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    2021NewMe got a reaction from kcuster83 in Weirdest None-Scale-Victory - I'll go first   
    As I read all the post of what people are able to do now that they where not able to do before, I was thinking about what is something I can share and I found that if I had to share one thing it would be impossible because there is countless things that I can list. so the one thing you have to remember if you are planning to get a surgery is that if you are having a hard time with something due to weight and only you know what that is... know that you will be able to do that and more! This surgery for me has been a fountain of youth. yes it is hard, yes there will be moments of worry or whatever feeling you will get, but understand it is all part of the process. it does help hearing others experience but ultimately yours might be different so you cant go by that either. you have to trust the surgery, doctors, and most of all yourself. that you can do this!
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    2021NewMe reacted to Lornapc in What do you do instead of eating?!   
    I’m coming to really really really realise that my whole life used to revolve around food and now I am in limbo. Just 6 weeks post op.
    The other day I went to a flower festival - all I could do was watch people eating and want to eat all the yummy BBQ, burgers, crepes, etc etc. I realised that I have never been to a festival or park event without going primarily for the food on offer.
    Then I’m getting to realise that I never really go anywhere that doesn’t have a food element. I get slushies and chocolate and crisps etc if I go and fill the car up or stop at the station on the way from A to B just for food and no petrol.
    Meeting friends - all about eating. Maybe not for them, but for me. Staying home is take out.

    Has anyone ever found something like that out about themselves? Anyone else “lost”? I have not idea what I’m supposed to do any more - and I’m realising why I’m so frustrated … all I ever used to do is eat or look forward to eating. It’s sad. I’m sad.
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    2021NewMe reacted to Pilot my best self in What was your tipping point?   
    I have thought about all the milestones (negative) that I hit before finally turning to surgery.
    These were NOT tipping points for me:
    -needing seat belt extender on flight
    -struggling to tie my sneakers
    -Winded walking to my office or up the stairs
    -prediabetes diagnosis
    And so many years of dieting struggles

    The tipping point was
    -getting an A1C test of 6.9 and a Diabetes diagnosis.
    - getting prescribed diabetes, cholesterol, and blood pressure medications.
    -And Not being able to go on bike rides with my daughter

    I felt so hopeless until I finally followed my cardiologists suggestion to attend an informational session for bariatric surgery. After another 4 months of considering all the risks (real and perceived) with taking this step, I could not imagine any other way that I would be able to lose the amount of weight that I needed to get healthy again.

    Just over 3 months later and 54 lbs down, I am only sorry I was so resistant to the idea of surgery to help lose weight. I feel more than hopeful again. I have a long way still to go, but it feels doable now. And I already feel so much success to be able to move more comfortably and no longer need the medication prescribed just 8 months ago! And I am getting my bike tuned so I can go biking with my daughter on the nearby bike path that I have avoided riding for over 5 years!!
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    2021NewMe got a reaction from pk88 in What was your tipping point?   
    I have so many tipping points! as I know many of us probably have, its hard to chose like one particular thing bc just being obese is a reason bc it is linked to so many issues, not just physically but mentally. being obese messes with your state of mind, I think just being obese stops you from being who you trully are meant to be. its stops you from many things that an otherwise healthy or not obese person would do, bc they would not have the same issues that me with my experience with being obese does. I dont like to make obesity into a negative thing, bc there are plenty of obese people that are comfortable in their bodies, but I was not one of them. it really did hinder me from enjoying or doing things and I knew it was only a matter of time that I got a more serious condition that would only further my inability to enjoy life. I wanted a more healthier quality of living. so atleast I can live and be more normal and be a part of society and be comfortable in my own body.
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    2021NewMe got a reaction from pk88 in What was your tipping point?   
    I have so many tipping points! as I know many of us probably have, its hard to chose like one particular thing bc just being obese is a reason bc it is linked to so many issues, not just physically but mentally. being obese messes with your state of mind, I think just being obese stops you from being who you trully are meant to be. its stops you from many things that an otherwise healthy or not obese person would do, bc they would not have the same issues that me with my experience with being obese does. I dont like to make obesity into a negative thing, bc there are plenty of obese people that are comfortable in their bodies, but I was not one of them. it really did hinder me from enjoying or doing things and I knew it was only a matter of time that I got a more serious condition that would only further my inability to enjoy life. I wanted a more healthier quality of living. so atleast I can live and be more normal and be a part of society and be comfortable in my own body.
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    2021NewMe got a reaction from james2021 in What was your tipping point?   
    same here I would gain 20 every year! and i was also 300 when I decided that was the tipping point. like wow whats next 320 and I was 317 when I was put on my pre weight loss surgery. I got to 303. april 1st 2021 surgery now 245.

