

    Its not just water, I get at 90 plus of liquid in. My mornings start out with a big mug of bone broth instead of coffee and that is about 12 ounces, and we farm so this is my "off time". By off time I mean I am in the house most of the day. So I am up about 6am and after my bone broth I fill up my cirkul bottle with just plain ice water and it holds 20 ounces. I make a reminder on my phone to chime every hour (not an annoying alarm, just a light chime) and when it chimes it just reminds me to check where I am on my bottle. I have black sharpie marks on the bottle to kind of show where I need to be and now I am normally further along than where I need to be, by 10 am I try to be done with that bottle. I refill that bottle and turn up the flavor on it, I was getting tired of plain ice water so I pick a different flavor every now and again and set the reminder on the phone again for 2pm. By to 2pm I am past 50 ounces and just keep going until bedtime, I actually take a bottle to bed with me as well. I do another bone broth in the evening for more protein and water. I do spend a lot of time peeing. I don't know how this will work once I am out in the field this spring unless I wear a diaper but as long as I am in the house it works. I have also found it does help a lot with the constipation
  16. I did cottage cheese, eggs and my first meats were deli meats cut super small in with my eggs or cottage cheese. Less is definitely more!! Its that one last bite that can make an enjoyable event absolutely miserable!! Just take it slow and chew well!
  17. Betty1971

    800 calorie

    I drink a lot bone broth three times a day and I am lucky that I love water! I drink water all day and even in the night. I have the cirkul bottle and set it low and can suck on water all day and night long!!! I am like a baby with a binky!!! LOL
  18. Betty1971

    800 calorie

    I am close to that 500 calories now. I guess a shake isn't going to kill me, I just keep thinking that if it isn't broke dont fix it!! LOL
  19. Betty1971

    800 calorie

    I was getting my protein in with my meals and bone broth and really felt that the shakes were just adding extra calories. She agreed that my protein needs are being met with my current diet but she would like to see more calories as well.
  20. Lets be honest here. We all have reasons for being big in the first place and one of mine was a toxic relationship with my mother. I ate my feelings. I will never get any type of positive reaction from her so I have quit looking for one. I know my success is eating at her and in a way that just makes me want to succeed even more, yes I know that is a little juvenile but it is what it is Just be happy in your own skin and know that your success only needs to make you happy!!
  21. Betty1971

    800 calorie

    my calorie count went down when I went from full liquid to soft because I quit the protein shakes, and now to go up to 800 just seems like a big jump. I will slowly climb and get there but its going to be a gradual climb!!! LOL
  22. Betty1971

    Blessed with a sensitive stomach

    It is like going to Vegas, since they basically remove your stomach, you will not know what your going to get until your all healed up. Just remember when your healing to take your protonics, follow the Drs directions about what not to put into your new sleeve and treat it well so it heals well. Before I had surgery I had a lot of tummy issues, I was a big time puker. I was nauseous a few times the first week and puked once after drinking orange juice in week three but even puking if different with the sleeve.
  23. Betty1971

    7 days post-op.

    All I can tell you is just keep your mind busy. You can drive yourself crazy wondering if your hungry, sore, full or constipated! If your busy this month will go by quickly and life will get better. Just drink lots of water, try to get the protein in, but walk around ALOT and keep busy. time is your enemy, the more you think about things the more it will bother you. your job is to drink water, protein and walk and before you know it you will be at week 5 sitting down to supper with the family eating 1/2 a chicken breast and carrots and will have forgotten all about the liquid diet I promise this too shall pass.
  24. Betty1971

    7 days post-op.

    I am a month post op VSG and I can tell you that it gets much better fast. Try to get up and move around and stay as busy as you can to keep your mind active. The busier your mind is the less you think about it and faster time goes. Keep that water close and work on water and protein and the rest will work itself out. The more you can move about and get that water in the happier your body will be in the long run! Life will be normal in about a month, normal will look a little different and your plate will be smaller but we had our first real meal tonight (today was my first day off soft foods) and although my plate was small it was dinner as usual. Happy Holidays

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