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Posts posted by momof5

  1. Let us know if that works. The last time I tried to have .5 cc put in and had to go back the next day and have it removed. So, I know it's frustrating. I know if I'm stressed, I get tighter too.

    I'm doing fine; however, I'm pretty much stuck. I haven't really lost anything in a couple of months. It's my own fault though. I've been so busy and stressed with school haven't cared to exercise, but I'm back on the exercise band wagon. I've signed up for a 5K and people I know will be there so that has been very motivating for me to get off my butt and run again! My pastor is running too and I can't let him beat me!! LOL! I have 30 more to lose and it's time to start doing something about it. I've just been enjoying the journey and haven't been too worried about it, but summer is coming and I want to be at goal for sure by my b-day in December. So, I'm pretending I'm just starting with only 30 lbs to lose. :-) Keep us posted!

    I will do so. I'm with you on the exercising too. I got of the bandwagon around Christmas and haven't jumped back on. Did start a new job and that has had me running. It's only part time but I put more into than that. I keep promising myself that I'm going to to do it! So good for you that you're going to do the 5K!!! I applaud you!

    I also love the jean picture...I had to show it to my hubby. he thought that was an awesome way to record your loss and the fact that you're in an 11/12p doesn't hurt either! I'm firmly into a 16 which is okay but I am longing for that 14 and then the 11/12. I think a 10 is pushing it but who knows. So many people think I'm insane for wanting to lose another 50lbs....its mainly people who didn't know me pre-overweight so they have no idea. I found the coolest thing on the prevention site. You plug in your measurments and it shows your body now and then at your goal weight. WOW! I printed out a few copies and they are now gracing my closet, my bathroon, my Fridge and my desk. It is an awesome reminder.

    Well, I've rambled too much and guess I better go to bed. Ben dreading it because of what's been happening and just sitting here hasn't been too pleasant so I don't think tonight will be either. But I'm going to give it time then see. Don't want to jump to conclusions...night!

  2. Thanks Bea! Its so strange beacause when he removed things on Thursday, the band opened up and let things go right through. We watched it happen under flouro. I think that I pushed myself too fast since then. So, I'm going to take your advice...I've been stressing so much that I think it has alot to do with it. I'll try the Motrin this week along with liquids then if that doesn't seem to help, I'll be heading back. Its so aggrevating because Tuesday he only put in 1cc and removed half on Thursday.....

    By the way, your looking awesome! And you look light the losing is going good.

  3. Everyone looks to e doing so good and has lost so much this year! Its amazing what difference a year makes from where we all were last year! Wish I could say I'd lost as much but it will happen.

    RIGHT NOW I NEED YOUR HELP!!!! Got filled last Tuesday. First time I can remember since my unfill last October actually having to be aware of what and how I eat. I have been on cloud nine because I've lost 10lbs! BUT I was too tight and went in for a little relief Thursday. Since then, there is no pain with eating or shoulder pain BUT at night, generally between 2-5am, I wake up and have to throw up!?!?!?!? Its more like reflux feeling because its not happening after I eat. Last night I even made sure not to eat or drink anything after 7pm then didn't go to bed until 11pm an took reflux medicine.

    Just wondering if anyone has experinced this and what you did about it. Thanks in advance for the help!

  4. I guess we've all been awol for awhile Brandy. It seems whenever I check back in, you've done the same.

    I have been missing for awhile because I had hit a WALL after only losing around 60 then it went up and stayed right around 55 lost. BUT I had a fill Tuesday, too tight, had some removed yesterday and now feel like I did right after surgery a year ago! Its time to start it all over again but if I can lose another 50lbs in a little under 5 months, I won't be complaing:) But I have dropped about 5lbs since the fill being that I've lived on Water and mashed potatoes. Dr. said to give it a week of liquids to let everything calm down and then back into mushies then back to eating.

    Have any of you had fills that seemed to put you back to where you were right after surgery? I am even back to not wanting sweets and craving real food/proteins!

    Also, any ideas for foods right now would be appreciated. Its been so long with no real restriction, I'm out of pratice with what to eat!!!

  5. Carol - my Dr is one who has helped pioneer the sleeve. He uses it a great deal and actually tried to get me to do it but I chickened out. Wanted something I had more control over. But he has had great success with it and the people I've talked to who had it, love it. If things don't shape up for me in the next month, he's talking about going that route. Definitely look into it....

  6. Oh Carol, I am so sorry to hear this! But PLEASE don't give up! You said that the Dr didn't say it was an emergency and that's a good thing! Maybe once he gets in there, all can be fixed. I will be praying for you!!! You have come so far....XOXOXOXOXOXLots of Hugs and KissessXOXOXOXOXOX

    On another note, I hope someone can help me....I went to the Dr for a fill today and we were all completely suprised by what we saw...my band was so tight that not even a trickle of the Barium was moving through. The Dr looked at me with complete bewilderment and couldn't believe that I wasn't throwing up or atleast PBing right there! He then made me drink some Water and that made things move a little but not much. He said my pouch was a little big but not so big that I should be eating all I'm eating with no trouble.

    So, now I go on all liquids for atleast a week. More if I can take it. Then he'll see me back in a month to see if there have been any changes...

    Has anyone gone through this? I knew I was going to go on liquids with the fill but this was a complete suprise? I really don't want to know my pouch has expanded to the point that I have to get things fixed. Any insight will be appreciated!

