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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by momof5

  1. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Bea-haven't heard from you this weekend and was hoping everything was okay with you and your family. Let us know! You guys talking about your anniversaries made me check out mine...my 5 month is the 29th. I hope to hit 60lbs gone and a size 14... my scales actually moved this week and I've gone from 199 to 194! I was so glad. It has taken so long for them to move again but they finally have.
  2. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Way to go Carol!!! You should be shouting from the mountain tops so don't apologize for it. You go girl!
  3. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    We should call ourselves the tubal sisters because I too had one after my last pregnancy. I have been the same being heavy so if something can help with that, I'm all for it! I can no longer complain about my cravings though. They fixed themselves today...had about 1/2 cup of chili cheese fritos :omg_smile:) and then spent the rest of the day PBing and "tossing my cookies." I guess its liquids for me for a day or two! But it is nice to have the tightness back!!!
  4. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I'll have to try that. It would hopefully solve the salty, sweet and crunchy all in one snack! Thanks!
  5. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    HELP! Guys I'm pulling my hair out! It is almost "that time of month" and I have gone from not being able to finish 8ozs of yogurt to being starved for the afternoon and craving chips, chocolate, ice cream and milk! I have done so good since my last fill and even last month, went through this a little but not much. But starting around lunch, I can't get my mind off those "bad" things. I still don't eat near what I used to. A bag of chips is now about two handfuls, a 1/2 gallon of ice cream has been reduced to about a cup and chocolate milk, well 8ozs satisfies that in the evenings. Luckily, by dinner, things calm down and I only eat about 1/2-1cup of food. But I wish I could head off the afternoon issues. What all do you guys do when things like this hit? Oh, Bea -- keep us posted on Ike and how it affects you and your family! I'll be keeping you guys in my prayers!
  6. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    88Keyz - Don't get down. You seem to be doing great with your loss. At my last fill, it was a little tight and had issues with PBing, I think we all go through this at some point. Hopefully your adjustment will help! It is an aweful feeling! Try tweaking your excercise or food to jump start a loss. I had to add more water and protein, that caused a good loss over a couple weeks. Now I have hit another slow down and am tweaking my excercise routine. Instead of simply walking on the treadmill, I now walk on an incline one day and the next, do 4 minutes walking, 1 minute running for 45 minutes. I then bike for 30 minutes. Hope this helps!
  7. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    L2L - I don't think you're mom is jealous just a protective mom. My mom actually made the same comment this past weekend. She is a size 12. I was actually a size 12 in high school and people thought I was anorexic because of my height. But being happy with what you look like is up to you. I saw the prettiest girl the other day. She had actually lost 60lbs and looked AWESOME. Tanned, buff and long blonde hair (not jealous much) but the astoudning thing...she weighed 182 and wore a size 12! She explained that it was muscle that was weighing more and she was now in the best shape of her life and really didn't want to get any smaller. I didn't blame her. So, don't think of sizes but when you get happy with looking in the mirror with what you see, then you're there!
  8. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    WAY TO GO COLORADO! It is a good feeling to shop regular stores again - huh!?!?!?!
  9. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hey guys. Just checking in. Glad to see that everyone had a good weekend. L2L - glad the storm didn't put too big a damper on your trip! Now we've just got to keep and eye on Hanna....what are you guys being told so far about that situation? Nurse - glad to hear things are going good! Keep up the good work. Falling off the wagon makes you want to push to get back on and I know you will!!! Bea - thanks for the tip with the yogurt! I looked for the yogurt at Walmart today but they don't have it. They do have the sugar free JELLO singles that would work great in it though. I'm going to Publix tomorrow to get my yogurt so I can try it...I can't wait! My "kid free" outing with my hubby was wonderful! I had been able to find a cute teddy that he really liked. We wnet shopping and I was able to fit into a size 14 skirt! Plus, into large tops! I haven't been there in almost 13 years! I couldn't believe it! We then celebrated with a dinner out at a nice restaurant but luckily they worked with my eating and fixed me a wonderful meal of thinly sliced duck breast and creamed summer squash...it was SOOOOOO good. But then was a little bad when we finished the meal splitting a creme brulee' and cappucino but I came home still losing a pound. I guess it was from all the walking and extra curricular activities! Hope everyone has a great week!
  10. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Way to go Bea! 16 laps is major! I would have been good to do two! Thanks too for the tip on working out. It definitely gives me reason to keep going over that 45 minute mark that I so badly want to stop at each day. Keep the good tips coming. I can sure use them! I recently found Greek Yogurt too after reading about it in a weight lifting magazine. I wished I'd known about it sooner! Try it blended with some berries then frozen...it makes the best yogurt pops! Plus, the vanilla kind mixes really well with chocolate syrup for chocolate pops. It helps me kick the sweet cravings and fill up at the same time!
  11. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Brandy - funny you say that because I have been SOOO full for the past few weeks but today and yesterday, I could tell I could eat more. Hope its just a phase. Otherwise, might have to head in for another fill next week!
  12. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Oh Kohl's is the best! It is my go to place whenever I need something to wear!!! Also, shopping there at Christmas is the best! They've got the best prices and then their discount sales rock! I agree...shoes, shoes, shoes - a woman's best friend nest to diamonds. I have to buy new ones because my feet have actually shrank!!! But who needs an excuse for shoes? Too many times I get shoes and then the outfit to go with them!
