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Mr Alley Gator

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Mr Alley Gator

  1. I have two teanagers also and a Wife that eats a ton! First things first you need to make sure you put yourself first during these first few months - This is your time to get healthy and happy. Assuming you have bad eating habits now focus on the meal plans for the family that you can eat also.

    I am a trained chef from Johnson and whales so I know food and food groups. I do not meal prep I cook daily for myself, My family and most of the time my parents. When setting up your plan set your Protein first. For example today I just diced up up a whole ham to make Ham and Bean Soup. This will feed the kids and family and allow me to get a ton from the Ham and Beans.

    Yesterday I did pulled chicken Tacos. This gave me the Proteins and the the rest of the group made tacos and ate the Spanish Rice.

    Much easier to plan where you and the family can enjoy the same food. However you will be limited but still can eat normal food.

    Also Food is not going to be a concern after a short while - Once you get adjusted to the lifestyle cooking and meal planning will be easy

  2. 11 hours ago, Lulu’s Mom said:

    Hi! I’m scheduled to have sleeve surgery on 12/29, & I’m having serious 2nd thoughts!
    Has anyone who has had sleeve surgery regretted it?

    How long until you can eat “regular” food?

    Was the 7 days of liquid diet terrible?

    I have clear, unflavored Protein Powder - what do I mix it with to make a Protein Shake?

    is it worth it in the end?

    Your responses will be greatly appreciated! Thank you!

    Takes about a month to heal then you are on regular food

    I had no problem with the 7 Day liqud made some bad ass broths and tropical smoothies and was no big deal

    Ok you need to watch Youtube videos on making shakes - There are a ton of post here about it

    Was it worth it? Yes i prefer to be 215 and healthy then 377 and near death.

    My key Phrase (You will be given a tool to help you get healthy, but you need to make sure you can run the workshop)

  3. I had it so bad and did nothing about it - Finally called doctor and a little yellow pill to go with the blue pill fixed it

    Only had to take them for a few weeks and it went away. DO NOT DO WHAT I DID get the pill. I ended up having to have my throat balloon surgery due to me letting it go to long - It sucked

  4. Did not do the bypass but was sleeved. I can eat anything I want. No problem with a cookie, drink, pizza etc. However Slow and Low is my plan - Two x mas Cookies and I am done for a hour or so, Overload the sugar and it passes right thru. For example in the past could eat the King Cut about a 3/4 lb of prime rib, yesterday about the size of a playing card. Past 15 Shrimp Now 3 .... So times have changed for sure but someone posted it here a long time ago

    Its about Quaility of food ............. Not quantitiy!

  5. Whoever started the Loser club here it still to this day cracks me up and it is such a Oxy Moran statement. As we loose we become winners! Now that's a fact Jack.

    So for all you new people less then say 8 Months and who are freaked out about the holidays and what is going on! Read below Veterans feel free to add to this thread

    Lets start with you are in the same journey all of us did or are doing, My Journey was rough the first few months, the head games, the body fighting back, educating myself, etc. So all I can say is ride out the wave of aggravation, it does end. For me it was about the one year mark when I really realized how to run my body and stay healthy and happy. Not saying it will take everyone the same amount of time, but be patient you will get there. I crashed big time 2 months out, I have tossed up food many times, I fully agree there are some speed bumps in the journey!

    Today is my second X mas and as a chef (professionally trained but run a engineering firm, thought it would be a good double major) I cook for many. This year is a private cook for families who are in need. I am Blown away by how many families I will be feeding this holiday, actually so many I have to do half today and the other half tommorrow. No big deal I have a huge outdoor kitchen and indoor kitchen and lost of help from some of my employees. The amount of gifts for those in need filled up two pickup trucks Never seen anything like this especially where I live in one of the wealthiest places in the world - Naples Florida..... So Will this bother me since I can not eat, NOPE! Now not going to say last x mas did piss me off a little but now I look at food as just a thing, Not a obsession that dang nearly killed me! You will get there also so once again if you are struggling ride out the wave it will pass. Reach out to friends and family or even here if you are having issues, ITS JUST FOOD! I know easier said at my stage then yours.

    Wow while typing this a buddy called and said Steve had to go to the ICU for Covid, Can you go disinfect his house and dog. Part of my company is a remediation/Disinfectant company for mold and Now Covid. That puts things in perspective, he has been battling it all week from home.

    Back on subject.

    To wrap it up all I can say is the Holidays are about family and friends, Food is just a thing that in the USA gets abused. Focus on the good things this year and how good next year will be, WTF Knows it can not be any more insane then this year. But i have great kids and friends and great employees, that's what matters to me, Not food! So stay strong - Stay healthy- help those in need if you can - ask for help if you need it.

    By the way I did call the North Pole and Santa is not a big fan of protean bars and yogurt. Screw him he should learn to eat healthier. No Cookies in this house for him!

    Enjoy and Happy Holidays Please stay safe!

  6. Love the sippy cup idea, As a fellow male trust me on this. Move Move Move as much as you can get the air out. To this day I Mostly get up and walk around about 4 times during a meal. Moving gets the new gut shifting around. As for the Acid refux call you Doc they have pills for this. Do not let it go on for to long or you will damage your throat like i did and have to get it stretched balloned....... It sucked

    Now to the fact You did this to save your life for you kids, So did I .... of course they worry when things are out of kilter in the household. Took my kids a long time to get used to How dad eats and why No more Mc Ribs. It all plays out well and you are in the Bullshit phase it will get a ton better shortly

  7. Ok try this worked for my friend. Make you self some strong and I mean super strong Broths, Get yourself a big pot about 3 gallon and follow : how to make Chinese vegetable broth. Be careful on the Salt, as a trained chef you do not need to add all that salt. If it says 1 pound of carrots add 30% more to make it stronger. What you are doing is taking all the Vitamins and minerals out of the bases and making the Water Supercharged. You can do this with beef bones, chicken bones, Seafood ect. Now since you can not eat the meat yet Do not panic buy it fresh and freeze it when done to be eaten later. She sipped this all day long and it kept the hunger issue down and manageable. I did the same thing with a seafood broth and it kept me sane during the liquid only phase. As for x mas do not let it bother you, Just wait to see what Santa brings you next x mas when you down 75 pounds or more.

  8. I never measured myself but use to laugh when i put on a pair of shorts and if i could shake them off would crack myself up. I had a huge leaf garbage can in my closet, Every time something would fall off or look like a tent it went into that can. Bag upon bag was filled as i laughed and flipped the Fatty clothes into it. To this day the last can is still sitting in there and cracks me up just looking at it. Now i do still have one pair of 50 shorts and One 4xl shirt hanging to remind me how close I came to killing myself. So since I have a suit receipt from Pre Op i just measured myself. WOW is the understatement. Thanks for the great idea made my day

  9. I agree with above chicken NO GO - Seems lot of us had problems with chicken. I would say Hamburger, Shrimp, fish to start. Soft Protiens. Even though you are going to test your tool trust us all Take you time DO not overeat or you will pay for it. Once you get the hang of it will never be a problem but you are new to this and the learning curve has not started.

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