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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by di1138

  1. di1138

    I'm struggling

    You are headed in the right direction by exercising. It really will get your metabolizing going. Always stick to the basic rules and you will be fine. Protein first, no drinking with eating etc. I still and probably always will log my food for the day. It is so easy to kid ourselves into eating extra calories that slip through the band. I use livestrong.com- daily plate. It has just about everything and every brand in their data base. Above all do not give up! Good luck and let us know how you progress.
  2. My question would be how do we justify God answering a prayer to win a game, as some believe but he ignores a Mothers prayer to save her dieing child or chooses one child over another. ( my on belief is he does not control these things.)
  3. di1138

    Why You Shouldn't Eat Salad

    My doctor encouraged me to eat salad with lettuce as well as all other veggies. He did tell me that "stringy" veggies could get stuck. I have no problem with eating salad as long as I chew. Of course as you suggested I do eat dark green leaf items too. I think perhaps as with most foods everyone is different. By the way I have a problem with beans making my my stomach upset. So like I said everyone is different. By the way I dont understand your comment that lettuce is hard on the band? If it is mostly water how can that be?
  4. di1138

    Only lose 50% of desired amount of weight?

    Everyone is different. I think some people go into this with the idea it is an easy fix rather than a tool. They do not follow the "rules" and therefore do not do as well as others. I love my band and love the fact it has allowed me to focus on a healthy life style. I think if you go into it with your eyes open you will do great! Good luck!
  5. di1138


    I lost slightly over 100 lbs as of this morning!! I now have to pick my goal weight! I hope I know when I get there! I love my band!! Just want to say if I can do it anyone can! I have yo-yo-ed for years. This is the first time I feel confident I will keep it off!:smile2:
  6. di1138

    I admit to...

    I am proud of you!!!!!! Now remember tomorrow just tell your self you are going to move your body again! By the way I can not do a pull up or push up to save my life! I gave up on the pull up and keep trying to do the push up but my upper body strength still stinks! I will keep plugging if you do too!!!:drool:
  7. di1138

    I admit to...

    start slow.. the energy will come. Start at 5-10 minutes what ever you can do and then increase a bit every day. You will find you respond quickly. When I started at the gym I could not do 3 minutes on the elliptical. Now I have fantastic endurance. Find something you like to do. I started yoga and while I can not say I am good at it, I do love it. Slowly my flexibility is improving. When I had my surgery I could not walk to my mail box without thinking I was going to die! Getting out of the sofa was a strain on my knees. Now I am at the gym 5-6 days a week and loving it. If you had told me that back in August I would have laughed myself silly!! Good luck, honestly if I can do it any one can!!
  8. di1138

    swine flu

    I am concerned a bit because I go to a gym (IN CA) where there is always a crowd. I take disinfective wipes and hand sanitizer but when I go to yoga class my hands and face hit the dirty floor. Just keep washing your hands and don't touch your face..... easier said than done!
  9. FANTASTIC!!! CONGRATS AND I am sure you will get to your new goal soon! You should be very proud of yourself..... I am hoping to hit my goal in a month.
  10. I am in the process of scheduling surgery with Dr Liu. Anyone have any experiences with him? Thanks Diane
  11. This was an old post of mine and I must say my experience with him was fantastic. I am sorry to hear you went through what you did. I find every time I have gone to his office and even at the surgery center I was asked many times what meds I am taking. He also hit my sweet spot on my first fill. Off course we all know that losing with the band is not just being filled correctly, we also have to follow the "rules". The day of surgery and the day after he called me at home to see how I was doing. I never feel rushed in his office. He always takes his time and answers all questions. I would highly recommend him to anyone. Getting the band was the best thing I have ever done for myself. I hope you are well now.
  12. di1138

    Who loves their band?

    I love my band!!!! I was fortunate that my doctor got the first fill right! After that I needed a second after I lost 70 more lbs. He got that one right too! I feel great and I am near my goal weight, well under a year. It is hard to believe that as a big couch potato I now go to the gym 5 times a week and love it!
  13. di1138

    My band is a nightmare!

    Are you sure it is band related? It seems everyone I know is having a stomach virus. Maybe you are sick?
  14. di1138

    I am in the hospital :-(

    Feel better soon!!! Just do what they tell you and get your rest. Your in my thoughts... Don't forget to let us know how you are doing.
  15. di1138

    Friday Morning Weigh-in, April 24th

    THANKS ~ We all just have to keep plugging along! Dont let a bad week get us down.
  16. di1138


    Thanks so much- good luck to you! I am sure you will get there too!
  17. di1138

    Friday Morning Weigh-in, April 24th

    Happy dance for me this week! I am down under a 100 pounds total lost! Having surgery was the best thing I ever did. Of course having a doctor who "hits" my sweet spot each fill. I have only had 2 in 8 months. I love him as much as I love the band!! Keep up the good work everyone!
  18. LOL - I find a burp more when I eat too much or too fast. Slowing down helps. As far as the other end goes I take GasX. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't! I have 4 dogs who get the blame!
  19. di1138

    No weight loss in 2 1/2 months!!!

    Do you need a fill? That should help. I have always made excuses for not exercising but when I started the weight started to melt away. Start slow, add extra steps in your day. If you can't hit a gym just walk. Also you MUST keep a log of what you eat even when it has bad stuff in it. There are many on line tools that give you calorie and nutritional value for what you eat. I use the daily plate which is on livestrong.com Good luck and dont give up!
  20. I know I am old when I read these names...Elijah just sounds like an old man with a long white beard to me... but remember I am old so you can't go by what I say! ( I Liked David Emory)
  21. di1138


    Most days I have one packet of oatmeal and add one table spoon of flax seeds. (130 calories -6 gm protein) I add non fat fruit yogurt to it instead of milk which is about 1/2 container so another 40 calories and 3 protein. I also use egg beaters with a piece of fat free cheese and sometimes veggies for an omelet.
  22. I have the same problem! I asked several trainers at the gym. I am told only aerobics burn fat while the exercise will tone the muscle which will make the area look smaller and help the body burn faster. Diet and aerobics will burn it. I keep hoping they are wrong :wub:
  23. di1138

    Food journal, or diary..

    I use the "daily plate" which is on livestrong.com. You can find the calorie and nutritional content of almost everything. It keeps me honest! You can also calculate how many pounds you want to lose per week an how much you burn with exercise. Good luck, I think you will find it is a big help!
  24. LOL ! I was alarmed when I felt these bumps under my breasts and then realized they were ribs!! Keep up the good work!!
  25. well I had hoped for 20-25 lbs but I lost 16. I am happy it that. As I get closer to my goal weight I have been losing slower. Happy Easter,Passover or spring which ever you celebrate!!

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