  7. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from james2021 in What was your tipping point?   
    same here I would gain 20 every year! and i was also 300 when I decided that was the tipping point. like wow whats next 320 and I was 317 when I was put on my pre weight loss surgery. I got to 303. april 1st 2021 surgery now 245.

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    2021NewMe got a reaction from Dorky in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    I have a friend that I known for many years that was always on the obese side, she suddenly lost so much weight and I swear the first thing I thought was she got the surgery, the thing is that when I asked she said she was on a diet that kaiser put her on with shakes and stuff, but I know she got the surgery. now that I know what is required and how she was acting when we met for coffee and she just drank Water. well anyways, I felt like that was messed up that she would not share it when I myself had weight issues with obesity. I felt like she must not be a true friend if she cant share such an important issue I would never have judged her, I am not like that I think its a privacy issue for her. I myself did share but with a small circle of five people closest to me. now is it and will it eventually leak out YES of course bc if you dont want it to get out tell nobody. so i expect it to someday be something that everyone might know and that is ok if someday just not now or immediately bc I am not a reality show and I dont want everyone all up in my business all asking me questions, wanting to see me and like no privacy. I dont mind people knowing my business but in my time, at my pace when I am good and ready and think people are worthy of knowing any of my business.
  9. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from amithistrose in lipo lift   
    I already needed much Lipo in all my body bc I am in my mid 40s, but now after surgery I think I might have to really do some sort of lipo to tighten the skin. although I have not been exercising and that I know will help with skin sagging so i am going to try to do light lifting for arms. and maybe more weight resistance. I have been cleaning my house organizing and keeping active in other ways but I have to be more like dedicated to keep up with the weekly weight loss.
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    2021NewMe reacted to Cherylanne22 in What was your tipping point?   
    One of my tipping points was seeing on my medical charts. Morbid Obesity, what a horrible diagnosis to see. The second was finding out I was going to be a grandma for the first time that we thought would never happen. So happy. Post op 9 weeks now and doing great. So grateful
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    2021NewMe reacted to kellym1220 in What was your tipping point?   
    I'm tall, like you. For me, it was that each year (or so) I would gain 20 pounds, and I would say/think, "Well if I could just lose 20 pounds, I would be back where I was last year, and that wasn't so bad." Then I realized that if I said/thought that next year, I would be over 300 pounds. Real eye opener...so I decided to do it, even though it was not covered by my insurance. Best decision of my life!
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    2021NewMe reacted to Judi777 in WHERE ARE MY AUGUST 2021 PEEPS?   
    Hi, first post here! I’m booked in on August 6th. VERY excited!
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    2021NewMe reacted to phenomenally_me in WHERE ARE MY AUGUST 2021 PEEPS?   
    I'm the 18th and SUUUUUUPER excited!
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    2021NewMe reacted to james2021 in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    My hangup with telling people about surgery proactively is that I worry it would cause harm to others. If someone with obesity approached me and asked me "how I did it," I would be 100% honest. But I don't want me being open about it proactively to be taken as a message that I think this is what an obese person "should do." I want to be respectful of my friends who are working really hard to feel good in their large bodies.
    I've told about 9 people, all friends, no family. One of the people I disclosed it to, who is thin, had a very strained reaction, and essentially told me she couldn't engage in the conversation because of her background with eating disorders, which I wasn't aware of. She was maybe the 3rd or 4th person I told, and moving forward with the next few, I was very very tentative with how I told people, and made clear that I would answer questions, but that we didn't need to discuss it further since it's a sensitive topic.
    food and weight are very complicated things for people and I want to be very careful with suddenly opening intimate conversations about them with unsuspecting friends.
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    2021NewMe reacted to catwoman7 in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    Although I've never had cancer so I don't know for sure how I would react or who I would tell, I don't think I'd be very open about it except to family and close friends. I would not want to deal with people's reactions or the awkwardness that comes with it.
