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Sharon Colyer

Gastric Bypass Patients
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About Sharon Colyer

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  • Birthday 09/25/1970

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    EC Instructional Assistant
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  1. Sharon Colyer

    Post-op Vitamins

    Yes, I am noticing that.
  2. Sharon Colyer

    Post-op Vitamins

    I was told to get a vitamin b-complex with at least 12 mg of Thiamine. This is not an option. I will take that for the first 30 days and then they will change it to a multivitamin, I think.
  3. Hi everyone! Can anyone share with me what B-Complex vitamin you chose to use after your surgery? My surgery is scheduled for November 23rd and I am working on getting things together. I did buy SOLARAY chewable B-Complex. It has 7.5 mg of Thiamine, which post surgery requires 12 mg. This means I would have to take 2 of them per day to get the required amount of Thiamine. Is there a vitamin out there that has the required amount of Thiamine (12mg) in one serving? If so, what kind is it and where did you get it? TIA
  4. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    This is all great you guys! Thank you for your sharing with me.
  5. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    Hi! The closer the day gets the more anxious I become. So I completely understand. We will be okay though. This is a huge step that we have chosen to make in our lives. A new way of living. WE GOT THIS! The best of luck to you!
  6. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    I am assuming that they will go over most of this with me again once I meet with the surgeon, which is today, but I love hearing from one's that have experienced it themselves. I do like the idea of using hot water with the shakes. I have got to learn to be more creative throughout this process. I am ready!
  7. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    That sounds really good and easy! I think I will try that! Thanks for sharing!
  8. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    Thanks Melissa! I am ready for this journey!
  9. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    I wish wine and Vodka were an option for me right now but I don't drink either one...LOL Where is the best place to buy broths? Which ones do you like the best? I will look up how to make Asian broth. Don't think I have ever had it. I am going to have to start experimenting. So far I have only tried the chocolate protein shakes. I know that will get old quick. Thanks for welcoming me and sharing! Have a great day!
  10. Sharon Colyer

    Pre-op liquid diet

    Hi everyone! I just found out yesterday that my surgery date is November 23rd. OMG!! So excited and nervous at the same time. I am mostly nervous about the two week liquid diet. From what I understand (I will find out more tomorrow) it will be protein shake for breakfast and lunch, lean and green for supper. Would anyone like to share their tips on how to get through these two weeks? I will be starting on November 9th. Thanks in advance!
  11. Sharon Colyer

    Pre Op Diet

    LOL....so did you loose any weight during that time?
  12. Sharon Colyer

    Pre Op Diet

    I think my surgeon will require 2 weeks but not sure. I have already started trying to do protein shakes for at least one meal a day so that I will be used to them. Trying different kinds also. I have slowly cut out caffeine and carbonated drinks....almost there. Having a hard time with food choice though. There is so much I don't like. So trying to at least cut down on portions....not easy since I have not had surgery yet. Just trying different things to get prepared. Any suggestions on what I will need the first 2 weeks post op? Getting ready!
  13. Sharon Colyer

    Pre Op Diet

    That's what I told my husband. You guys are awesome for sharing with me. I think I have made up my mind to give it a try at work. And WOW! Look at your weight loss! Congratulations! You have done great!
  14. Sharon Colyer

    Pre Op Diet

    Thank you so much for sharing. I know it will not be easy but knowing that the worst part will only last a couple of days makes me feel a little better. Hopefully my next appointment with the NP we will be scheduling to meet with the surgeon. I am ready to move on with the process! Thanks again! So glad I found group. It helps a lot!
  15. Sharon Colyer

    Pre Op Diet

    That makes sense. I had thought about that too. Just didn't know how bad I would feel during the pre op diet. I am not looking forward to that at all.....lol Okay...so maybe I will try to work during the pre op. How did you feel during the pre op diet? Were you irritable or sick feeling? I work with EC children but for the most part it's very laid back.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
