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Everything posted by momof5

  1. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hey guys! Hope everyone has been doing good. I have to go back an read posts since last Friday.... I've been pretty down the past couple of days. My tightness has completely disappeared and was able to eat this weekend like a mad woman. But I did still manage to lose a pound - go figure. I've also been dealing with a sick child, husband who is way too keyed up about the election and a 14 year old drama queen. I did call my Dr today and luckily he is going to do another fill Thursday. We leave for our trip to Lake Placid in a week and a half and I new I didn't want to go up there being able to eat like I've been. So, I'm excited about that. Also, I am getting a haircut Friday, going to see High School Musical 2 (the Broadway show) on Sunday with my Drama queen so I have things to look forward to, but just down on myself right now. It is such a pain that I went backwards so badly and haven't been able to catch back up yet! I know, I know....things will turn around but right now I just want to whine. So, hope you guys don't mind. If I told my hubby what's been going on, he'd just give me one of those lectures to snap out of it so I haven't even mentioned it to him. I've been eating in secret again....lunch to about 3pm then refrain once family is around. Oh, to be full again after just 1/2cup of food is what I long for....I pray that Thursday will be the day!
  2. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    L2l - glad things are getting back to normal and they're able to fit you in for the fill. I will be having one again soon. Back to no restriction:( This is so aggrevating! Did so good yesterday and posted foods but today is close to TOM so I started the day good then gorged this afternoon. So I am paying for it now. I feel like I've eaten a watermelon. Needless to say, I will be forgoing dinner tonight. But tomorrow is another day. My kids are so siked about trick or treating. I told them that they can stay up and eat their candy too (getting it out of the house as soon as possible!) Anyone got any big plans for tomorrow?
  3. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Glad to see you back Turler! Hate that you have been working so hard and now feeling yuck...hope it isn't anything too bad. Maybe just a cold:)
  4. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    THanks Brandy. I will be trying it tomorrow! I'm glad it is the full type because I do have the brief type and it rolls on me too. Not to sexy looking with a spaghetti noodle rolling down my back!
  5. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Bea - wondering where you were! Glad you're back on.... I wish someone would come out with jeans that actually fit a real woman with curves! It's either too loose or skin tight. Where's the happy medium. But I am LOL at the no pants idea...have you tried leggings? My friend has tried to talk me into them, since all the tops this winter are long but I feel like I'm on a trip back to high school. I saw the mag you were mentioning but didn't get it, I'll have to tomorrow. I did get the actual Clean Eating mag. It has some GREAT recipes. I did do good today and haven't missed the "regular junk" I normally eat. I've had more energy too. L2L-PLEASE be careful...I had the stomach bug and then after a week had all the problems and then the unfill. My Dr. said that when I get a bug I need to call asap to get a small unfill so that things don't get aggrevated. I will definitely call next time! So, you might want to check with your Dr. to make sure he doesn't want to do anything. Brandy - I am heading to Walmart tomorrow to find the garment you're talking about. Hope they have it. You said it is by Cupid? Is it high waisted briefs, a full body suit, or what? I want to get the right one!
  6. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    No I haven't tried them but I will check it out! I didn't have this muffin top when I first lost because I had cut out all my carbs and most sugars because I couldn't tolerate them. But once I got the unfill, could eat that stuff again then gained some back, it all went there:( Do check out the clean eating. Is is easy. Simply trying to eat things that aren't processed and don't have extra sugars. I picked up a clean eating magazine at the grocery store today. All I know is that it can't hurt.... Have any of you seen the study about women eating eggs? It shows that women who eat two eggs each morning stay fuller longer, eat fewer calories during the day and lose more weight than those who ate other things for Breakfast. Thought it was interesting.
