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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mswillis5

  1. mswillis5

    Random Pre-op Questions

    I took biotene dry mouth spray, found at CVS, Walgreens or Walmart or online. My wife and I really used it a few times as it gives a fresh mint flavor and helps to moisturize the mouth. We also had dilaudid and it worked for us in the hospital. Our doctor did give us hydrocodone but we only took one dose before transitioning to just tylenol as our pain was not that bad. I can't comment on the other items as my wife and I never had anything like that during our surgery.
  2. mswillis5

    6 weeks po

    You are losing weight perfectly and definitely at a great pace. It definitely takes time. For the sagging skin issue, after 100lbs of weight loss I definitely notice some sagging skin but I have a lot of skin elasticity and shouldn't need plastic surgery. My wife however had skin rolls before surgery and after she is in maintenance we are already financially preparing for her plastic surgery as we know she will have lots of loose skin.
  3. My incisions had pain for a little over a week but my wife had some incisions that took 3 weeks for the pain to subside. Her problem was that her pants hit the major incision and she was in quite a bit of pain for a while and had to hold the incision area to help relieve the pain.
  4. mswillis5


    We went with friends to a sushi restaurant and had "low-carb" sushi. It was a sushi roll wrapped with a rice paper and instead of rice it was filled with crab meat. That is about as close to sushi as we feel comfortable at this point. Of the 6 pieces in the roll, my wife and I were able to eat 2 each before we were full. We both had surgery together on 11/11 and we only tried this sushi about 2 weeks ago.
  5. Salt is definitely needed at this point. I used the broth of progresso soups and it helped to relieve the headache almost immediately.
  6. Don't rule out protein powder for drinks when you are traveling. The single serving pouches stuffed into a mixing bottle is a great way to go during the weight loss phase.
  7. mswillis5

    Mini melt down

    First, welcome to Arizona and the warm temperatures that await you. You will be able to get warm weather clothes when you get here as that is pretty much all that is sold in the stores here. I have been having a tough time with clothes recently as well. I have been wearing a XXL and size 44 shorts until recently. This is after 100lbs of weight loss and I thought it still looked good on me. My family on the other hand has said otherwise and told me to go get new clothes. I recently went shopping and bought a 38 size shorts thinking that these would be my new size. I took the shorts home to try on and they fell off without a belt on, there were multiple inches of clearance. I went back and exchanged them for a size 34 and they fit. It is amazing that the sizes go so quickly. I also bought a few size L shirts but they were still too loose so I went back and grabbed a few M and they fit perfectly. I still am in shock that I am wearing a M shirt and 34 shorts now when it has only been a couple of months since surgery. I haven't been this weight in a very long time. My wife and I just had surgery together in November and have lost a lot of weight so far. She is also having to buy new clothes and she does not like shopping at all. The only reason she goes to get new clothes is because the children that she works with tug on her pants and she doesn't want them to fall off. Body dysmorphia is no joke and I agree that this whole issue is just a massive head game.
  8. mswillis5

    Protein Donut

    I am in agreement. These donuts do not taste good and have a bad after taste. I do enjoy smart cakes and smart muffins.
  9. mswillis5

    Pre Op Diet!

    I have tried them and they tasted pretty good. What my wife and I really did was we took a prepackaged soup ( (broth based progresso, cambells, etc.) and we strained them during preop. This helped us with the flavor as they were seasoned well. You could argue that these have a lot of salt, but we didn't do more then 1 or two a day and when I went in for my preop blood test, my electrolytes and salt were still low.
  10. My wife and I did a few last meals before our surgeries. When we scheduled our surgery we only had 2 days before to eat whatever we wanted before we started our Preop diet. We ate responsibly and didn't over eat at that time. Our last meal was sushi and we did enjoy it. We are working on eating only foods that are an 8/10 for us and that has helped us so far on our journey.
  11. mswillis5

    Insurance Denied- Weight Gain

    Drink over 64 oz of water a day. Being hydrated helps you to lose weight too. The broth of canned soups (strained soups) also helped me.
  12. I lost 17 lbs during Preop, and 60lbs since surgery 99 days ago. So since starting Preop on October 27th I have lost 77 lbs. Started Preop at 260 and am down to 183 today. It is amazing how quickly it goes. My wife also had the sleeve on 11/11 and she is down 66 lbs so far since starting pre-op.
  13. mswillis5

    Vitamin Patches?

    The reason your nutritionist said not due is most likely due to the fact that the studies on them are still in progress. The only finished study I found said that B12 and D3 were still low after those. I am trying the patches but am also taking oral D3 and B12 with this information known. Edit: I only bought a 1 month supply (before surgery) but never used them so I am only using htem while waiting on some bariatric pills to ship in. I am working on still taking pills to cover the vitamins as they have a lot higher rate of absorption and have more studies already done on them without deficiencies.
  14. mswillis5

    3 months post surgery thoughts...

