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Mr Alley Gator

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mr Alley Gator

  1. Mr Alley Gator

    Pain killers post op?

    You body is changing did you give up caffeine
  2. Mr Alley Gator

    6 weeks out - Expectations

    trust me on this and us Vets around here will back me on this This F$#$ckin surgery has major head game issues once you get them in line you will love the journey. It takes time and really focus on something else besides this journey. We all get caught up in the reward but for example i made taco Tuesday for 20 plus college kids today did it look down and say woof down 19 of them like the old days? No i had a few over 4 hours, I am a chef but still after getting over the addition to food can still cook. I also got a dog since surgery to focus on something else, Once i lost 80 pounds my kids got me a lab puppy he has allowed me a new challenge to my new lifestyle; Gets me away from the head games.. If you are old like me DO not get a dang puppy lot of freakin work Not going to be easy and we all understand but once you get you head off your old lifestyle stuff changes. Reach out anytime to any of us who has been there, In closing The surgery was a tool and it is up to you to get the workshop in order to use the tool the best of its benifits. Get healthy, Happy and enjoy the new life!
  3. Mr Alley Gator

    6 weeks out - Expectations

    Do the math 6 weeks 20 pounds 12 weeks 40 pounds 18 weeks 60 pounds 24 weeks 80 pounds 30 weeks 100 pounds So you are WLS impatient and anxious = Mental head games You are on a good course just focus now on getting healthy! You do not have to wait till you get thin to get healthy lifestyle free of you addiction to crap food and huge quantity
  4. Mr Alley Gator

    Feeling weak/rubber legs

    Water you are dehydrated or your vits/mineral levels are messed up Get electrolyte powders add them to the water i have the same issue. I bet you are light headed also
  5. Mr Alley Gator


    WOW - you are getting slammed - Keep your head up and this will pass! I would just do carry out and shakes to get thru the food issue Plus Wine helps fix all issues
  6. I am not a good example of following the rules, That is what got me into this health mess. I had a drink about two weeks after surgery Vodka and Gatoraid. At six months i found i could drink without having any issues besides the calories. Now i drink about every other day socially and you have to be careful you addiction to food does not switch to booze. I defiantly can see i have a stronger desire now to drink then before surgery. My doctor said use your best judgement but keep it to a min
  7. Mr Alley Gator

    Pureed diet

    I agree thin it out
  8. Mr Alley Gator

    Has this happened to anyone else?

    That happens to me all the time I would break reins during my journey and be shocked at no negative effects. I agree with above i think your body is getting trained to burning vs Storing Now i have the opposite problem i eat all kinds of food and I cant put on a freakin pound. Trying to bump up a little Have no idea why but I think my body is just trained to hold this weight and burn vs store
  9. Mr Alley Gator

    Down in the dumps.

    Welcome to the Head Game Phase! Ride it out and focus on happy places and Happy things it will pass
  10. Its going to change with Time Just plan your meal volumes carefully
  11. Mr Alley Gator

    Protein Shakes

    Those are pretty good i agree
  12. I am insane about blood work i get it done every other month. For my sake so i can keep the engine in perfect tune of vitamins and minerals. Kinda a sick goal I have to get a A every month
  13. Mr Alley Gator

    One week post-op and on liquid diet.

    They are not cravings well actually they are - THEY ARE HEAD GAMES! On of the toughest parts of this journey are getting the mind and body in line. I can not stress enoegh to just try and focus on something other then food and desire for food/cravings. Once you whip the mind in place the rest is easy. I agree with above keep it down to just a little at a time. The key is the smoothies.
  14. Mr Alley Gator

    Craving crunch

    I chewed on bananas chips and dried fruit chips i was not restricted for crunch at all
  15. Mr Alley Gator

    Am i gonna puke all the time??