  7. Tammi-I apologize for my complete idiocy but is the plan you outlined in order to shrink my pouch?

    L2L - (((HUGS HUGS & MORE HUGS))) I love you girl and have missed hearing from you. We all had been doing so good together then things seemed to fizzle for all different reasons.

    I hate so much that you're going through this time in your life but in all this, you've proven to yourself that you're worth fighting for and that's why you have been so successful with this. We're all here for you!

    I'm exactly where you are with the eating. The scales are stagnant. I got so depressed when the band was let out but in the past few months, things have been really difficult. With the economy, we are struggling. My hubby is in the mortgage industry, which everyone knows has taken a complete nose dive and I've tried to find work but in a small town, there's nothing. I feel like a failure not being able to help out financially.

    So, around Thanksgiving, I fell back into stress eating and things got worse and worse. I can eat pretty much anything and pretty much have. But Thurs, I am getting filled to the brim!

    I agree with the idea of you talking to a specialist. I went today and he helped alot. He said that since I have depression, when I stress even the least little bit, the depression worsens and the old habits come back no matter what! That was eye opening because it showed me that I can change the cycle.

    I do hope that you'll talk to someone who can help you through this time and I will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. And please keep posting! Talking things out helps and like I said, I've missed hearing from you! Good luck with your next fill!

  8. Thanks for the encouragment. The Dr is planning to fill me very tightly and start me back as if I'd just had surgery to get things started again. So, the shakes will actually be my staple for about 3-5 days! I'm going to look up some recipes but if you have any you can share, I'd appreciate it. I want to have everything prepared and on hand prior to my fill so there are no excuses! The kids are helping me "clean out" all the sweets and they know that I won't be bringing them into the house anymore for a while. Believe it or not, they were excited for me:)

    Also, can anyone tell me what the 5 day pouch test is?

  9. Hey guys. Well, it's been too long since me checking in that I have no idea what has been going on with everyone. But from doing a quick check, everyone seems to be doing so good! So many people have lost over 70lbs...way to go each of you!

    Last I posted, I thought things were looking up but it has been really up and down. I am stagnant.Up a couple pounds, down a couple pounds. I really messed myself up over the holidays by eating sweets again and now can't seem to stop. I've gone back to my old ways of comfort eating. Plus, my anti-depressants aren't working so I go Tuesday to have those tweaked.

    What I do hope you guys can help me with is getting me back on the right track. It seems I have forgotten everything! Please give me some ideas of foods that fill you up, things I can eat for meals, etc...I am still excercising but just can't get excited about eating the right things again. I'd love your input!


  10. Cubs Girl - I have to tell you that I was in your shoes before I went to the gym. I live in a small town and there is only one gym so everyone goes there. No matter how much I wanted to hide, I couldn't. BUT after going and getting involved, I learned that everyone who was there was in the same boat - even though some had more to lose than others.

    I joined an aerobics group, full of women much smaller than me, but something wonderful happeded...I began pushing myself to keep up with them! It was wonderful when I even realized I was able to do some things better than them! Plus, they noticed my accomplishments and pushed me on. We are all there for one another.

    Now, when one of us misses a day or skips class to do something else, we ask about eachother and keep up with one another. That has helped me to realize that no, they weren't judging me but I was judging myself. Once I stopped, I was able to enjoy working out and push myself to do my best!

    So, take the plunge. You'll be proud of that first step and from there, the challenges get easier and easier!

  11. L2L - {{{{{MEGA HUGS}}}}} to you! It seems like all of us are going through the same. I guess being the first holiday banded has hit hard. I wasn't prepared at all!

    You'll get back on track. You have always done so good so just start fresh today! I challenged myself to drop 10lbs by New Years. I don't want to stay stagnant then offer up a resolution...I never keep them:( I'll join you logging food and we can pump each other up like we were doing....we just all disappeared but we're back!

  12. Thanks for all the support! I knew I could count on you guys!

    Well, I had my 8th:0 fill yesterday and I think we may have hit it...my Dr was worried that it would be too tight so he let some out and then it was too loose so more went in. He said I have a sliver...expected to hear from me today that I couldn't handle it but so far so good!!! It is different...ate Soup and popcorn last night and was FULL!!! Now as I write this, I am trying to get down a Breakfast shake and it is taking its time but going down...ahhhhh the feeling of tightness. So, today is a new day! I'm starting back recording food to kick me back into shape...hope it continues!

    Brandy - I can't wait to see wedding pictures! You will be a beautiful bride!!!!

    CC - I've been where you are too many times. But it was usually in a time of stress. Give it a day or two to see if things settle out then if you feel you need the fill, get it. My Dr is of the school that you know your body best.

    Bea & Turler - glad you guys are doing okay....we need to get out motivation back!!! Where did it go? I talked to one of the nurses @ my Dr's office who has hd the band for over a year and she said she platued for almost 3 months but then she went back to eating normally. Not worrying with calories, excercise and such for about two weeks. Then went back great guns like she did right after surgery and BAM!!! Weight starting dropping again. I guess I'm there because I haven't worried about all that for about three weeks so no is the time to kick my butt back into it. What can we challenge ourselves with? I want to drop 10lbs by New Years and start 2009 firmly in the 180s. What about you guys????

  13. Thanks Brandy. Sharing with you guys always makes me feel better. Just wish I could snap my fingers and make it all better.

    Sorry to hear about the teenage drama. I sympathize! 14 yr old going on 30 doesn't help our household much either!

    I took some time off exercising too. I am going to start back next week after I get over the fill...we'll have to push each other.

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