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The Greater Fool

Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by The Greater Fool

  1. The Greater Fool


    Likely they use the same Instructions for all surgeries, and just missed a place from an old source that said Band. But, it never hurts to make sure. Worst case you alert them to an error in the documentation. Well, getting something different than you contracted for might be worse, but let's hope. Good luck, Tek
  2. The Greater Fool


    Out of curiosity, what makes you think your Doc did a band? Sleeve to band wouldn't make much sense generally. Good luck, Tek
  3. The Greater Fool

    First Month Out, How did you do.

    I only knew the weight at the beginning of the month (day of surgery) and the last day at the 1 month follow-up. I didn't (couldn't) weigh myself at home as I was too large for a home scale. So, while I have no doubt I went through stalls I didn't actually see (or feel) any of them. No angst. No frustration. Just month after month of weight loss. When I was finally able to weigh on a home scale I weighed several times a day, it was a hoot seeing the weight go (usually) up and down during the day. Once the novelty wore off I returned to only weighing at follow-ups, and when they ended, only at medical appointments (if they ask, which isn't usual) or at annual physicals. There are other ways to know how we are doing. Since my primary goal was getting healthier and being able to move around better those are my key measures. They also happened to be my surgeon's key measures, he never once asked about my weight. How clothes fit is another measure. Mental attitude is yet another. Good luck, Tek ETA: I did not include any actual weights because my starting weight was so high that my monthly numbers look wildly high. This and other differences are why comparing numbers only creates more angst.
  4. The Greater Fool

    Finally i can buy clothes again

    Congratulations on your success! Exciting time to be able to buy off the rack. Personally, I went way overboard just because I could. WAY overboard. Good luck, Tek
  5. The Greater Fool

    Restriction Years Out From Surgery

    I have about the same restriction as I did about 6 months post-op, 19 years ago. There are meals when I can only eat a bite or three, others when I am able to eat my (small) portion completely. I rarely push the actual limits of my pouch. Rarely being vacations with some gourmet meals and even then not every time, it has to be something extraordinary. I don't think my experience is the norm but I am happy with it, usually. Good luck, Tek
  6. The Greater Fool

    Gas and “smells”

    I can't say I've had a particular problem... Well, occasionally... but, never mind that. But let's get real: There's a reason for the saying "Everyone's **** smells." You are the only one that thinks no one isn't already taken aback by walking into a restroom behind you. Life does not begin and end at the restroom door. Good luck, Tek
  7. The Greater Fool

    Bariatric friendly alcoholic drinks?

    Personally, I'm don't care about "bariatric friendly" when I drink. Alcohol is not on my plan which is another reason I'm not looking at how it will impact my weight. My first consideration is not to drink often. Anything not on my plan I don't do often. Just my plan for off plan adventures. Next, I dump on sugar so I must be careful to I avoid fruit juices and sugared mixers such as cola. Amazingly enough, dumping takes the pleasure out of just about anything. Be sure whatever you do works for you. Do test run's at home because the effects of alcohol often hits GB patients quicker and harder than normal and also passes quicker, which could be precarious in public. Good luck, Tek
  8. Toradol is a NSAID (https://www.drugs.com/toradol.html). Tramadol is an opioid (https://www.mayoclinic.org/drugs-supplements/tramadol-oral-route/description/drg-20068050). Good luck, Tek
  9. The Greater Fool

    I cheated - now what?

    First, if you're gonna cheat, cheat on something better than Peanut Butter Crackers. Sure, PBCs sounds great but come nowhere near delivering on the promise. OK, here is what you need to do: 1. What's done is done. Kicking yourself over and over just keeps the PBC on your mind. Move on; 1. Get rid of the other packages of Peanut Butter Crackers. If you aren't sure you can stay away from them until they are not cheating then destroy them (perhaps by giving them to family members); Now, more generally: Your habit of hiding your eating should be addressed with a therapist. If willpower alone could have dealt with it it would be gone already. There are emotions associated with why you are hiding your eating that you should explore and develop coping mechanisms along with behavioral change tactics. You are not a failure. You are not in this alone. This is a perfect opportunity to model for your family how responsibility should work. You will earn their respect and even more importantly, your own. Good luck, Tek
  10. The Greater Fool

