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Everything posted by Circlesis

  1. Circlesis

    Pandemic Check In

    Sideeye do you have any thoughts about whether the sun allergy is surgery related? I developed the same at age 40 less than a year after sleeve and am mostly convinced it was a reaction to the sleeve surgery. I posted on here a few years ago about it but didn’t find anyone else with a similar experience 🤷‍♀️
  2. Thank you so much for the update! I am so happy that it is going well for you. Question: did they touch your sleeve at all this time, or just the small intestine? I ask because the doc said if her finds it is needed he will fix the sleeve at the same time and also plans to remove gallbladder proactively at the time of surgery.
  3. Agree! Any updates @goldy6575 ?
  4. Circlesis

    What should I do?

    If your doctor supports this for you hopefully your insurance will go along. Wishing you the best! When will you find out?
  5. Circlesis

    Loss of smell and taste!!

    No I definitely didn’t experience anything like that. Good luck and please get tested!
  6. Circlesis

    All the DS Switch friends

    I am getting ready to revise to DS from sleeve. I don’t know how many DS people we have on here, although I think it is starting to get slightly more popular.
  7. In addition to Mexico there are also a number of US physicians that specialize in self-pay and patients traveling for surgery. Those are all going to have a process set up for you to be able to do what all is needed when you arrive for surgery or beforehand with ease. There are a number of them in Texas also Las Vegas.
  8. Circlesis

    I’m riding the struggle bus.

    Dry roasted almonds with cheese is another option if you like those. Emerald makes the dry roasted ones.
  9. Sleep study is your best bet at this point. Are you snoring or/and waking up with head aches or waking up tired and non refreshed? Or do you sometimes wake up feeling like you are short of breath?
  10. The regular DS does not interfere with the pylorus either. The difference must be something else.
  11. Circlesis


    Sorry, no. Sleeve around her stomach lol
  12. Yes year 3 weight gain very common. The sleeve effect wears off somewhere between year 2 and 3. Agree with suggestion to track your intake to see what you are really eating in terms of calories now.
  13. Circlesis

    What do you wish you had known

    @sweetsmith78 I offered my feedback to the question posed by this thread. My perspective is as a person having had the sleeve for 6 years. You are free to take it or leave it, but others might value the input of those of us having much more experience in this. 🤷‍♀️
  14. Circlesis

    What do you wish you had known

    Can you show data for year 6+ by chance? If the trend holds,the number will continue down one would guess.
  15. So basically just the intestinal part of the DS surgery if that makes sense. I have my sleeve already in place since 2014 😉 Curious about how recovery might go. My sleeve recovery was okay, nothing major but there were plenty of situations with the stomach that were challenging due to the extreme restriction at the beginning. Any thoughts, experiences, opinions? 
  16. Circlesis

    Recovery from Sleeve to DS?

    Thank you so much @onmyway11! How is it going for you so far? Also curious as to your decision process between the regular DS and the modified... what pushed your decision toward the mod version if you are willing to share!
  17. Circlesis

    What do you wish you had known

    I wish I knew that the sleeve won’t in any way help keep weight off past year 2 and that it is normal for the sleeve to stretch to regular capacity by that point with no reduction in appetite.
  18. Circlesis

    Low BMI Gastric Sleeve story

    Best wishes to those of you getting ready. On hair loss: you will 99% chance have hairloss from about months 3 to 6 post surgery. The losses will be apparent on your hands, brush, pillow, stylists comb, but not necessarily noticeable on your head. That will depend. Anyway you can’t likely avoid it, so my suggestion is save your money and focus on your program. The hair will surely work its own dang self out. Soon you will be slim and trim!
  19. Circlesis

    I’m so upset

    I am so sorry you are having a hard time! Have you tried other liquids than plain water, such as regular or herbal tea or flavored waters, sports drinks or broths and also try them hot or even at room temperature as well as cold. My favorite drink in my post op months was hot chai latte made with a celestial seasonings chai tea bag steeped in hot water for 5 minutes, then add 1/2 of a Splenda packet and one single serve tub of half and half or mini moo. Personally I still cannot drink plain cold water to this day at 6 years out...still gives me nausea.
  20. Years ago there was a frequent poster on this site that had one for non-weight issues. I don’t know if she is still around , but I do recall she had really great results with her surgery.
  21. Circlesis


    My research suggests that revisions from sleeve tend to be either to DS or to bypass, with a very few being a resleeve done in certain cases, such as if the sleeve was oversized or defective in some way. At your current weight (assuming it is still less than 35 BMI?) I don’t know what the requirements might be unless you have serious Gerd or other issues? I know regain is a legit reason but I don’t know if they make you wait or what. Do you know why you have regained?
  22. Circlesis

    New Member, Revised!

    Congrats on your revision! Looking forward to hearing more as your journey progresses.
  23. Circlesis

    Revision options

    In researching I found YouTube videos by shrinking violet to be helpful in information gathering process.
  24. Circlesis

    Revision options

    My opinion DS, just going by the Numbers and long term weight loss maintenance. Full disclosure I am considering a sleeve to DS revision myself.
  25. Circlesis

    Any WLS peeps from 2014 still around?

    👋 I’m here! Surgury in 09/2014. I posted under a different handle back then but was on here a LOT from 2013 to 2015. Happy to see familiar folks! Am I the only one presently considering revision?? I want sleeve to DS.

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