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Duodenal Switch Patients
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Everything posted by NovaLuna

  1. I chose the Loop DS (virgin surgery not revision) for myself because of what the surgeons themselves were saying about common issues with the original DS (diarrhea). That was the only reason I choose the Loop DS lol. I met my goal weight (even if I'm currently up 6 pounds due to meds I'm taking, but I WAS up 18 pounds and dropped 12 so... I guess I can deal with 6 pounds. I'll lose it eventually. Or try to.). If I had to do it all over again... I would probably do the traditional DS. Simply because you lose a tad bit more weight with the traditional (according to my surgeon. It's supposedly only a tiny bit, but still) and I wonder if I'd picked it if I would have been able to get closer to a 'normal' BMI. I'm still technically 'overweight' but I figure if I ever do skin removal I'll probably lose a good 10-20 pounds of loose skin and even if I'd STILL be 'overweight' at least I'd be in spitting distance of a 'normal' BMI (I have no idea why I'm putting it in quotations...😓 I can't stop myself 😅). Anyway, you go with your gut instincts. The surgery is for you and you're the one who has to live with it so trust in whatever you decide to do.
  2. NovaLuna


    Welcome to the forums and congrats on your surgery date! I had the Loop DS so a little different from the traditional DS, but I'm grateful that I did it every single day!
  3. NovaLuna


    If it helps it took them almost a month to approve mine. Yeah. They told me two weeks and it took three and a half. I was anxious the entire time and thought they wouldn't approve it for some reason. I also had Medicaid, for reference.
  4. NovaLuna

    Been fighting for every pound, but.....

    Congrats and I went through the same thing. I was a chronic staller. It's incredibly frustrating, but some of us are unlucky like that.
  5. NovaLuna

    Cutting hair pre-op

    I had hair past my butt when I had my surgery two years ago and I cut my hair to my shoulders when I was about 18 months post op. I'm glad I waited to cut my hair, personally. I had a lot of hair thin out earlier on and had my hair been shorter it would have been a lot more noticeable, but since it was longer no one but me really noticed.
  6. NovaLuna

    Not losing weight

    You're in a stall. And your weight loss is in normal range because you started at a lower weight. You lost 10% of your body weight in two months. I lost 11% of my body weight in the first two months. Very similar. You're on track. Pounds wise, yes, I lost more, but I also started well over 300 pounds. Try not to stress as your weight loss is on track. Though yes, stalls are frustrating. I had many, many, many, many stalls in my journey. Several even that went in the 40 day range (which is way beyond the norm which is usually 3 weeks) so I fully understand how disheartening they are. Just keep on track and it'll break in time. The stalls are generally just your body trying to readjust itself.
  7. So I have been having some really bad rashes and some other symptoms for months now that I just never pieced together and thought 'these are being caused by the same thing'. Well, it turns out that I have something called MCAS which stands for Mast Cell Activation Syndrome. Basically my body is producing too much histamine, taking in too much histamine, and then randomly attacking itself, etc. I was told I have to go on a low histamine diet and avoid trigger food or foods that make the histamine in my body basically stand at attention even if that particular food is low in histamine (chocolate... no chocolate! 😭). This includes no dairy because dairy tends to be high in histamine, but how the heck to I do that and get the protein that I need? Is anyone else on a low histamine diet? I don't see the nutritionist until next month and I need the advice on my diet now so does anyone have any ideas? I could really use the help...
  8. NovaLuna

    < 3 Weeks Until Surgery

    The hair loss thing was really only noticeable to me. I knew that more hair was coming out when I brushed and in the shower, but no one else notice. Yes, I did cut my hair (I used to have hair that went to my waist and cut it to brush my shoulders) but the hair cut was because I hadn't cut my hair since I was 15 (I'm 34 and had just turned 34 when I cut it) and I was in desperate need of a cut. I don't have experience with pregnancy at all, but my PCP had weight loss surgery and had two more kids after the fact. With the DS though, it's still best to wait at least 18 months post op to make sure you have your vitamin levels where they're supposed to be because if you get pregnant too soon it can lead to health complications so that's why it's suggested to wait a full 18 months. Also, your taste buds change after surgery so don't get too attached to a certain protein shake because you might not like it post op. The one I bought I liked pre-op, but post-op it was far too sweet. Also, I wanted to share that my doctor never warned me that there is a 3% possibility of developing a wheat allergy or Celiac's Disease post op so I'm warning you that it is a possibility because they didn't tell me it was until I discovered that I have a wheat allergy. So while it's unlikely to happen to you, it would have been nice if I'd known... I still would have done the surgery and it was still one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself, I just wish I'd been prepared for it to be a possibility so that's why I'm sharing that with you. I wish you the best on your surgery journey and I hope that everything works out for you!
  9. NovaLuna