    loose skin

    The older and/or larger you are/were the more excess skin will be an issue. As we age our skin starts losing it's ability to repair itself. Likewise, the heavier we are/were the more our skin has stretched out leaving a bunch on inelastic skin. Women have the additional skin stress of carrying babies. All of these stresses take their toll that make shrinking it all back in naturally rather unlikely. There really are no products that can help your skin recover in spite of the promises. It's probably time to use that magical potion that has been passed down through the generations from mother to daughter or father to son for use "as a last resort when the need is great" with vague warnings of a "price." The evil spirits that will infest your life are a small price to pay for no extra skin. When it comes time to consider surgical options most insurance tries to call it "cosmetic" and refuse to help. The word to keep in mind is "reconstructive" for which insurance will pay. Document yeast infections, rashes, back pain, anything you can come up with. Even then it is an uphill battle. Good luck, Tek
  11. The Greater Fool

    Those of you 1+ year post op….

    The most interesting revelation in considering these questions is that WLS has not been the overwhelming consideration over the years. what’s been your biggest change? Seating. When travelling, airline seat size is no longer a consideration. When renting a car, seat size is no longer a consideration. Theater seat sizes are no longer a consideration. Restaurant seat or booth sizes are no longer an issue. Folding chairs are no longer fear inducing. what was the biggest surprise? I honestly don't recall any surprises. I had done crazy research before I decided on WLS, so there were no surprises related to surgery, the recovery, the diet, or anything. I wasn't concerned with the post-op diet because proteins were my favorite parts of meals. Can the biggest surprise being that there were no big surprises? biggest challenge? The one challenge I took seriously is that weight and dieting would not be the center of my life once I lost my weight. I was not going to be on a diet for the rest of my life. My surgeon's plan was basically that I started with my lifetime maintenance diet from day one. So, from day one I started building my lifetime habit so that by time I lost my excess weight my lifetime eating habits had been built into me. So my biggest challenge was anti-climatic, it was my new normal. Additionally, a major aspect of this is that I don't weigh at home. I only weigh at my annual physicals biggest personal victory? This is probably the easiest questions of the four. I ran 5 marathons, one of which was the San Francisco marathon where I got to run across the Golden Gate Bridge. I ran two Long Beach Marathons, which started and ended at the Queen Mary. One was the Surf City Marathon. So 4 marathons were on the Pacific Coast. The 5th was the Valley of Fire Marathon which was just outside of Las Vegas.
  12. The Greater Fool

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    I'm sorry for my part in taking this discussion into the wrong direction. I hope everyone involved get's the help they need and can get through this rough period. Good luck, Tek
  13. The Greater Fool

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    Perhaps you should reread. I clearly stated that had you not been so clear that you were being helpful, it would have been easy to misinterpret what you wrote. I even THANKED you for being so clear. Sometimes you can't win with some folks. Good luck, Tek
  14. The Greater Fool

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    Written communication doesn't have the benefit of additional key elements of communication such as tone, inflection and body language that typically inform the intent of the speaker. Thus, it is reasonable that when speaking of possibly sensitive issues in written communication it is wise to state clearly what is and is not the intent. Unlike some people, I like try to work on the principle of charity which is to assume you actually ARE trying to be helpful while your words actually make you seem like a back-biting shrew. Thank you for clarifying your position so clearly. Good luck, Tek
  15. The Greater Fool

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    Makes sense. As I understand stereotypes, guys tend to be "fix-it" sorts and women tend to be "express-it" sorts. Of course, stereotypes don't always pan out, but for me it's pretty much spot on, if not a bit weak. I tend to hear complaint's as pleas for help. Add to that my personal issues of being a programmer, for which virtually every statement of fact is a requirement for a fix. And my severe OCD which all this amped up to completely irrationally and annoying to anyone in my vicinity. Even as I express my understanding that not every complaint is a plea for a solution I feel compelled to jump on every last thing as a demand for a fix. Imagine the joy of being me, and the special joy of being married to me. For those that have expressed relationship complications, feel free to private message me as I have an individual action plan for every comment made in passing that has ever been posted here. I can even help with your grammar and punctuation. I hope everyone can solve every last problem that doesn't require a fix. Good luck, Tek
  16. The Greater Fool

