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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by minimamaz00m

  1. On 9/21/2020 at 1:17 PM, GreenTealael said:

    I don't think you'll need a shower seat but that's up to you but, definitely a (wedge or other style) pillow for comfort

    I would recommend :

    Measuring tape to keep track of losses that the scale may not reflect

    water bottle with liquid measurements to track intake

    Silk/Satin pillow case to minimize possible hair issues

    Pill organizer

    Good Luck ♥️

    Thank you GreenTealael!

    I have measuring tape, I'm a seamstress 🙂 I measured myself last month so I am ready for that.

    I got a H2OPal Water bottle last year to help me with my water intake, I really like it.

    I have a silk pillowcase anyway because my hair is crazy without it.

    Pill organizer? For Vitamins or will there be a lot more happening? I have some of those but they are not large sized. Just the plain 7 day ones you'd get from a drug store.

    Also @Lynnlovesthebeach I forgot that I did get one of those! I am really finding it to be a good tool also. Not just to make sure I'm not underestimating the food I'm eating but also works great for baking. I never realized that it would help so much in getting the right texture for the gluten free baked goods I make for my son (he's celiac).

    Am I going to be hunched over in pain like I was after my c section?

    Also on another note, I'm so bummed, my surgeon got all my labs and my A1C is a 7.1, and she thinks it's too high, so yet more time I'm going to have to wait 😞 I am having my endocrinologist send her a letter releasing me for surgery, I hope that helps me get on the fast(er) track!

  2. Hi All,

    I'm trying to figure out what I'll need after surgery and in the life thereafter so I can prepare myself. So far I have:

    • gotten bariatric sized flatware and plates (livliga.com and little ceramic crocks)
    • gotten a mug warmer for keeping my food warm while I take forever to eat it
    • figured out my favorite Protein Shakes and have a good supply of my favorites
    • gotten unflavored Protein and chicken broth protein
    • sampled Vitamins and worked with my dietician to figure out the best regimen for at least the first 2 months

    Can you think of anything else you would do to prepare?

    Do you think I'll need a shower seat for showering after surgery or will it only last a few days and I can stink that long?

    Maybe will I need one of those wedge pillows for sleeping upright to prevent pain/nausea?


  3. I wish I could find the actual numbers on this - but I've seen this in action.

    Husband - had a heart attack and I forget what else. He needed WLS, was 400+ lbs. He got RnY. Became a member of a hiking club. Got healthy. Wife stayed by his side through it all.

    2 years later - Wife - found out she had celiac. Foods needed to be changed - wheat had to get out of the house. Tiny amounts of wheat could make her very sick.

    Husband left wife for a woman in the hiking club.

    Men are more likely to leave wives than wives to leave husbands because of health challenges. https://www.fatherly.com/health-science/why-sick-wives-increase-divorce-risk-not-sick-husbands/

    I am divorced because in short, I had a life altering change 8 years ago and left him 5 years ago because he could not seem to get it in his head that I grew and didn't want to go back to my old ways. (We were married 27 yrs) He did not want to grow. He bullied me because of it. My eyes opened. He wouldn't go to counseling until after I had already fallen out of love with him and it was too late. It takes 2 to make a marriage work. I was not willing to go back to the way I was and he was not willing to grow with me.

    So I guess what I'm saying, is if he's willing to put in the work while you are going through your changes - to communicate with you and be the man who grows with you - you are going to have a great marriage that will make it. If he is going to stay stuck in his insecurity and not communicate or grow with you - you will both be miserable, or maybe just you will be - and eventually someone will leave. Or at least they should.

    Best of luck to you and I hope for the best possible outcome for you, emotionally and physically! Good for you for taking care of your body, to be on this earth longer for you and your loved ones!