    Slow Losers Club…..officially *sigh*

    I was both a slow loser and a chronic staller. But I still got to my goal weight and even went a little past it. I'm in maintenance now and the only thing I can tell you is to try and not stress about it (which you will still undoubtedly do, because I know I did).
  10. I didn't have a revision, but when I was doing the research on my surgery I ran across a few peoples posts about how they revised to the DS and their weight loss. I remember one lady was in the 350's prior to her original surgery (gastric bypass) and got down to the 190's but then gained all her weight back and so had a revision to the DS and went from the 350's down to the 180's (she got to 170's after skin removal). I was actually considering the gastric bypass surgery at the time and I just kept thinking 'what if it fails' I didn't want to go through another surgery so I chose the Loop DS as my main surgery and it's worked great for me so far. I figure by the revision comments that I had stumbled on in my research before my surgery choice that your weight loss will probably be about the same, maybe slightly less than it would be with a fresh surgery but you'll probably still likely lose 70+% of excess weight. Just might be a tiny bit slower than a first time surgery.
  11. I tried every diet I could for more than 10 years before I did the surgery route. It would take me an entire year prior to surgery to lose 20-30 pounds and if I went off track I would gain back what a lost with interest within a very short period of time. It was ridiculous and disheartening. Surgery has been the only thing that has helped me take the weight off and keep it off. It's not impossible to do it without surgery, it's just unlikely. My mom was one of the rare ones who was able to lose a significant amount of weight on her own and keep it off because due to all her allergies she can't have WLS (she's allergic to vitamin supplements. seriously, they give her hives). My mom was over 400 pounds and at her lowest weight she got down to 180 on her own. She's maintained in the 230's for the last 20+ years. I tried the diet route, but my weight would barely budge and then I'd get upset and go off track and gain what I lost and extra and so at my heaviest I was 392 pounds. I took the WLS route when my niece was born in 2019 and it hit me that if I didn't DO something that I wouldn't be around to watch her grow up. Now my weight bounces around 175-185 and I just lose and gain back the same 10-11 pounds since I hit maintenance back in September. I'm much happier now and wish I had just done this for myself years sooner.
  12. Well, I had a different surgery (though my surgery DOES have a gastric sleeve stomach, if that counts), and likely weighed a lot more than you, but I'd lost 84 pounds at 6 months out. It sounds to me like you're doing great! 60 pounds is something to be proud of! As for the amount I eat... I can eat around a 6-8 oz now and I'm 23 months out. If I try to push I get uncomfortably full and then feel like I'm going to vomit for a few hours (I've only done this a handful of times, and all four or five times it was because I ate too fast and my eyes were bigger than my stomach. I regretted it so much because I felt like crap for hours after. I have not been able to vomit at all since my surgery, even tried to make myself when I somehow got wheat into my system as I'm allergic and I didn't fancy a trip to emergency room, but couldn't vomit.)
  13. NovaLuna

    Any experience with Stanford?

    Not with their medical weight loss program and that particular surgical team, but I did have brain surgery at Stanford and they had a fantastic team of doctors who took great care of me. If I ever have to do re-do my MVD (which is likely because it's just a temporary fix for my trigeminal neuralgia) I'll definitely have my surgery again at Stanford.
  14. NovaLuna

    1 Month Post Op Pictures

    32 pounds in a month?! Wow! Great job! 😀
  15. NovaLuna

    Carbs after surgery

    Noodles and rice swell so it's not the best idea to have them so early on as it can stretch your stomach out. I eat cauliflower rice (haven't had actual rice since my surgery almost two years ago), but cauliflower rice is wet so you can't cook it in a casserole or anything like that. It's good in stir fry though. It has no flavor so it takes on any sauces you add to it. G.Hughes makes some really great sugar free sauces. As for noodles... chickpea noodles are high in protein and break down easily so they'd be a good replacement, but don't put them in a crockpot or let them simmer in liquid after cooking because they get soggy.
  16. NovaLuna

    Carbs and Fat?