    No Only time i every have thrown up is when i pushed it to fast or over ate
  16. Mr Alley Gator

    Liquid diet before surgery

    Stay focused why are you struggling mentally or physically You need to clear your head and focus on the Broth's and Smothies Try this one It will fill you up - Also Jello works great also https://lightorangebean.com/mushroom-vegetable-broth/
  17. Mr Alley Gator

    Pre-op liquid diet

    She Nailed it above - peel the meat for others or freeze it - I have done the same as above. Once you do this you will not like store bought broth These are way better Here is one of my favorite styles https://lightorangebean.com/mushroom-vegetable-broth/
  18. Mr Alley Gator

    Pre-op liquid diet

    Lets Start on a good news - Wine and Vodka is a liquid = Thats how i got thru it Become the Broth Master! I am a chef so it was easy for me. but make a bunch of broth's You can buy pastes and powdered mixes Make yourself some of the Asian broth;s will fill you up and keep you busy Next become the shake/Smoothie queen you will need this skill for quiet awhile - welcome to the journey and welcome to the group reach out anytime great people in here paying it forward
  19. Mr Alley Gator

    Stomach pain

    Take it easy only been 3 weeks your not healed yet - Chill out for now takes about 6 weeks for a full heal
  20. Mr Alley Gator

    Upcoming Surgery

    Above is the key! One simple statement i have said a million times You are about to be given a Tool ............. But it is up to you to get the workshop in order and use the tool correctly 1. Learn and set a healthy eating schedule 2. Focus on getting healthy Not stuffing yourself with food. Focus has to be changed to other things 3. Became a Shake/Smoothie queen, Learn to make your own loaded with Vits.Minerals and Protein KEY 5. Enjoy the journey and make it about you! You do not give a F#$ck about peoples views or opionions. 6. Really lean on this place there are great people here that are paying it forward, like myself Use as as we used the ones before us to help. Your turn is coming in about 6 months
  21. Mr Alley Gator

    Stopped Losing Weight

    3400 calories is insane! Everyone above nailed it Log you food and get on a regular healthy low cal no carb program. If you can afford it get a nutrionist to help you out, or go online and follow a WLS diet program to a tee I was at 1200 calories a day for the first few months and once i handled that dropped lower and this was done by a Nutrioshiist - Now I will add on thing Stop weighing yourself every hour. You will end up in a Rubber room with a Jacket that buckles from the back. You will see many posts that weight flucuates during this journey. Focus on a healthy good diet first get in a routine - Someone here posted a long time ago i weigh myself every Sunday morning and log it in my calorie app and adjust from there. Once i did that life was easier
  22. Mr Alley Gator


    Its Called WLS Head Games! We all have been there. My advice to you is focus on other things do something around the house you never do, Read, watch Tv. heck I bought a dang Yellow Lab! He got me thru the hard times for sure and now is my buddy! As for the protein shakes you have to figure this out, Make your own much better then the store bought and you can add bananas Peanut butter fruit whatever makes you happy. This is the hard part and there are a ton of people here to lean on so just ask and focus! But get you mind off food you are not Hungry! You are addicted to sugar and processed foods! Trust me it will go away and in six months you will be posting like I am Paying it forward
  23. Mr Alley Gator

    Muscle building

    I have been using the single packet ones here and love it - I also use Core Power pre mades for fast on the go. If you are just starting out - Its a b***h to gain muscle back been working on it for 8 Months
  24. Mr Alley Gator

    Surgery in my 20’s

    I just want to wish you luck and say Reach out to the Veterans around here they can help you on this journey. Trust me 99.9999999% of us say this was the best thing we did
  25. Mr Alley Gator

    2020 Major Holidays During Pandemic

    My first Holiday Season as a Chef was as confusing as you seem to be. Here is what I did We had very large groups of family for Turkey day and x mas so we could have handled a 20 pound turkey, This year is different with covid and none of the parents want to intermingle with my college kids. I do not blame them so our plan this year is simple High end expensive foods but just a little I usually drop around 500 dollars each day on food for the huge groups so we decided to do this Thanksgiving - King Grab/clams and mussels and oysters with Smashed fried potatoes. will grab 4 slices of turkey from the deli so we have turkey. Simple boil they can devour and I can just pick it over a few hours X mas - Small Prime Rib with scallops and Mexican street corn salad - The side is wrong but my college kids love it so why fight tradition. We have decided to make Luxury big baller dinners vs mass quantity for family groups Of course a high end Vodka for the white russian!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
