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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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About niclovesjustice

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  1. niclovesjustice


    My program is 800 calories starting at 3 weeks, which includes 2-3 purée meals per day. I don’t generally hit that number, but 800 is the calorie goal that my nutritionist set.
  2. I’m two weeks out, I’ve only lost 10 pounds TOTAL, that includes the liquid diet. Sigh!! And I assume all of the IV fluid weight is gone, so I’m just not really losing. However, I have a pair of skinny jeans I try on every day to check the fit and they are definitely looser. So there’s that. It is frustrating to not see the scale move though. I went to my first appointment and my doctor asked how much weight I had lost and I was embarrassed because it was basically nothing.
  3. I weigh myself in the am. I have lost a total of 10 lbs (this includes the 2 week liquid diet) and I’m two weeks post-surgery. I’m very discouraged, but hoping things will pick up. I know some people are slow losers and I’m trying to be patient. I had one day that I had a 3 lb gain and was really upset. It will work out!
  4. niclovesjustice


    My doctor said all restrictions for his patients end at 4 weeks... I’m a gym rat and can’t wait!
  5. niclovesjustice

    My VSG pouch too big?

    How did this turn out for you? I started mush foods today. I measured out 4 oz of mushy food on my food scale and expected to save half for tomorrow. I felt ZERO restriction while eating. I probably ate around 2.5-3 oz. I have waited 3 mins between bites and even took breaks to wait to get full. It never happened. I got so concerned that I stopped eating and left the rest of the bowl alone. I also can drink a great deal. This is the opposite of what I’ve read happening so I’m wondering if I should call my doctor. I’m also a slow loser (having lost only 10 lbs since surgery), so I’m paranoid.
  6. niclovesjustice

    Is it normal or common practice

    I met with the surgeon before meeting with the psychiatrist and other specialists.
  7. niclovesjustice

    Little Weight Loss on Pre-OP & None Post-Surgery

    Thanks everyone! I have anxiety, so I often worry about things that I don’t really need to worry about. I really appreciate the comments and support. ❤️
  8. This is such an interesting convo. I actually waited to get WLS BECAUSE I got so much attention for my figure that it seemed like I should stay at my weight. Although I weighed 250, I am hourglass-shaped with a smaller waist, very large breasts, and I carried my weight extremely well; most people would underestimate my weight by 50-60 lbs and in my community, curves are praised and prized. I was so used to compliments about my body (and in fact I have even been vain about my looks for years) that it felt like WLS would take something away from me that I am happy with. However, I decided that health is more important this than compliments and so I decided to get the surgery. I’d be lying if I said I am not worried about losing my curves because I definitely am, but I also want to live to be old and healthy and this was the right decision. I appreciate this convo- I read threads like the “what I won’t miss about being fat” threads and I don’t relate to them at all- my weight was part of what made me feel beautiful and now I’m afraid I will lose some of my beauty without it, which I guess is unusual. This thread I can relate to, because I, too, didn’t want to lose weight because of societal pressures; it’s just that we have been influenced by different pressures. Loys of hugs- this is a journey that many of us will have to work through as our lives change.
  9. Hi Everyone! I had the sleeve done last Thursday, 8/27/20. Prior to the surgery, I was on the two-week liquid diet, with the exception being that I could eat 3 egg whites per day. I barely lost any weight on the pre-OP diet despite essentially not eating anything for two weeks; I lost maybe 5 lbs total. My surgeon told me that I did a great job on the liquid diet as my liver was very shrunken for my surgery. Since surgery, I have lost one pound, so I’ve lost 7 lbs total since starting the liquid diet. I know it hasn’t been long, but I am concerned at this slow weight loss. Should I be concerned, or will things fall into place? It just seems odd not to lose weight when not eating for weeks, and on here many people lost 15-20 lbs on the liquid diet alone. For context, I weighed 255 when I started the liquid diet diet, 251 at the time of surgery, and 248 now. I tend to worry, so I am probably just looking for some reassurance that this is normal and doesn’t mean that I won’t ultimately lose weight. I was a huge gym rat pre-COVID, so when I can start working out again I will be in the gym constantly. Thanks in advance 😃
  10. niclovesjustice

    Share your post-op experience

    REST. It’s something that I don’t see mentioned much when it comes to this type of surgery. My dad is a surgeon (kidney) and he has really stressed to me the importance of resting. My nutritionist told me not to nap during the day because it would take away time from drinking (!). My dad said that was the craziest thing he’s ever heard. He recognizes the importance of staying hydrated, but points out that even though this procedure was laparoscopic, it’s still major surgery. The body heals itself when it is resting, and this type of surgery requires major healing. I honestly find myself taking a nap every two hours, and I felt guilty about that at first. He said that napping is totally normal and not to fight it because my body knows how much rest I need to heal and will make sure that I get it. So while you should walk around for gas pain and drink a LOT, you should also rest a lot- it’s literally necessary for your body to heal properly. Follow your body cues. If you are tired, rest. Even if you don’t feel tired, still get extra rest and allow your body to go through the healing process.
  11. niclovesjustice

    Surgery time frame

    I started the process in June and had surgery Thursday. My insurance did not require a supervised diet and I was able to skip the sleep doctor. I had to do three nutritionist appointments, psych, EKG, gastroenterology and tons of bloodwork.
  12. niclovesjustice


    My insurance paid everything except $100 for the overnight hospital stay.
  13. niclovesjustice

    Gastric Sleeve Surgery is it painful?

    I guess I may be alone here. My pain is pretty extreme. The gas pain hurts but is tolerable. It’s the incision pain that hurts a ton. I work out a lot and it doesn’t feel like too many crunches or a rough ab day IMO. It feels like my stomach muscles were cut... which they were. I had surgery Thursday, went home last night, and have spent most of the day today in bed because of the pain. I do think the pain will pass and get better. But I wasn’t prepared for the pain I felt based on what I’ve read on here.
  14. niclovesjustice

    Hospital stay

    I had surgery on the 27th (sleeve) and came home last night.
  15. One month, but my surgeon was on vacation for two of those weeks.

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