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    mybypassjourney reacted to catwoman7 in Second thoughts...   
    first of all, yes, being really nervous before surgeries is pretty normal.
    secondly, if you can lose the weight on your own, then go for it. Up to about 5% of people are able to lose their excess weight and keep it off long term. I, unfortunately, was not one of the 5%. I had surgery at age 55, after literally decades of losing and regaining the same 50 lbs. Same story every time - I'd lose it, hit a brick wall, and then it'd eventually all come back on - within a few months. I finally got to the point where I had to stop kidding myself. I couldn't even keep 50 lbs off, and I had over 200 to lose! So for me, surgery was really my only choice. Maybe you'll be one those who'll be able to do it and keep it off. There are some out there. And btw - surgery doesn't guarantee you'll be able to lose most or all of your excess weight and keep it off - but it greatly improves your odds.
    not sure what to tell you about Protein. I only eat meat a couple of times a week, but I do eat a lot of dairy (including yogurt and cottage cheese). I also add Protein Powder to some things. In addition, I still drink Protein Shakes, at five years out, because they help me get up to my protein goals (most people don't need them after the first few weeks or months - but I have to have 100+ grams a day to keep my prealbumin level up, and a Protein Shake a day really helps me get there)
    you do have to be mentally ready for this, because the surgery only does so much. It's a lot of work, esp after the first few months. But the difference is, your efforts actually pay off. I was able to lose - and maintain - and enormous amount of weight, which I'd never been able to do before.
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    mybypassjourney reacted to Elvira OC in Hello. New member.   
    Hi👋 New member here. Haven’t had surgery yet. I have my first consultation with the team on August 6.
    I’ve been thinking about having gastric surgery for years, ever since a co worker got the sleeve in Mexico. At that time, I think it was a fairly new procedure to the US so she went to Mexico bc they had been doing it for a while. This was maybe 2010. It ends up, I personally know about 7 people who have had either sleeve or bypass since then. I watched as some of them had a lot of success and some had a lot of non surgical complications such as other addictions, divorce, etc.
    I kept thinking that surgery was not the right answer for me. But every time I had success on a diet, I would eventually fail and the weight would come back plus some.
    i am currently at my highest weight of 250, I am 5’7” tall.

    My mother also struggled with her weight her whole life. I watched her become more and more ill from different diseases, All of which was compounded by her weight. When she died this past April, I finally realized that I had thought about it enough, it was time to do something. I don’t want to follow in her foot steps, but I see it happening.

    I’m not gonna lie, I have fears. But I am also excited. I’ve been lurking on these forums for about a week and you guys are such a wealth of info and experience, I’m so glad I found this website. 🖤

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