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Posts posted by GivinItMyALL

  1. Day two of my preop diet. I'm not EXACTLY following plan, because I hate vegetables (I'm serious. They make me vomit, except for green Beans. I've even tried going to a hypnotherapist to try to get myself to eat vegetables. Did not work.) My plan involves Protein, fruit, and veggies. I didn't have as much of a problem today as I did yesterday, actually. Maybe because I'm doing heavy on the protein? I had some strawberries as my fruit yesterday, and some green beans as my veggie today, but other than that and Protein Shakes, it's mostly meat and eggs in slightly higher amounts than on my plan, since I'm pretty much not having the amount of veggies. Even so, yesterday I had only 577 calories and today 642. These seem really, really low to me. I asked the nutritionist if there was a calorie range I should be in, and she said no, just basically follow the plan, but replace the veggies with protein if need be. I hope I'm not screwing myself in some way...

  2. 32 minutes ago, Neller said:

    I'm a Water gulper too, and it is my biggest concern. Because of some of my medications and use of a CPAP, I wake up so thirsty, and I doubt little sips will do the trick. Also, I live in Arizona and although it is getting a little cooler now, I get really thirsty when I go for a walk. Oh well, we'll make it work somehow!

    Sent from my SM-T710 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I feel ya! I am in Colorado, and while we're not AS dry as you guys, we're still dry. Hopefully us gulpers will learn to be super sippers 😁

  3. 2 hours ago, Wichita Gal said:

    Hello everyone! My date is 11/2! I am very excited! I really appreciate this forum because I have read so many inspirational stories that have given me hope, courage and resolve!

    I look forward to sharing my journey!

    Another for the 2nd! I'm so excited so many of us will be sharing that date! Of course I'm excited to see ALL of our progress, too. 🥰

  4. 4 hours ago, Neller said:

    This pre-op diet is melting the fat like nothing else. I'm down 7 lbs since starting on Tuesday. I guess eating 600-700 calories will do it! It's not helping my obsession with food though. I watch the clock figuring when I can next eat, and both do I look forward to my one small meal in the evening. Tonight it is STEAK! Also having steamed zucchini which I love. How are you all doing with your pre-op liver shrinking diet?

    Sent from my SM-T710 using BariatricPal mobile app

    I am on day 1, and I am soooo hungry! I am also constantly checking the clock. I am also trying to start the no Water before or after meals for a while thing, so I can get used to that before surgery. The one thing I am concerned about is getting enough water in with little sips after surgery. I should start trying to get used to that, too, because I am currently a gulper. I love water, but I chug it all day instead of taking little sips.

    I am starting to get a headache now, and my tummy is growling something fierce!

  5. 7 hours ago, tropico78 said:

    Are you sharing with everyone around you that you are having a surgery? Or are you keeping it a little private like me?

    I've told my hubby and kiddos, and some friends (mostly ones that have also had WLS!) I'm not making it public knowledge just because I don't feel like sharing that much. I'm also not telling my mother for a few reasons I won't go into on here.

  6. Looks like a lot of us are on November 2! Awesome. I started my 10-day pre-op diet today. Mine allows some (not enough!) food, thankfully, but I'm going to have a hard time making dinner for my family LOL... It's normally my son's turn to cook tonight, but he isn't feeling great today so it's on me. I'm making them something I don't like, so it won't be as tempting. So far, it's not that horrible, but it's only 10a [emoji1787]

    Thanks for compiling the list of surgery dates! The only thing I can think to make it better would be maybe putting them in date order.

    Have a fantastic day, everyone!

  7. I'm not telling my mother. I'm not telling a lot of people. I'm just a very private person. I'm not telling my mother for many reasons. If your dad is pretty laid back, then tell him if you want... or don't. It's not a requirement [emoji4] Best of luck to you in whatever you decide!

  8. I use cannabis at night to help with fibromyalgia (I am in a legal state) so I don't have to take other meds. My surgeon is aware, and is okay with it. Didn't say I needed to stop before surgery, and said I could resume after (my surgery is November 2).

    I *do* plan on stopping during my pre-op diet, simply because I'll be starving enough... I don't want to make it worse with the munchies (CBD only doesn't provide enough pain relief, so switching to that to avoid munchies would be about the same as just stopping altogether. If I need pain relief during this time, I'll take other meds.)

    My question is about afterward... Does anyone have any personal experience, or "know someone" who has experience with WLS and cannabis, like, when you're in the rapid weight loss, not really hungry phase, will the munchies be under control? I realize everyone is different, but would like to hear personal accounts from those who have used cannabis after WLS.


  9. 17 hours ago, drakel said:

    My doctor isn’t making me have a endoscopy. Why did y’all have to have one? If y’all don’t mind me asking? Was it required by insurance?

    My doctor never mentioned one for me. Just the pre-op diet (10 days, low carb/low cal) that I start on the 23rd - I also have to take my temperature every day for 10 days. I think that's a hospital requirement rather than my surgeon; pre-op lab work (dunno what this involves) on the 28th; covid testing on the 30th (also hospital requirement); and my surgery is on November 2.

  10. 1 hour ago, ms.sss said:

    So yesterday I figured I’d roast the garlic cloves I used for the souvlaki marinade from last night’s dinner for a bit of garnish. Turns out the fam loved them just a la carte and this morning, asked if I could roast some more to eat as a snack. ?!

    I was all, ok, but you all are weird.

    I had a sample of it and I am now a believer. YUM. I ate 3: 20 calories.

    Now we all gotta go gargle with some mouthwash for a while...


    Roasted or sauteed garlic cloves are ah-may-zing! I'm drooling over your pic. 😋

  11. Good question. All that I have been told I can take is Tylenol, which isn't really good enough. I am particularly interested in finding something better since I fell about 8 ft. through a shed roof over the weekend (long story...) and I am pretty sore.
    Oh my goodness ... Glad you're okay (relatively. At least enough to post about it!)

  12. So glad you like it!! I got mine last month, wish I had gotten it sooner!
    One question... Is your Water % in what you'd consider a normal range for the amount you drink? Mine seems to hover around 27% which is low, but I drink SO. MUCH. WATER. Like yesterday I had over a gallon (I am still pre-op) throughout the day, and that is pretty typical. Wonder if it's because the surrounding air is so dry here (my indoor humidity gauge has ranged from 1 - yes, 1 - to 12%) I simply cannot choke down any more water LOL... Makes me concerned about hydration post-op. I'll be doing nothing but drinking all day.

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