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About FlabulousQueen

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  • Birthday November 11

About Me

  • Biography
    I'm a mom of 2 boys and a wife. I'm also a teacher but taking a break at the moment.
  • Gender
  • Interests
    Reading, Facebook (is that a hobby?), Pinterest
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  • City
    Los Banos
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  1. FlabulousQueen


    Yes! My older son is super supportive and both kids are really helpful. We don't need our husband's support and permission! We have our kids and the support of this group!
  2. FlabulousQueen


    Hi. I'm in the same boat. I wanted to go through with the WLS in 2014 and even got my surgery date but he refused to take me and I had to cancel. This time, I will do the whole thing with or without him. We started seeing a therapist and I told the therapist that I'm not willing to give up on this. The therapist said that he should be supportive regardless of his feelings against the surgery. He took me to my endoscopy on Monday and complained for nearly the entire way back (until I put on my headphones). He said, "why should you get to lose weight the EASY way and I have to lose weight the hard way." He doesn't understand me. I'm doing this for me. He can either get on board or not but this time, I will not be swayed and will take an Uber to the hospital if I have to (all of our family lives in another state).
  3. Hi. I'm using Dr. Boone in Fresno, CA. I know that a lot of people go to him. It would be nice to have support from others that are going to him as well or just to ALSA Medical Group. Thanks!
  4. Good morning. I haven't gone through the surgery yet but I wanted to wish you the best of luck! Congrats!
  5. FlabulousQueen

    Endoscopy Monday

    Okay. I am DONE with the endoscopy with NO issues. I talked to the anesthesiologist prior to the procedure. Told him what happened last time and I'm glad to say, It went really well. I was asleep for the whole thing. No sore throat. I am so happy that this experience went much better. Thank you all for your feedback! One hoop is behind me!
  6. FlabulousQueen

    Endoscopy Monday

    Thank you so much for your post. I will make sure to talk to them before going in. It was terrifying.
  7. FlabulousQueen

    Endoscopy Monday

    Exactly! Craziness!!
  8. FlabulousQueen

    Endoscopy Monday

    Yes! Praying for that experience!
  9. FlabulousQueen

    Endoscopy Monday

    I can only hope that this will be my experience on Monday! Thanks!
  10. FlabulousQueen

    Beginning of My Journey (again)

    I hope my procedure will be about the same as yours, this time around.
  11. FlabulousQueen

    Endoscopy Monday

    Hi all. I'm having an endoscopy on Monday. I've had one done before but I woke up with the tube down my throat. They said this was normal as they were finishing up but it left me with nightmares for a little over a week and a sore throat for about the same amount of time. I let the office know about this when they called me to schedule the appointment and they said that I would have the general anesthesia meaning that I would be knocked out for the duration of the procedure. I will also let the staff know before they take me back. What has been your experience with the endoscopy?
  12. I won't miss getting out of breathe when I walk up or down the stairs. I won't miss my legs rubbing together causing a rash. I won't miss feeling uncomfortable on theme park rides. I won't miss standing up to wipe my bottom after using the bathroom (tmi). I won't miss feeling uncomfortable sitting in a booth. I won't miss sweaty under-boobs!
  13. Hi. I just wanted to introduce myself. My name is Denise and I am at the beginning of my journey. I have my last appointment scheduled for February so it is likely that I will have my surgery in February, March, or maybe even April. I have been on this journey before and completed everything but the surgery. My surgery was scheduled for Monday and I called on Friday and cancelled (this was in 2014). Truth be told, my mother had just passed and I don't think I had my heart set on the surgery or the journey. I think that I only wanted something else to focus on. This time, I am set on the surgery, internalizing all of the information, and just looking forward to a healthier me. My husband is not the most supportive but he is trying to be more supportive than he was the last time around. He still can't understand why I want to do this when "I can just lose weight on my own." He's very stubborn and honestly, I don't know how to explain to him why I think this is the best option. Last time around, he refused to take me to any of the appointments but this time, he's learning that it's okay to agree to disagree. It's not his body. I have my endoscopy on Monday (which my husband will be driving me to) and tbh, I'm a little nervous. Last time I had this done, I woke up with the tube down my throat. This time, they said that I will have the general anesthesia so that shouldn't happen but last time, I had the same anesthesia and woke up with the tube in my throat. It haunted me for a week afterwards. I hope I have a better experience. All in all, I'm glad to be here. I didn't know you were here the last time I went through this but maybe this time, I can have the additional support. Thank you and nice to meet all of you and read your stories.

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