    It sounds like you are doing great and I agree with everything you said. The head games really are tough and are going to be one of the hardest things that I myself have to work on as well. I also had surgery just a few days before you and have gone from 260 to 184. This surgery has changed my life significantly and I can do every task that I need to do without huffing and puffing like I once was. I feel like I now have my life back. I will mention that body dysmorphia is real as well. I have also had what I call weight dysmorphia, I forgot what I weighed in at and was really confused until I saw the previous weight and I was in a lower weight bracket than before.
  15. My story has been a journey and has a lot of ups and downs. Hopefully I can convey all that I can remember. When I was young I was always large. The youngest that I remember my weight was when I was in 8th grade and was 4'8" and 180lbs. In 10th grade I was 5'6" and 220 lbs and that was might high weight then. I went on medication for ADHD shortly after this time and I dropped down to 175lb and graduated high school smaller than when I went in. Throughout the years following I fluctuated considerably and went between 220 and 175 until I met my wife. Shortly after marriage I had a construction job and dropped to 145lbs. That is the lowest that I have been in my adult life. I have struggled quite a bit with Binge eating and it has affected my relationship with food. In the 14 years since I was 145lb I gained every year and grew to 280lbs. Of course there were times that I dieted and lost weight and times where I was able to maintain my weight but it has been a constant struggle since childhood. My entire family is obese and I have never seen my mother at a healthy weight. Her health issues are one of the reasons why I choose to have bariatric surgery. In fact, my older brother had bariatric surgery about 14 months ago. With all of the health issues that my family has faced, I had to change my mindset of how I ate. Over the recent last few years I have fluctuated between 280 down to 240 and then back again. When I was at my highest weight I lost a job and that affected me mentally quite a bit. I went into quite the depression and finally sought help. This psychologist has changed my life in a way I was never able to achieve. She was able to help diagnose the Binge eating disorder and re-diagnosed me with ADHD. This was the start of my change in my relationship with food. Along with the binge eating, I also never had a sense of fullness or hunger. If I chose I could go without food all day long. Most days though I would eat all day and never calculated how many calories that I ate. At night I would also go back and eat and then shortly after would go and eat more. This was a bad cycle that I have been working on breaking and the diagnosis has helped me with this. 12 months ago I weighed in at 280. After the diagnosis and medication to help, I started to lose weight. I was able to get down and maintain between 250 and 260lbs, just by removing the extra snacking that I was doing during the day. Last June, my wife and I started to have some health issues and we sought treatment for them. I had a hand injury and started to go to therapy for this and my wife had swollen joints and started to get tests to figure out what was going on. My wife and I have both been large and have sibling who are also obese. By August we were able to get a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis for my wife. After the therapy sessions, I was not getting better and by September I had surgery to resolve my hand issues. At the time of my surgery my wife and I had determined that we should look into and pursue Bariatric surgery if we could as we were told this may help with her symptoms. We found a surgeon and proceeded with getting approved. Since we had done medically supervised diets already, we were able to take this previous diets and apply them to our application for insurance approval. By October, only one month after meeting the surgeon we had our endoscopy and were finalizing the requirements. We were able to submit to insurance shortly after this and were approved within 1 week. On November 11th, 2020 my wife and I both had the gastric sleeve surgery. It has been quite the journey so far. During the Pre-op diet we both lost over 16 lbs. After surgery we have both been about on pace with each other with weight loss. In the previous year, I am closing 100lbs of weight loss since I lost ~20 lbs before I had the surgery. My wife and I are at weights that we have not seen in over 10 years now and are working toward keeping it off. My wife still has quite a bit more to go and I am approaching maintenance weight very quickly and could be at my maintenance weight in the next month or so if the weight loss continues at the rate it is going. The good news is that the health of my wife has improved significantly since surgery and we have both been able to do more physically than we were able to do in a very long time. We are ready for what the future holds for us and are working together to make this lifestyle a success.
  16. mswillis5

