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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by bufbills

  1. bufbills

    November 2020 sleevers

    It will be fast now. They move quickly from there. Good luck.
  2. Jealous!!! Lol. I'm in week 2 PO, and on full liquid. I feel good and am ready to try some food. I'll make it five more days though. Ugh
  3. bufbills

    November 2020 sleevers

    B complex for me for a month. Then the multi
  4. So after a great first week, I'm having a bad morning. Woke up and took my chewable B complex and drank about a half a protein shake over forty minutes or so. I began to feel like the fluid wasn't moving through my sleeve. Had lots of burps and the saliva spit up thing twice. Took about ninety minutes to calm down. Back to sipping water but am scared to go back to the shake. Stricture?
  5. bufbills

    Day 7 problem

    Thanks for the replies. I was able to finish the shake and drank about 20 oz water since then without it happening again. I will try walking and standing while drinking.
  6. My surgery is Monday. I'm wondering how many day after surgery it to feel ok. Not perfect but ok.
  7. bufbills

    Vsg side affects

    See the doc. That sounds wrong.
  8. bufbills

    Just had surgery

    Monday for me as well. Hope you are doing well.
  9. Day 6. So to all, thanks for posting. Yesterday was my worst day due to terrible constipation. Won't go into detail but I resolved that issue. Today I feel great. I'm shocked at how good I've felt the throughout this week post surgery. At 52, it has been a very positive experience so far.
  10. bufbills

    November 2020 sleevers

    That never occurred to me. I'm not waiting after a shake. I'm just trying to hit the goals. I hope in doing it right
  11. I intentionally didn't lose any weight until the preop diet. I've lost and gained so many times, I didn't want to take a chance of thinking this time it might be different.
  12. I am. Spasms are decreasing, I can now burp and pass gas. I never thought I'd be so happy to do those things. Lol. My wife has been awesome. I'm looking forward to more improvement. Hopefully!
  13. bufbills

    pre-op diet

    Focus and keep your eye on the prize. Thats what helped me. I kept reminding myself of why I was there.
  14. Pretty sore now and having stomach spasms. Tough night, so far. Doing laps around my living room. Lol. Not discouraged and pushing through.
  15. bufbills

    On the Fence

    You said a mouthful. I had surgery yesterday and I was terrified because of what I've read. I have a little discomfort, but overall I feel pretty good.
  16. bufbills

    November 2020 sleevers

    Yep. They're giving me something for it. I'm still stunned at how good I feel. I was expecting so much worse
  17. bufbills

    November 2020 sleevers

    Gas pains this morning. Walking and sipping. And nasty heartburn!!
  18. bufbills

    November 2020 sleevers

    So I had my surgery this afternoon. So far I feel good. Water going down easy, so far.
  19. Great replies. I had surgery this afternoon and feel pretty good. Went for a long walk and water so far is no problem.
  20. Surgery completed and out of recovery.
  21. Thanks for posting. I'm leaving in a few hours for surgery.
  22. Good luck!!! I'm tomorrow as well. Sleeve in Raleigh NC. Day 14 of the preop diet, and just treated myself to two cups of chicken broth. It was really good. Lol. Dropped 18 in two weeks. I'm worried about recovery. I'm hoping it's not too bad.
  23. My surgery is on Monday. I'm supposed to bring two bottles of clear liquid protein with me for after. Can I purchase this locally. I can't find premier clear. Any ideas on where to get it locally. Too late to order online i think.
  24. bufbills


    Thank you!
  25. bufbills


    Mine is Monday and I'm allowed one visitor.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