    It really depends on what stage you're in and your surgeons guidelines. Every program is different. At a month out I was getting around 400-600 calories a day and my nutritionist allowed 10% of your calorie intake for carbs (not in counting net carbs. She said count the whole carbs NOT net carbs). Now that I'm almost 2 years out and almost in maintenance I eat around 1300-1600 calories a day (the latter bit is on bad days) and I'm allowed 30% carbs, but I try and keep it to 10%. Fat, I didn't and still don't count. I just get low fat or no fat stuff.
  17. NovaLuna

    Nausea, need suggestions.

    They're 550mg per pill.
  18. NovaLuna

    When does weight loss start?

    Some people hold onto the IV fluid from their surgery for slightly longer. You may just be one of those people. I'd say give it another four or five days before stressing about it. Your weight loss should pick back up then.
  19. My surgeons office doesn't see patients until the day of surgery unless they request a face to face appointment with them on the one or two days a month that they're in the office (the practice has four surgeons. Fridays there's one in office, but it never seems to be the same one week to week). It sounds like your surgeon's office is probably the same. You can either delay your surgery and make an appointment to meet the surgeon face to face or just keep your appointment for the surgery because you'll meet them before they put you under (or at least that was my experience) and you get to ask any questions or voice concerns beforehand then. But... if you don't like the answers they give you or their bedside manner, you can always leave. They can't force you to stay and have the surgery if you don't want to. However, if you're more comfortable delaying your surgery to meet the surgeon beforehand then do so and voice that to the front office staff. Stress that you're delaying your surgery because you want to speak with the surgeon face to face and then schedule your surgery after they can get you an appointment with her if that will make you more comfortable with things.
  20. NovaLuna

    Nausea, need suggestions.

    I dealt with chronic nausea as well. After a while I noticed it was triggered more by if I waited too long to eat or if I ate too much. In addition to prescription anti-nausea I started taking two ginger root pills a day to supplement when the nausea got really bad and the ginger root helped sooooo much! It's still my go-to when I get nauseous.
  21. NovaLuna

    weight loss

    I lost 23 pounds the first month and I was heavier then you. 20 pounds is a fantastic amount of weight and is on the higher side especially with your starting weight. Unrealistic expectations for the surgery are common because of the show 'My 600 Pound Life' but your starting weight was less than half of theirs and thus your weight loss isn't going to seem as significant, but you're on track and doing great. I had the same unrealistic expectations and you'll have to work on lowering your expectations to be more realistic with your weight loss or else you're constantly going to be beating yourself up thinking that you're failing when, in fact, you're not only on track, but ahead of most people at the same point in time. Put this into perspective: You lost almost 8% of your body weight... in less than a month! How is that failing? Be proud of yourself! You've done great thus far!
  22. NovaLuna

    How long do stalls last?

    Most stalls last from 1-3 weeks, but I did have a few past that. My longest ones were in the 40-odd day range, but then I'm also close to maintenance.
  23. NovaLuna


    Depends on what's causing the pain. If it's the gas then try and bear through it and walk as much as you can. If it's the incision then walk a bit to work the gas out, but don't overdue it. You do still need to walk to get the gas out and also to ensure you don't get a blood clot (since those can happen after surgery if you don't move around).
  24. NovaLuna


    I remember the incision where they took my stomach out of hurt really bad for a little over a week. I had to have help showering. But, that was only getting up, sitting down, or laying down. Once I was down, I was pretty much okay and I didn't take any pain killers other then Tylenol after the first five or six days so the pain does get bearable before it disappears completely. I'm sorry you're struggling! I'd ask the doctors for some more pain killers if you feel like you need them. The gas also caused quite a bit of discomfort and pain, but walking helped get rid of it. It did stick around for a few days though...

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