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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by di1138

  1. di1138

    why can't I eat

    You could still be sick but when in doubt call your surgeon. Hope you feel better!
  2. You guys all have the right attitude. Thanks! I think I got cranky because i heard it from three people in three days. Good luck to all of you! You are doing great!
  3. Also remember you just had surgery with crappy anesthesia which makes you feel tired. I had no energy for about 2 weeks after. That will change. People here are just concerned that you are careful and want you to be successful. Dont be afraid to call your doctor with questions too. After all he didn't do the surgery for free!:grouphug:
  4. Remember you first pounds are water weight. Many of us lose a lot the first few weeks. The heavier you are the more you lose in the beginning. PLEASE follow your doctors advise on adding food. You are in the healing process and must do as he/she says. Remember this is a life style change and the band is an excellent tool when used correctly. Good luck on your journey to good health!
  5. di1138

    New here!

    Hi and good luck! You will find that this site will help you along your journey!
  6. di1138

    sauna suits

    I never tried it but doesn't it just make you lose water? Can't you get dehydrated from it?
  7. And to add to the above response, boost up your exercise. Good luck and keep on going.
  8. di1138

    Has anyone heard of or experienced...

    I never thought about it one way or another. I didn't even think to ask the doctor about it. But I do have 3. One under my breast bone, one at the port by my belly button and one to the right mid way between the breast and belly button. they are all rather small and really are not a concern to me. Good luck with your surgery.
  9. I agree with what the others have said but would like to add ; are you sure the hives are from anxiety? Could it be something in your diet, surroundings or even meds? It could be an allergy that just popped up too. Good luck. Hope you feel better soon!
  10. I am glad to hear you did it safely and are healthy. That is what is important. I have done well on my 1100-1200 calories with just about 95 lbs in 7 months. I think the exercise helped. I think some days we get hung up on calories and rapid weight lost that we forget that the goal is good heath.
  11. di1138

    My own friends don't notice???

    Don't worry, they noticed but could be jealous or concerned about your feelings. Most I find are jealous. Finally after I lost 90 lbs one said "i see you lost some weight, do you think you will keep it off this time?" I responded I hope so and then offered her some of my old clothes which she took! Don't be discouraged you are doing great!!
  12. di1138

    food amount question

    I eat between 1000-1200 calories per day. I do go to the gym 5-6 days a week and vary my workout between aerobics, weights and have just started yoga. My normal day is breakfast: either 100 calories of oatmeal mixed with a non fat yogurt or egg beaters (3 servings 3/4 a cup) with veggies and one slice of fat free cheese. For lunch I tend to make a protein smoothie. I find it cures my desire for ice cream. I use one cup skim milk, one serving of vanilla unjury or bariatric advantage protein mix, 2 cups of frozen strawberries and a couple of sweet n lows in a blender. Sometimes I mix a half of serving of vanilla and a half of serving of chocolate with the milk, a teaspoon instant decaff coffee with the milk, sweet n low and ice in a blender. It makes a lot so I sip it. Dinner is a protein and veggies. Sometimes I eat a lean cuisine or smart choice dinner that is between 140 -180 calories. Then later I have my snack. I buy the 60 calorie string cheese and a 100 calorie bag of popcorn. If my calories allow I will have one or two servings of diet 25 calorie hot chocolate some time during the day. I track my calories, protein etc on livestrong.coms daily plate. My doctor suggest 70 or more ( if exercising a lot )grams of protein a day. My weight loss has slowed down as I approach my goal but all in all I am happy with the weight loss and I am not hungry. Good luck. I hope this helps.
  13. di1138

    food amount question

    My doctor said no more than a cup of food. I have good restriction so that does it for me. I however eat 4 times a day in order to get enough protein. My 4th meal is very small maybe 60 calorie string cheese and 100 calorie popcorn or a yogurt.
  14. Remember you need good nutrition. I find it hard to believe you can consume the right enough of vitamins minerals and proteins on 600 calories a day even with suppliments. Your body does not burn efficiently on that few calories. You go into starvation mode. If you don't get enough protein your body will attack your muscle, which is dangerous. Your heart is a muscle. You really have to take in to consideration your own body's metabolism and how much you exercise. In the beginning, before I started at the gym I ate about 1000 calories a day. Since I now go to the gym 6 days a week for 2 hours I eat 1200 - 1300 and still lose about 2 lbs a week. Remember protein first. Good luck.
  15. di1138

    Yoga - hallelujah :)

    Funny that I saw your post today. I just came back from my first yoga class! I have been going to the gym and doing aerobics and some weights since Oct but I knew I was not stretching or feeling limber. I too had back surgery years ago but not as severe as yours. I didn't think yoga would be as tough as it was. I fell way behind but really enjoyed the stretch! I asked the instructor if she thought I should continue since I was way behind and she said YES! Give it 6 weeks and I will be very surprised how far I will come. I look forward to my next class on sunday! Good luck to you!
  16. di1138

    Can someone please kick my butt??