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    Perhaps y'all can help me understand. The complaints (they are complaints, right?) seem to indicate you are unhappy with the way things are. Yet, the complaints seem to have been going on this way for years. If all the complaining is serious and you are really this unhappy for this many years, what is the point of the continued complaining? After all, your spouses are ignoring your complaining. Yet, here you are. Are you actually unhappy or is this complaining all in good fun? If all the complaining is all in good fun, but you are actually satisfied with the way things are, what is the perk? Why? Is this just a game you play? Help me understand. Of course, I don't intend offense. I'm not judging by any stretch. Good luck, Tek
  17. The Greater Fool

    Weird symptoms - 6 months post op

    I would be most concerned about shortness of breath and is something I would get in to see a doctor about as soon as I could. Good luck, Tek
  18. The Greater Fool

    Under Boob rash

    Anytime you have skin rubbing against skin a rash is possible. Once irritated, fungus, yeast, and/or bacteria can add additional rash fodder rather quickly as such things love open irritations or sores. Things to do: Keep the area clean: Wash the area with soap and water frequently; Keep the area dry: After washing dry the area thoroughly, Powder the area: Baby powder, something like Gold Bond or Gold Bond Medicated, or anti-fungal powder (see next item); Address a possible fungus: Apply anti-fungal cream or powder. Athletes foot products will work if you can't find anything clearly labelled 'anti-fungal', as it is the same fungus; Hydrocortisone can help but it won't fix fungus; Make sure any creams, ointments, or lotions you use absorb to dry quickly, or it just becomes another irritant; If all else fails, you may need a prescription anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, or anti-whatever that you Doc can address better than us strangers on the internet; Good luck, Tek
  19. The Greater Fool

    Men are so frustrating!!!!

    Interesting times ahead. Good luck, Tek
  20. The Greater Fool

    20 moths out and I think Im in maintenance ?

    Ignore the number on the scale. What's important is how you feel about where you are. If you absolutely must lose those 10 pounds, and keep those 10 pounds off, get comfortable with dieting for the rest of your life. Sounds horrible to me, but lucky for you, you're not me. If you find you are happy and comfortable where you are, welcome to your new goal. Congratulations. You still need to eat and drink mindfully but it doesn't need to rule your life the way weight loss diets do. Go off and enjoy your life. Those numbers we have in our heads are crazy makers. Yes, you were at your best when you weighed that wonderful weight when you were younger. That's the weight you want. But your body has changed. You now have a larger frame which dieting won't change. That larger frame requires more muscle to move around that dieting wont change. If you get to that perfect number you will not look or feel like you think you will. Whatever path you choose, make sure it's what you-now want, not what you-then wanted. You-then was young and stupid. You-now are experienced and wiser. Good luck, Tek
  21. The Greater Fool

    Phobias since surgery

    This would be a good reason to get some professional help in the form of a therapist. Therapists can teach you coping techniques for your fears. Good luck, Tek
  22. The Greater Fool

    My surgeon didn't prescribe a ppi?

    No. Surgeons have different drug protocols just as they have different diets, and different every other darned thing. If you need a PPI, he'll give you one then. Good luck, Tek
  23. The Greater Fool

    WHAT is this???

    Go the the ER. Do not pass go. Do not collect $200. Now. Good luck, Tek
  24. The Greater Fool


    I had my abdominoplasty at UCLA. Don't remember the surgeon (who didn't do WLS). Staff seemed friendly and efficient 15(ish) years ago. Doesn't help much, does it. Good luck, Tek
  25. The Greater Fool

    Compression garment

    Your medical team's answer, actually, is the only answer that matters. What we say, as you know, strangers on the internet, should not matter to you at all. But, you do you, I guess. Good luck, Tek

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
