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Status Updates posted by janesays

  1. my main lbt man DREW! good to hear from you i've been missing your updates! see you are 56 pounds down now.... awesome, awesome. and you can always feel free to text me whenever!

  2. aw im sorry. if you have any comorbities you might want to try appealing your insurance, because with a bmi of 44 a lot of insurance companies will cover the surgery, at least partially. sorry i can't help you more since i don't know more doctors in the dallas area... my doctor self-pay was about 12,000. if you look into a loan, i know there are a lot of really good student loans you can get! so that's a bonus. good luck with everything, let me know if you have any more questions!

  3. thanks for the picture comments/compliments girl! i stepped on the scale today and dropped 2 pounds overnight... love when that happens! especially when yesterday i thought i did BAD because i indulged and had some ben and jerry's froyo (half baked flavor)..... guess it pays off to reward yourself once in a blue moon, haha. i am sooooo close to the 2-teens on the scale, i can taste it!

  4. hey nice to meet you! i actually didnt end up having surgery in dallas, since i go to school in missouri now and spend most of the year up here... it makes follow-up visits much easier haha. but a few years ago when i was looking in dallas, i was thinking seriously about using TrueResults (I think it's in Richardson). Since I was denied by insurance and ended up being self-pay, it was cheaper with my doctor in missouri. But you can look into them, I hear great things!

  5. well after my last small fill it has been a little bit harder for me to get down food in general.... but im figuring it out. like, if i drink a lot of water before i eat, its not bad. but sometimes i will be out to eat with friends and feel like i have to order something more than just a salad, which i know i can handle... and the first few bites SUCK. but if i wait a little after that, then it doesnt really hurt and i can eat enough where it looks like nothing is wrong with me!

    i havent really lost more weight, but i am still losing. just very slowly. still the same as my ticker. what about you?

    i saw your pics you posted on facebook and you look HOT! love it! didnt want to comment on them there so i am commenting now-- you are a babe!

  6. aw sorry you aren't feeling better. haha yeah luckily i can keep down the good stuff, it's the junk that makes me sick! haha like yesterday, it was goldfish that made me feel horrible all afternoon! but the lean ground beef, sugar free pudding, protein bars, all that stuff--- smooth sailing. so i guess i'm lucky that is how my body has responded so far. now cookies and ice cream, i'm sure, would be another story. but i'm trying to keep them out of the house. out of sight out of mind, right?

  7. aw feb 16.... 3 weeks away... not TOO bad! hopefully the time flies. I'm sure it will, with you being busy with school and work and everything!

  8. hey hey! well today was a little rough.... felt a bit sick all afternoon and wanted to throw up but of course couldn't.. haha. It's all good now, but I think I'll stick to jello and pudding for the rest of the night...


    how are you doing?

  9. hey girly girl, howve you been? coming up on 1 month soon! when do you go in for a follow up?

  10. good to hear. i see you lost more weight! i'm slowly creeping down... but still about 2 pounds a week on average so no complaints!

  11. well thats awesome! hopefully you will keep losing like that, i mean if that's the case who knows you may never really need much of a fill!

  12. hey i hope you are feeling better today!

  13. hey katie! how you been lately? i just read somewhere that you said you are from frisco! i go to college in missouri now, but i was born in dallas and grew up in plano. park and preston intersection area, if you know where that is.

    anyways, just saying hi! see you around the forum

  14. aw i'm sorry you got that full until it hurts feeling.... :( but that's why we went through all the trouble of getting surgery, right? i got that feeling today too. haha hopefully one day, we'll learn...

  15. good for you losing 40lbs! so you went to your follow up yesterday then, how did that go? did you get a fill? yeah i am back at school-- i go to the university of missouri. its cold... like 7 degrees.

  16. i mean like, without getting too full to the point it hurts, and then i want to throw up or spit up. thats what i meant by sick. :)


    dont worry, once you get the right fill you will be able to eat the right amounts. tuesday is less than a day away!

  17. noooo way! i couldnt sleep, i decided to check up with people i havent talked to on LBT lately... decide to stop by your profile and what do you know?? it says you are uploading pictures! again! and you have no new pictures! haha you are such a teeeeaaaasssseeee!

    anyways i came back to mizzou early before classes start. the cold makes me want to go back down to texas, but i've been doing pretty well up here.. eating right and exercising a lot. how are you doing?

  18. lol no i haven't.... but i haven't been seeing you around here lately! what have you been up to? hows the weight loss going?

  19. hey! well my second fill went well. she added 1cc in addition to the 1cc she added at my first fill, and the doctor put the band in with 5cc in it already, and i am fiiiinally feeling what i think i should be feeling all the time. not hungry, but able to eat the right portion sizes without getting sick. the past two days have been good eating days. i hope this lasts! who knows, it could even be my "sweet spot"? haha when is your first fill?

  20. oooh chelsea i like the new profile pic! you little vixen you!

  21. haha well i read some astrological stuff in magazines, and apparently us pisces girls have full lips.... true for both you and me so far. :)


    thanks so much! in addition to the weight i lost over the past few months, ive lost about 15 lbs since surgery 7 weeks ago, so about 2 pounds a week on average. just where i want to be!

  22. girl you need to update those tickers.....!

  23. hey! are you going to the support group meeting tomorrow? (er, tonight now i guess! i'm a night owl haha)

    hope to see you there!

  24. woo 49 pounds lost! go drew go!

  25. chelsbels! i got home to my apartment and my scale, finally, after 2 weeks apart! this morning it said i was 226! that means on average i am still losing 2 pounds a week! annnnnnd now my bmi is 34.9!!! under 35 means "just" obese, not clinically obese! YAY!

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