  7. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I can finally post today! Brandy - glad to hear you were able to eat something more than liquids. I know you are too! L2L - be careful! And I hope you feel better. Well, bye bye to tightness....don't know where it went but it is gone once again. Luckily, I can't eat alot but I can eat too easily and things I shouldn't be. I guess I will be back for another fill in a week or two. In the meantime, I am starting "Clean Eating" today. My stomach is the issue....I am losing everywhere but there. I went shopping with a friend yesterday, had so much fun. I could actually fit in a 14 BUT my muffin top looked aweful with all the shirts I tried on. Even the sweaters didn't look good. I did get some things and made a promise to myself that I would do something to get into them! After much studying of the issues, it seems that clean eating will help. It is what most body builders and people who need to cut down on bloating do. So, I have promised myself two weeks, that's how long I have until me and my hubby have before going to Lake Placid. This will give me time to see if it works and feel good again! I found a blog last night where people challenged each other to do this for the month of October and so far most of them have lost anywhere from 5 to 10lbs.... Sorry, I'm rambling but wanted to get this out...So how's everyone else doing?
  8. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    What's up with the site? I haven't been able to log in all day and when I did, my post didn't show.... Anyway, Congrats on your winnings Brandy! I know that was exciting. Be careful with yourself though. Don't get too tight. I'd hate for you to have to get a unfill. It is now fun!!!
  9. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Bea - so glad that the service went well. Celebrating someone's life is always an amazing thing! Plus, way to go on the loss:) L2L - I do log onto Daily Plate as supermomof5 (momof5 was taken) I will go on and check out the groups and figure it all out. I haven't been able to lately because I am in the process of launching my own business and the roll-out party is today:0 So, once today passes, things should get back to normal!
  10. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Way to go Turler! I'm back down today too! What a good feeling!!!
  11. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    L2L - I do want to log in my food with everyone. I do it there anyway...but I can't seem to figure out how. Can you let me know, please....
  12. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I'm with you, I wouldn't trade it either. I wish I had done this so long ago.
  13. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Just checked out everyone's pics....WOW!!! Everyone looks great and is doing so good!!!
  14. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Turler - thanks for understanding. It is wierd that we wouldn't want to be able to eat but it is so empowering and I have gotten to the point that I hated meal times or being around food because I knew I would want it and not get full.
  15. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Tightness is BACK!!!!! I am so happy to report this...I got up this morning, went about things as usual then took two tylenol along with a couple gulps of water, without thinking, and boom....I FELT IT!!! I know it sounds crazy that I'm so excited about the pain of this but it is so great to have that feeling back now. Now its time to get to loosing again!
  16. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Nope, not upset at all. I was but it comes with the situation so I got over it. Atleast people are still noticing what I have lost and I can wear all the clothes I had bought:)
  17. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Gosh, I miss out on so much when I don't get to check in regularly! Way to go Brandy on the 60lbs...you can get that 100lb mark, I know it! I'm pulling for you! Gwenn-sorry about your uncle. I'll be saying a little prayer for you and your family. Just try not to over do during this hectic time. Bea - So sorry you are tight. Hope that will fix itself! Glad to know someone else has heard of the clean eating. I have been reading more about it and am going to start it tomorrow. My belly is what is giving me the issues. I've toned up everywhere but there and this seems to be the best way to go to help loose it. I sure hope so!!! I got another fill today. He couldn't believe how open things were. The barium went right through. So, he added another 1.5ccs which takes me to 5.5, almost where I was when I had the unfill. I can tell some difference. Hope it will feel tighter when I start eating regular. I've stuck with yogurt and cheese so far. I've got to get the scales moving again! I wanted to be 175 by Halloween but that's out the window so my new goal is to be 185 by Thanksgiving. I've got to reloose the weight I've gained back since having the unfill:( But I'm going to do it!!! Hope everyone has a good day!
  18. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    I am. THough I haven't been posting since Thursday. I'll go on tonight and get things going again.
