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Glowup Jess

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About Glowup Jess

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  1. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Hey ! Happy holidays !! My weight when I started was 256, surgery date 242. The doctor did not tell me to lose weight. He just said don’t gain . good luck !
  2. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    I’m coming up on solid foods in a couple days and I can’t believe it ! I’m glowing, I really did it. it’s about to be 6 weeks next week. I haven’t seen this number on the scale in years. I’m so happy I went through with this it’s worth it
  3. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    same! i put my scale away a couple days ago and plan to just do weekly weigh ins on tuesdays (that was the day I had my surgery) i hear around the 3 week mark (where I am) there is a weight loss stall phenomena called the "dreaded 3 week stall" it doesn't happen to everyone. I decided I didn't want to step on the scale daily and get frustrated anyone not get their cycle after surgery? i'm two days late and haven't started it yet. I usually get my period like clockwork. No chance of pregnancy
  4. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Hey everyone today is the last day of October I hope everyone is doing well! I had my sleeve done 10/13 . My beginning weight was 251, surgery weight 242, and current weight is 226 i move to soft foods in 2 days! Can’t wait to have ricotta bake, shredded chicken, and tuna salad I also had a fuckboyectomy. I lost an additional 230 lbs of dead weight who wasn’t supportive *kanye shrug*
  5. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    i had my surgery 10/13. my gas pain is gone now thank God. i'm on puree foods and my favorite thing to eat is refried beans. Next monday I move to the next phase where I can have moist meats, cheese, tomato sauce and well cooked veggies.the ounces i can eat vary depending on the texture. for example.. i can drink a protein shake easily. but refried beans i only can tolerate 2 oz. i've been listening to my cues and i usually hiccup when i'm full. i put my fork down every bite. i've been using those baby spoons to eat and it works so well tricking my mind into thinking i'm taking more food in. a puree meal i enjoy is ricotta/cottage cheese bake. i mix some egg beater in there and 1tb of the cheese packet from mac and cheese box. season with pepper salt garlic poweder and onion. bake in the oven and it taste like a "mac and cheese" flavor. one serving is 17 grams of protein
  6. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    phase 3 started yesterday and had some uncomfortable pain in my stomach. I don’t think I’m ready to advance yet. I might do liquids/ protein for another week i Have an appt with my dietician this Tuesday going to discuss it
  7. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Good luck to everyone with upcoming dates ! Skin tip: keep skin moisturized. Right after shower oil body up or use body butter. Dry brush. Massage your body. Exfoliate 2 - 3 times a week. Food: keto ideas (when cleared for solid food)
  8. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Today is the final day of stage 2 liquids/protein shakes. I finally can have 2 full premier proteins. Miso soup broth also saved me I’d suggest that over chicken broth. Sugar free popsicles for the win I start stage 3A tomorrow. I’m excited to make some egg bites. This stage only last 10 days and then the stage I been waiting for starts nov 2 ! Looking forward to the infamous ricotta bake
  9. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Do you have a pill cutter ?
  10. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Congrats on the surgery Yes that part hurts! What helps me is having something to grab on when I get up. Using my arm muscles only and not my core/ abs. The sneezes are something else but after time the pain subsides
  11. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Thank you 💕💕
  12. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Day 5 post op Still feeling bad. Gas pain is intense and my nausea came back and I vomited. Went to the ER and my blood pressure is 157/80. Super high for me cuz I’m usually low around 110. They’re running labs on me on top of this I’m dealing with a lot of personal drama that’s impacting my recovery
  13. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    I noticed people mention the largest inciscion. When does this muscle soreness subside ? Did they sow the abdominal muscles back together? I never felt my insides pull like this before. I don’t have any kids so I have nothing to go by. I’m just now realizing the steps needed to do this surgery and I was like oh my .. no wonder why I feel a bit crappy. each day goes by I feel better though
  14. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Hey I’m day 3 post op and I still feel muscle tenderness and bad gas. I sneezed last night and almost wanted to cry! The pain was excruciating I finished 1 shake earlier and it looks like I’ll finish my second this evening around 8-9 fluids are good, Urine is light yellow. Sugar free Gatorade is saving me right now! Might do some broth later
  15. Glowup Jess

    Anyone for October 2020?

    Sugar free Powerade for electrolytes

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
