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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momof5

  1. It really depends on you, everyone is different as to what they can handle. I can't do bread so I never order anything with it. But usually grilled items are good, especially to get the protein needed to fill you up. Plus meat appetizers are good too. I order calamari, chicken fingers, plain wings or shrimp cocktails. Just make sure to chew whatever you order really good then there shouldn't be a problem.
  2. I am new on this road and have another 75lbs to lose but for the past three weeks, the scales have stopped! I don't know what I'm doing wrong and would LOVE advice from someone who has been there, done that, and is doing well by getting to or met their goals.
  3. I've been having to have snacks in the afternoons and before bed depends, but I haven't been choosing too wisely. So, I went to the store today and stocked up on 100 calorie packs, 60 calorie pudding (can easily add protein powder to), as well as yogurt and other things to have on hand. I hope this will help. I have also made a weekly menu to stick with. Lots of grilled things on it. I would love to be able to eat refried beans or soup and feel full but not there yet. I had hoped to get another fill next week but my doctor is on vacation and the next week I'll be on vacation so I have to wait another two weeks!!! I am going to push myself to do my best, even when on vacation. Atleast then I'll be busy at the pool and such and food won't be as accessable. Have you ever heard of having too few calories when excercising and your body not losing? I am wondering if that has been my problem. I jumped back into excercising along with cutting my calories and maybe my body is in shock. What do you think?
  4. Blooeyez- Glad to see someone else had an off day too! Yesterday was a day full of not so good choices. But today is a new day!
  5. Thanks for gettting back to me! So far I have had 2 fills. Right now I can still eat fairly quickly with not alot of problems unless its something tough like chicken. Then I have to have BBQ sauce or ketchup. I think one more fill may do the trick. Atleast I hope so. For the last week, I have been using MyPlate.com to keep up with my calories and it has really helped. I couldn't believe all the wrong choices I was making! I keep my intake to around 1000-1200/day. And I drink nothing but Water too. If I try to drink anything else, I find its too sweet or makes me feel even more hungry. I also excercise atleast 1 hour a day. I walk everyday for atleast 30 minutes then I either jump on a mini-tramp, do yoga, resistance training or another evening walk for 30 minutes. That has helped too. Not to mention running after kids, which I know you can relate to! I rarely drink Protein shakes unless its Breakfast (which I am not used to eating) but all other times, I want food! That's where I think another fill would help, by not being so hungry between meals. I still can't only eat 3 times a day and stay satisfied. Nor can I simply eat 1/2 of refried Beans or other foods that so many bandsters seem to eat and be satisfied but I'll get there. My doctor is really good about listening to me and when I feel like things aren't doing like they should, he won't make me wait forever for a fill, just as long as its 2 weeks, to give things time. So, next Tuesday is two weeks from my last fill and I think I may get another one then. Atleast my clothes are getting really loose, now if the scales would move, I'd be even happier!!!
  6. momof5

    spinning out of control HELP!

    Vegasgrace- Way to go on your progress! What an inspiration!!! Please let me know what you are doing on a daily basis...food, excercise, etc... I want to get into a routine that works and it looks like you have found that!
  7. momof5

    spinning out of control HELP!

    Jls 27 I found a wonderful drink that helped me through that Hunger feeling time you're describing and I use it now for breakfast...Muscle Milk. Its sold at GNC and I love the chocolate flavor. Best thing about it is it has 34g protein!!! It will fill you up! I usually have to drink half for breakfast and the other half mid-morning. Maybe this will give you something different and sweet to try and give you that full feeling too!
  8. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I eat chicken strips with breading taken off, black beans, refried beans, nuts, cheese and anything that can be grilled. Also, protein powder mixes good with anything!
  9. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I felt no restriction after my first fill and feel some now that I've had my second. But what has helped more than anything is eating more protein. If I eat protein first and until I'm full, I get full FAST and stay full longer. So, I would suggest trying to fill yourself up with more protein every chance you get.
  10. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Things have been better today. For breakfast I was able to eat 4 reduced calorie ritz with peanut butter and felt full. Lunch was some hummus and half a chicken breast stuffed with mushrooms and cheese. I made sure to chew everything completely so no problems but really don't have that "full" feeling. Hope that will come with time and getting know my limits too. Everyone is different. I told my Dr. that I would LOVE to have the feeling I had right out of surgery. I KNEW when I was full and not but maybe I haven't gotten to my sweet spot yet or it will come within the next few days. Anyone have any good suggestions on what fills them up best?
  11. I congratulate all of you for your losing! I think I've got the eating under control but I'd like to know about your excercise habits...
  12. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I'm an April bander too. My procedure date was April 27th. I lost 25lbs in the first 3 weeks and then it took me another 3 weeks to lose 5lbs. I've just had my second fill today and it is tight! The first fill did nothing for me. I was able to eat anything so my doctor said he wouldn't make me wait another 2 weeks to have another one. I'm glad he didn't. I just tried to drink some milk, oops too fast and I knew it immediately! It was the worst pain I think I've had since the surgery. I won't make that mistake again! I have 75lbs to go and I want to get there! Hope we all do it and soon!
  13. I need some help! I was banded April 23 and lost 25lbs within 3 weeks:thumbup: but the 4th week I was starved and eating everything, no weight loss then. I had my first fill on May 27th and can now tell some difference. No where near as tight as after surgery but I am not eating as much as that 4th week and not as hungry. I have lost 2 more pounds this week and my clothes are fitting much better. Down a whole size and don't even have to unbutton or unzip them to put on or off. My doctor told me that I should be eating 1 to 1 & 1/2 cups per meal but WHAT should I be eating? Mostly protein? No fried foods (chicken nuggets are the easiest for me to eat)? or should I be watching calories? I excercise everday for 45 -60 minutes so that is going good. But I want to lose as much as I can. Definitely don't want to waste this oppotunity. So, if I'm not doing my food right, I want to know!!! Look forward to any advice you guys can give!
  14. momof5

    Any bandsters in Macon GA area?

    I have three boys and two girls ages g14yrs, b8yrs, g7yrs, b5yrs and b19 months. They definitely keep me busy - as you know how that goes and that is why I decided to have the surgery. I wanted to be healthy for them. I was banded on April 23rd and had my first fill June 7th. I have lost 26lbs since the surgery. That was mostly all in the first 3 weeks. The 4th week post-op was torture. I was starving!!! Then I had my fill but I am still able to eat anything with no restriction. I hope to have another fill in a week or two...definitely don't want to regain any weight. I am excercising atleast 45 minutes a day. I normally walk and then do resistance training. I am losing inches because my clothes are falling off. Just wish the scales would move some too! I need to follow your lead with counting calories. I don't drink anything but water either but my doctor told me to eat 1 to 1&1/2 cups of food per meal. I can handle that, it's just the in between times that give me a problem. I am going to get more protein to have on hand! And start counting those calories. So, is it burning up down in South Georgia? It has finally started warming up here. The worst is all the mosquitos! They seemed to come out over night!
  15. momof5

    Any bandsters in Macon GA area?

    Nip50- looks like you're doing great. 118 in 7 months!!! I have to ask how are you doing it? What are you eating, how much are you excercising, etc...any pointers would be greatly appreciated!!!
  16. momof5

    Any bandsters in Macon GA area?

    I live in Eatonton and got banded in April but had mine in Atlanta. How's it going for you?

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