  13. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Nurse - sorry things are so hectic right now. Try not to let it all pile up and get you down, that can be the worst! If that guy is smart, he'll hang around too but if not, his loss! Mamakat - Hope today goes better with the band. It is a big change when things finally get tightened to a point you can really tell. Maybe this is the magic spot! I'm amazed at how many of us have the same age kids. It must have been something in the water! I also have one who started kindergarten this year. He was a trooper. Even on the first day, he didn't want mom or dad to take him to school. Had to ride the bus like his older brother and sisters. He's never looked back. He loves school! Atleast I have one more to go through it and maybe he'll be a little sad leaving mom, but I doubt it. I think he'd get on the bus with the rest of them now if we let him!
  14. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Carol - hope classes go good! And don't discount the loss. A pound is a pound and they all add up! L2L - glad somebody else isn't feeling the excercise bug this week. I di okay yesterday but today, couldn't get my head into it. I did walk 50 minutes @ 4mph but should be doing longer and faster, but evey little bit helps. Hopefully this drab weather will pass soon and the sun will take away the blahs:)
  15. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    L2L - If I can make it, anyone can! I know you'll do it!!! I'll keep rooting for you!
  16. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    WAY TO GO NURSE!!! Hope everyone has had a good weekend. Had to let you guys know that I hit 199lbs this weekend!!! Finally under 200lbs for the first time in over 7 years!!! Said goodbye to 3 dress sizes in the process. Now I have to go shopping for Fall!!!
  17. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I'll be praying that that is as bad as it gets!
  18. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Sounds good to me! It would save me airfare and I could use the $$$ for shopping! How's the weather down there? Are you getting anything bad? I hope not!
  19. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I hate flying too but driving from Eatonton does not sound fun either. But if flying is too costly, maybe sweet hubby will take me...he travels to Florida a good bit for business. The other thing we need to think about is Hurricane Season...such as what is going on right now:) Would we do better looking at July?
  20. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Nurse - Let us know how you do! We're pulling for you! I am VERY serious about a cruise. I told my hubby what we were thinking and he thought it was a great idea. He said that we all needed a big reward after being so faithful and working so hard to attain our goals. I really have a great hubby:) So, count me in! The later in August the better. That way kids will be in school and it will be easier to get child care for just one while dad is at work. I agree that 4-5 days is good. Where will we leave from? I'm up for going anywhere!!! Just give me a lounge chair w/ some sun and I'm happy! L2L - looks like you know about this stuff so find the best deals and let us know. What about airfare from Atlanta to where ever too? Then inform us how to sign up for it all. If you don't mind....
  21. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Forneygal - looks like you're losing just fine without worrying about more fills! Congrats! Anyway, some doctors fill every 4 weeks as needed. Mine is a good and trusts me to listen to my body so if I haven't been losing in 3 weeks and can eat too much, he'd do a fill. I'm so glad since I would get stalled and need more. So, it really is more between you and your Dr. and what the two of you feel you need. Nurse - keep it up! Looks like you're on track and moving to lose! I think August is a good time for the cruise. My goal is 8-10lbs per month. The doctor says with the right eating and excercise, that's not asking too much but that it will get harder the closer to goal I get. So, I am looking to be at goal by March. Giving ourselves enough time to get there helps by not putting too much stress on ourselves nor setting ourselves up for failure! I hope that I can rock that bikini with you! I haven't even tried on a bikini since college!!! Scary!
  22. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    It's strange...when I drink water, it seems to have a hard time going down. I burp alot, it is just uncomfortable. But this morning while on the treadmill, I drank some while walking and had no issues. Then, when I got in the car to come home and continued to drink the same water, it felt that it would not go down. I can drink hot tea, coffee and even iced coffee but there is something with water that doesn't do me right.
  23. I got them at Publix in the hot dog/sausage section. They also have chicken sausages that are supposed to be good too but I haven't tired them since I can't eat that much at one time. Good luck!
  24. Julieh - Don't have any ideas for protein powder but found some AWESOME meatballs that have 11g for every three!!! They are Aidells chicken meatballs, teriyaki & pineapple. They're precooked and take 1 minute in the microwave. So they make a fast, protein packed snack. Hope this helps!
  25. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Never thought of a cruise either but I'm there! We'll keep each other pumped and when we make goals....we'll sail away! And I vote for loosening the bands, atleast for the trip. If we're all skinny minnies, we can afford a little food for a couple days! Turler - you have more guts than me! I'm proud of you. I probably wouldn't have even stayed for the class! Bea - WAY TO GO! Running 30 minutes is MAJOR! Especially coming from someone who couldn't even do 5 minutes. Keep it up girl!!! Don't ya'll worry about me...after my last post I told my hubby that I needed to do some shopping for our trip and he agreed! So, I am off this weekend for a me day! Nails, hair and buying a little treat for him - somewhere other than Walmart. He won't know what to think...I could pretty much get anything since he'll just be happy seeing me come to bed in something other than my Barry Mannilow T-shirt!

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