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Posts posted by minimamaz00m

  1. On 7/4/2020 at 8:35 AM, summerset said:

    All researchers and practitioners, including bariatric clinicians, should ideally continually examine and assess their own results, making changes where and when necessary, to ensure they are delivering the best outcomes for their patients.

    And to hijack a bit here, while I think it is imperative that we have all the info we need to gain and maintain optimal health, it's also imperative that our doctors don't try to fit square pegs into round holes. Our bodies are all different and my body might respond differently than yours to a certain stimuli, diet, etc. Or what is considered an empirically high cholesterol reading for the "normal" population might be normal for me.

  2. Not all women want a man to do all those things for us... gender roles are antiquated and oppressive... be authentic and when you do find your special someone they will like you for you and not all the stuff you're trying to do just to land a lover. Are you chivalrous? Do that. Are you a feminist and a go getter? do that. You might wait longer but you don't want someone who is attracted to someone you're not.

    I'm 50, I'm picky, and I'm still looking. I'm worth however long it takes. And if I don't find someone, then that's fine, because I'm pretty awesome company.

    For dates, I love to go on scenic walks, museums, and parks - a ball or frisbee to throw around and a blanket to lay on afterward and look up at the stars together.

  3. On 10/2/2018 at 10:10 PM, GreenTealael said:

    Chose from a lot of offers a guy who was great, met for coffee so it was low pressure. Amazing conversation, had a ton in common, great chemistry, asked me on a second date (dinner) next night. I agreed, I'm super excited thinking this wasn't what I expected, not horrible like I imagined. By all counts an amazing first date. I get a text an hour later we exchange pleasantries about the date and each other then he drops the ax:

    He has herpes.

    Dating profile deleted.

    F this, I'm not built for this new world. Take me back to the days of arranged marriages.

    The WHO estimate that close to 67% of the world's population have oral herpes, or HSV-1, and that about 11% have genital herpes, or HSV-2. Chances are this guy's herpes is medically controlled and is safer than someone else who doesn't know they have it.

  4. I've been divorced 5 years, still looking for love. I'm pre-op. I have super high standards. I want anyone who I have a relationship to love me, not just my hot body. LOL I've gone on quite a few first dates but only a couple second dates and even fewer thirds. Looks like I have to kiss a lot of frogs before I find the one!

  5. Also, (after COVID is over) go to some meetups about things that you enjoy. Hiking, yoga, model trains, you name it. You'll have something to talk about that makes things less awkward and friend-oriented and things can grow into more.

  6. @MaybeMeow Thank you for your insight! My last diet I tried was the Fast Metabolism Diet. While other people were losing 20 lbs in a month, I lost 3 lbs in 4 months of following the program religiously. So, my body likes to hold on to that fat too... I was about 160 lbs before early menopause happened, so I've gotten an extra 100 lbs from it. 😒

    Please keep us updated on your progress. I don't have to decide on a surgery type for about a month, maybe 2. As another early menopauser I'd really like to learn from your experience.

  7. For me, I believe that is my insurance's only requirement too. Now I just need to do my surgeon office's requirements. My timeline is:

    1. Met with surgeon and coordinator last week
    2. Get lots of bloodwork and EKG
    3. Get thumbs up from PCP and endocrinologist (I'm a type 1 diabetic, if you're not, you probably don't need that)
    4. Meeting with nutritionist and psychologist this week
    5. Meeting with nutritionist ad psychologist next month, need to show progress
    6. Get thumbs up from nutritionist/psychologist
    7. Surgeon gives thumbs up and sends full packet to insurance
    8. Insurance has 30 days to respond
    9. Do final round of tests to make sure that I'm still in good shape for surgery (bloodwork didn't get worse, my A1C is still good, weight didn't go up)
    10. Schedule Surgery

    So, long story short, I've been told if all goes perfect, I can expect a September-October surgery date. Fingers crossed!

  8. I'm a 50 year old single female, pan and demisexual... although I'm more of a 4.5 on the Kinsey scale. I live in Seattle with my just-graduated from HS son and my 2 cats, a gray tabby and a tortie... my daughter is in college and doing her own thing.

    Just to give you an idea of how much of a crazy cat lady I am... as I swipe through dating apps, if someone says they have dogs I swipe left! I just don't want to fall for someone who I could never ultimately live with, because my cats are not into dogs. haha

    Looking forward to some friendships here! If you are from the Seattle area HMU! Maybe after COVID we could get together for coffee.

  9. Yes, please private message me if you are not comfortable saying in the public forum, but I would really like to know if the office you hated is the one I'm currently working with.

    I'm working with Swedish on Columbia in downtown Seattle. https://www.swedish.org/services/swedish-weight-loss-services

    They were really not responsive to me when I started contacting them at the beginning of this year, but that might have been because of COVID - I don't want to ding them on something they don't have control over, but I also don't want to go further into the process if this office is not great. Since they have reached out to me in June to start the process they have been responsive, but I also don't want to find out they suck after I'm too far into the process.

  10. 1 hour ago, Ravengirl said:

    Does the Water stay cold? I guess it senses and sends reminders to your phone? I might have to invest! Thank you!

    I am not in a warm climate so it's hard to tell how well it would stay cold, but it doesn't sweat. It does autosense how much you drink, and doesn't remind unless you get off track. Here are some screen shots from the app. You can take the app's recommendations on how much water to drink, and if you tell it where you live, it will adjust for the weather (hotter = drink more), and if you connect your fitness tracker to it, it will adjust for your activity. Oh, and it also will write to Apple Health.




  11. I’m a type 1.5 diabetic too. I looked through @modymatey ‘s story twice and I can’t figure out which WLS he had. I’m deciding between bypass and sleeve and I’m worried about if I go severely hypoglycemic and need to ingest sugar to bring up my blood glucose l might dump if I get the bypass. Can anyone speak to that? (Type 1.5 diabetes is when you have both issues... your pancreas won’t make insulin (type 1) and you are insulin resistant (type2)).

  12. Newbie here!
    I am in menopause and have been for at least 5 years. I have a BMI of 42 with approximately 100 lbs to lose, which is about 78% of my excess weight. The reason why I gained this much weight is because I was in perimenopause since the age of 32 and my weight kept creeping up year after year. No diet or exercise regimen has worked and I see surgery as the only way I can lose without gaining it back and then some.
    I am working with a bariatric surgeon in a bariatric center of excellence in my area. She is very good at what she does, and has done 300 surgeries a year for the last 4 years, and does bariatric surgeries exclusively. After examining me and hearing my concerns she has given me the choices of Gastric bypass "Roux en Y" or Gastric sleeve and said it is up to me which I would rather do, and I'm researching this now. I do not have any GERD/acid reflux.
    Before I even walked into her office, I wanted the gastric sleeve because of the lower risks and not losing any nutrient absorption in my small intestine. BUT... the more research I do seems to point to menopausal women losing a much more statistically significant amount of weight with Roux en Y Gastric Bypass. I am also nervous about gaining back the weight after the initial 1 year of weight loss after surgery... surgery doesn't affect "those" hormones and I don't want to lose my 100 lbs just to have it keep creeping up and up again.
    Given your experiences, which surgery would you go with in my shoes? If you ruled out all of the health risks and only took into account the ability to get down to a good goal weight and stay there, is one procedure much better than the other or are they about even?
    Thanks in advance for your insight.

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