  19. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Hey guys! I'm back...thanks for asking Bea. It took me awhile to read 6 pages of posts to catch up...ya'll have been talkative and so much has happened, don't know where to start. Bea- WAY TO GO!!!!!! I am so happy for you girl! That is such good news with the scales moving, losing inches and losing fat%! Keep it up and onederland will be here in no time!!! L2L - glad you had a good trip. I know how you feel from being wiped out though. I always feel like I need a vacation to get over my mini-vacations:) Well, the camping trip went great. It was cold but not too bad. The kids loved it. I didn't eat the best but I also hiked and walked non-stop so I came home not gaining anything:) Now that I am done catching up with laundry, I can relax some.... Didn't make it to the gym yesterday, too tired. But made up for it today with 1 and 1/2 hours. Felt really good to get back to it. Was surprised how much I'd missed it. I go back for another fill Thursday. I am so excited. I have no restriction. Kept waiting for it to come since the last one but there is none. I can eat whatever I want and unfortunately have been. Haven't been making too good of choices lately but its time to turn that around. Have any of you heard of Clean Eating? I've been reading about it lately and I think after this fill, I'm going to give it a try. I want to do it till Thanksgiving to see if it helps. If any of you have done it, let me know if you liked it or if it worked. Sorry I'm so long winded today. Making up for lost time:)
  20. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Brandy - one of my best friends has become cashews. I love them and they add some good protein. Also the greek yogurt mixed with Bear Naked Protein Plus granola and fruit is soooooo good. Also, you can use protein powder in sauces and such. Mix it in to stuf and you'll be surprised. And you can add egg whites (powdered or liquid) in recipes to up some protein. This tends to help if you're not hungry alot and don't like the protein shakes. My scales finally moved!!! (still won't post till I catch back up to what I had lost but I'm almost there!) I upped my calories to go with my excercise...now I average 1200 to 1400 calories a day and it seems to be working. They aren't the best calories I could choose but filling. I'm still not feeling much, if any, restriction so it has been hard. I plan to go back in about a week for another fill. Won't be back till Monday, camping. So, everyone have a good weekend and L2L - have a good trip!
  21. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Bea - I was talking about roasting the chick peas like the cauliflower. I've also done that with sweet potatoes, asparagus, broccoli and mushrooms...I LOVE anything roasted. L2L - You have a great time. I have always wanted to go to Memphis but haven't made it yet. We are going camping, with kids, this weekend and it's supposed to be the coldest weekend yet in NC. High Saturday is only 60 with lows in the 30s....this GA girl is gonna be so out of her element with those temps! Turler - you've done so good so far and I bet you'll get a wonderful surprise for yourself at how many things you'll get to ride. Have fun and enjoy!!! You guys make me jealous with the haircuts/coloring/waxing...I need it all so bad right now but don't want to take the time or spend the $$$ to do it. Shame on me. I did color my hair Sunday back to its natural color...it is dark. I'll have to take a picture to see what you guys think. Hubby loves it but the kids are still getting used to it.
  22. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Thanks for the compliment! Oh My Goodness!!!! I know you about fell over when she told you to eat more!!! I think that is great that you have her to help you pin point things. I can't wait to see how it goes! I went back to checking my calories and I get only about 1200 a day but they aren't the good kind so in with the fruits and veggies and more protein too. Hope it helps us both...adding more food to loose weight seems so foreign and even scary:) Thanks for the recipe...it sounds yummy! Have you ever tried chick peas like that? They are awesome!!! But only fix what you want to eat, they get kinda soggy when saved.
  23. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Thanks so much Bea...those help alot! All of them sound good too. I can't wait to hear what your instructor said as well as get the recipes...
  24. momof5

    Calling all April Bandsters!!!!

    Thanks for the compliment L2L - my hubby got camera happy this weekend....Thanks for the snack ideas too. I went to the store after excercising (that's when I'm not as tempted) and loaded up on some fruit, carrots w/ hummus, nuts and salad fixings. I really want to drop back down so I'm trying to do all I can...

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