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    2021NewMe reacted to GinormousReislin in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    I have struggled with this too trust me but I'm trying to promise myself when it right I will say it. Not saying broadcast your information or you suck lol I just feel very strongly about this. When I have a more free moment id like to discuss it more. I know it can be taken harsh or not how I would like to portray my feelings on the topic.
  17. Like
    2021NewMe reacted to lizonaplane in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    I know many people who have had cancer who don't tell people they had cancer because it's none of other people's business. And most people who have cancer certainly don't discuss the details of their treatment with people outside their treatment team and their immediate family.
    Likewise, I am open here about having bipolar disorder because of the anonymity of the internet, but I don't tell people I work with unless necessary because of the stigma. Yes, it would be great to lessen the stigma but the downside is that they will treat me differently.
  18. Like
    2021NewMe reacted to catwoman7 in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    People are free to share their medical information - or not. If people want to share they've had surgery - fine. If they don't - fine. I don't run around telling everyone I've had extensive plastic surgery, either. I'm having a face lift this summer - another surgery I haven't notified the world of - just my immediate family and a couple of close friends.
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    2021NewMe reacted to lizonaplane in Lying about not getting surgery is awful   
    Part of the reason that I tell everyone that I am having surgery is to lessen the stigma, but it's mostly because I'm an open book. However, not everyone has supportive people in their lives and they should not have to take the abuse that may be hurled their way just so the stigma may be lessened. It's just too hard on a journey that is already hard.
    I think it's great for those of us who feel we can be open about it, but it's not always easy, and we should be aware that it's not always going to be an option for everyone for a variety of reasons. And honestly, are you really going to run up to random people on the street and tell them? Every time you meet someone who met you when you were heavier you'll have to make a decision as to what to tell them. I the people I chat with who work in the airport club that I was planning to have surgery - after one of the women said I looked like I had lost weight, and I said I was preparing for surgery, and another one started asking questions. It was a nice conversation, but it was a little unnecessary.
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    2021NewMe reacted to amithistrose in lipo lift   
    Has anyone tried a Lipo lift procedure for skin tightening? How did it work for you? I lost 80 lbs, not looking for perfection, just better.
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    2021NewMe reacted to Tierra T Tij in lipo lift   
    I've heard about it but I'll let you know if I go ahead with getting it or not. They told me I still have to lose more weight just to get any kind of surgery to remove or tighten up my excess skin. They told me I need to be at least 180 for them to do anything for me so I've been working on it.
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    2021NewMe reacted to ShoppGirl in Pizza at 7 or 8 weeks?   
    That’s why I like to make the cauliflower crust one. I cut the crust when I get home from store into slices while it’s partially thawed and then I can make one slice at a time since I don’t cook for a family Hommemade version sounds yummy but I would waste all but one slice.
  23. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from Reddpanda in Hungry hungry hungry   
    did you eat these on week one and two after surgery?

  24. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from Reddpanda in Hungry hungry hungry   
    did you eat these on week one and two after surgery?

  25. Like
    2021NewMe got a reaction from Lynn12345 in Post OP tip   
    See picture! so I went home on Easter Sunday and thought Premier Protein 1 gram of sugar , 160 calories, 30 Protein fit all the requirements, although it did some requirements not all of them so with this surgery you must follow to the letter. the only one true Protein Shake that I needed was Ensure Max Protein shake this is considered a clear protein shake and I have been able to tolerate it. the other one I poured a 1 ounce cup and sipped less than 1/4 of it and immediately my stomach did not tolerate it, kept coming back up my throat. so I hope this helps you guys when you are post OP, remember all Protein Shakes are not created equal.

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