    Testerone Replacement Therapy

    I have low T and have done the T-gel before and now do shots every couple of weeks. With the signs of low T, I have always had it. I have been doing shots for 2 years now and it does help. Since I only had surgery a few months ago I can't comment long term on this but I haven't noticed any significant changes to the low T after surgery. I haven't had blood work recently but should do more labs in the next month or so to check where my levels are at.
  17. My wife and I had surgery the same day and I will say that our pains were both similar but different. For me the pain was mainly at the incisions and that pain lasted 4-5 days. It was also very tolerable and for the most part I took tylenol at night to help me sleep. My wife on the other hand had a slightly harder time with the pain as her pants and clothes put pressure on the incisions and her pain seemed to last a few weeks. Her pain was also mostly in the incision pain but she also had a hiatal hernia repair and some of her pain may have been from the correction of that. I did not have a hiatal hernia so I didn't experience that pain. I wish you success with your surgery and a speedy recovery. The liquid diet was not the easiest for me and I had issues at the beginning of it. I found that I had to increase my salt intake as my electrolytes were out of balance and it affected the way that I felt.
  18. I will try to give some advice but I was recently sleeved on 11/11/20 and have not experienced hunger. I will say though that I never had hunger or fullness before surgery (one of the reasons I had this surgery). I do have fullness now though which has been amazing for me. I believe if you are newly sleeved and you "think" that you are hungry then it is most likely head hunger. I have had stomach grumblings and with drinking water all day, I am not certain how others might be hungry after drinking so much. My wife also had surgery the same day as me and she has not been hungry at this point either.
  19. Consult on 9/15 and surgery on 11/11. We had already done the 6 month diet requirements though and just had to get documentation for it. We also had to complete the other requirements but were able to get them completed very quickly.
  20. My wife and I had VSG in November and we only took 1 pain pill after our 1 night hospital stay. The most pain that we had at home as about a 2 on the pain scale and it was at the incision sites. Her pain did last a little longer than mine as her clothes touched an incision site, but she handled the pain very tolerably until it was fully gone about 2 weeks later. She didn't take pain meds for that pain as it was more an inconvenience type of pain. We had surgery on a Wednesday and we could have worked from home on Monday if we had chosen as we felt that good after surgery.
  21. My surgeon had me do a stomach ultrasound at preop to determine if removing the gallbladder was necessary. It is very common to have your gall bladder out at the same time as it is in the location of the surgery. Definitely tell your surgeon and they can advise you further on this.
  22. mswillis5

    November 2020 sleevers

    I went to buy some new shorts a few weeks ago since my shorts were falling off when I unfastened the belt due to the weight loss. I was a size 44 and thought I must be in a size 38 so took them home and they also were falling off. I went back and found some stretchy size 34 shorts and they are a bit tight but they fit pretty well and are not overly tight. I am shocked at how quickly these sizes have changed. My wife also had VSG surgery the same day as me and has kept up with my weight loss (since we started the pre-op diet) and we are within 10 lbs of losing the same amount of weight. She had kids tugging on her pants and she would have to grab them at the last second or they would come off. She also bought some new pants and is now down 6 sizes. She also has some older pants from when she was smaller so she is able to wear these as she is downsizing. This journey has been amazing for us and we have now lost more than our 11 year old daughter weighs now. Our 11 year old is just barely shorter than my wife, so my wife has the ultimate goal to be our daughters current weight when she is done. My wife and I have never had a significant stall during this weight loss phase. We usually have a few days where our weight stays the same but it has never been more than a few days.
  23. mswillis5

    What Should I Pack For VSG Surgery?

    I kept my list pretty simple. Biotene Dry Mouth spray, charging cords for tablet and phone, toothbrush/toothpaste, face wipes. I wore the same clothes out that I wore in since I was in a hospital gown the entire time. I only spent 26 hours at the hospital, so I didn't really need anything else.
  24. I agree, 8lbs since surgery is around 1/2 lb per day. That is pretty good weight loss. There will be stalls (3 week stall) and times where the weight just falls off. Just stick with the plan that you have been given and the weight should continue to come off.
  25. Just to make you aware, Fairlife has quite a few different ones and the Refrigerated Strawberry version defintely didn't taste that great. The ones that we like are the Chocolate and Salted Carmel Fairlife Nutrition Shakes. https://www.samsclub.com/p/fair-life-nutrion-plan-salted-caramel-30g-protein-shake/prod24964063?xid=plp_product_3 I have also liked the Pure Protein shakes as they are also low sugar but high protein and have a good flavor. https://www.amazon.com/Pure-Protein-Complete-Shakes-Chocolate/dp/B07ZZCM9SZ/ref=sxts_sxwds-bia-wc-rsf1_0?cv_ct_cx=pure+protein+shakes&dchild=1&keywords=pure+protein+shakes&pd_rd_i=B07ZZCM9SZ&pd_rd_r=447e18f3-aba5-4ffc-a89e-adefa5a86e0e&pd_rd_w=iGO7P&pd_rd_wg=rLVcF&pf_rd_p=e0f994a8-a359-40a9-8917-dadca71c7184&pf_rd_r=9JN5DHXBH98H1SAHNK57&psc=1&qid=1611640299&sr=1-1-526ea17f-3f73-4b50-8cd8-6acff948fa5a

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