  4. I did years of research before even coming to the surgeon and was dead set on sleeve and thought nobody could sway me. But then I got all my doctors' opinions (yeah lots of comorbidities), and a few suggested RnY and had good reasons. I went a bit nuts on the internet looking at studies and thinking about how my weight likes to creep up silently because of menopause and decided that RnY would help more with that "creep" than the sleeve, I also like how I might "dump" to discourage me from overindulging when I lose my willpower. I also don't want to get sleeve and then get GERD and have to get a revision. I had the "pill stuck in my throat" feeling when I was taking an antibiotic a few months ago and I HATED IT SO MUCH. I want to do this once. Who knows what my insurance will be like in a few years.

    But... you do you! My good friend got sleeve 5 years ago and is so successful.

  5. Every time I got pregnant, I gained 60 and lost 30 lbs after the baby was born. Each time I thought I couldn't weigh any more than this. BMI was about 30. Then perimenopause hit. I crept up about 1-5 lbs per month. 5 years ago I was at BMI 33. Then I got a divorce, laid off, one of my kids was in and out of the hospital, and full menopause - BMI 42. Is my life going to get easier? Maybe. But I need help. Even if I could lose 10 lbs a year steadily like that I would be dead before I could even get back down to BMI 30 from one of my comorbidities.

    I wanted to get a sleeve gastrectomy done when I was at BMI 33 but my insurance wouldn't cover it and I couldn't afford it. I went to a few dieticians and I couldn't lose an ounce. I wished that I would have changed employers right then and there so I could have gotten one and my life would be much different now and I wouldn't be wearing 3x and 4x clothes. This blob of a body does not feel like me, it feels like an alien has grown around me.

    So that's a bunch of personal stuff and your life is hopefully going to be much happier than mine was but, if I were you, while your insurance covers it, I would do it. Find a reputable surgeon in a center of excellence so that you have a very low chance of something awful happening, who will have great dieticians to help you along your journey, and do it. Don't cry in your Protein Shakes like I am.

  6. I used collagen Peptides to help my hair after mine was falling out in the handfuls after a different health issue. It is the shock to the system that is making your hair fall out and it will start growing back once your body is back to equilibrium. Mine just got thinner, didn't leave in clumps or anything - but it was concerning seeing a ferret in the bottom of my shower every time I washed my hair!

  7. I will not miss going to the doctor, no matter what my ailment, and being told "you have to lose weight first"

    I will not miss being unable to tie my shoes

    I will not miss getting rid of my "fat clothes" and all of my multiple-sized clothes in my closet (skinny clothes, skinny + 20 lbs clothes, skinny + 40 lbs clothes, etc)

    I will not miss having to shop online for bras (and paying $75-$100 each!) because department stores don't carry my size

    I will not miss the back and hip pain from just standing up

    I will not miss having to get a seat belt extender on planes - and not being able to reach under the seat in front of me for my bag

    I will not miss having an extremely hard time finding cute clothes that fit

    I will not miss being dependent on other people for simple things I used to be able to do myself

    I will not miss my back scrubber in the shower, because I'll be able to bend down and wash my feet without it

  8. Due to COVID 19 I am as courteous and supportive to others as I can possibly muster because this time is hard as f**k. I don't know what you are going through, and I don't want to get into a contest about who has it worse, because there is always someone out there that has it worse than me - everybody loses in those contests 😞

    So whether you are gaining or losing please accept this virtual hug - you are more than your weight, you matter, and you are loved.

  9. Agreed! 18 year old skin is much more elastic than us old ladies at menopause and later! If you want to help it along, strength training in the areas where it's loose and collagen peptides... and take pictures now. In a year compare them. Then tell us how that loose skin is doing !

    My GF who got sleeve gastrectomy 5 years ago had awful loose skin, but didn't have money for PS. She is 5 yrs older than me. Now the only skin that is loose on her is her "batwings" and that isn't so bad anymore that she wants PS anymore. She used to say that she "rolled up" her boobs to put in her bra. She walks and does pilates for strength training. She's my role model.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