    No butt kicking here, how about a hug? No one was more addicted to ice cream and chocolate than me! I use protein smoothies once a day for lunch (bariatric advantage or unjury, 8 oz of skim milk 2 -21/2 cups of frozen strawberries and some sweet n low mixed in a blender) That stops me from eating ice cream. It really makes a large amount for about 350 calories or less. (remember it is a meal replacement) To feed my chocolate addiction I use swiss miss sugar fee hot chocolate. 25 calories per cup. I do get tempted but think about how much work I need to do in the gym to burn it off. Believe me that helps! Good luck and don't give up!
  17. I still cant get over how different doctors are. I weighed 250 when I had surgery and he only required a 3 day pre-op diet. I started losing right after surgery on the post op diet. Good luck, I hope you get your date.
  18. di1138

    Pain while doing Ab work

    I get it too. The doctor said it could be the tubing to the port pushing on the muscle.. He said it is definitely not the band, He said you feel the band"problems" by your chest bone or in your back. As long as it is just a "feeling" of minor discomfort he said not to worry.
  19. di1138

    Tired of feeling sick!!!

    I am so sorry you are going through all of this. In addition to talking in detail with your surgeon I would suggest your mental health professional too. When starting out I was told that the band is a tool that can really help you lose weight but it is not a magic bullet. In order to feel well and be successful you must follow the rules. One is no drinking with meals. This was very hard for me too but it is a must. If really necessary just take a sip. You could be feeling sick because you are eating and drinking too much. I have dry heaved twice since being banded. One time was after the gym when I downed a bottle of water in minutes. Finally after an hour I dry heaved. It took a couple of hours to feel better. The second time was when I went out for dinner. I know I ate too much and did not chew well ( and yes that is a very important rule, chew chew chew and than chew some more !) I felt terrible for hours. Please try weaning yourself off the sweet tea. Calories do count. Perhaps you could cut back and dilute it little by little. I was very addicted to diet soda and had to give it up cold turkey because of the carbonation. Now I don't miss it. In fact the other day I took a few sips and didn't like it. I drink water with lemon and Ice tea with sweetnlow. Also remember your protein. Eat your protein first. It helps you feel fuller longer. I wish you good luck and hope you feel better soon.
  20. Steve, have you asked your doctor about it? I only get discomfort and gas if I eat too fast or too much. I had an upset stomach twice when I chugged a bottle of Water after the gym. I really drank way to fast. Other than that I feel "normal"
  21. Chew chew chew and savor your bites. Make sure you take small bites. I found eating slowly was the hardest thing to get used too. However when you do you don't have pain and you do feel satisfied. Enjoy what you eat. Try slowing down. Hope this helps. Good luck.
  22. First congratulations on having lost weight! I am no expert but it does sound like you are eating healthy. The next thing is are your portions too big? How much are you eating? Is your cheese and milk low fat? How much protein? You mentioned that you have very little restriction which might be the problem. I would suggest another fill. I find keeping a food journal ( I use livestrong.com) noting my portions helps keep me honest. For instance I use half and half in my coffee and it can add another 100 calories to my day if I don't watch the amount I use. One day I ate 4 sugar free fudgecicles and added 180 calories without thinking about it. Don't get discouraged you are on the right track.
  23. My Doctor is Carson Liu in West Wood. I love him to pieces! Surgery was a breeze and he gives you a real fill. I was restricted after my first. I had to go back for a second after 4 months. Some doctors have you running back and forth every 6 weeks for months. Just google Dr. Carson Liu CA and you will find him.
  24. I think what you are feeling is normal. I had discomfort for about 2 weeks after surgery. Not pain just odd ache. I could not physically feel my port ( with my fingers) until I lost 60 lbs. If you have any concerns you should call your doctor. Remember he didn't do the surgery for free Good luck on your journey.

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