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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by SkinnyKathy

  1. I'm also wondering if my band is too tight, and I posted a similar query just moments after yours, so I don't really have answers but I am curious, does your doctor allow patients to eat regular foods (apple, cereal, etc.) after a fill? My doctor recommends only liquids the day of the fill, and then one day of mushies after that, then if all is OK, back to regular food. You might try going back to liquids or mushies (but make sure to say away from hidden bubbles like a Protein shake blended in the blender!).


  2. I was banded last Sept and have lost 65 pounds so far. (Can't remember how to update my ticker !!!). Anyway, I had my 5th or 6th fill yesterday. With every other fill I faithfully did the fluids (1 day) and mushies (1 day) thing after the fill because I was supposed to, but I always felt that I could eat more if I wanted to. This time is definitely different. I am definitely tighter after this fill than I have been before, but I don't know if I am too tight. Also, I have been under stress for work and now I am stressed wondering if my band is too tight and stress just makes my band tighter.

    Ironically, I ate a bowl of Soup only for lunch an hour after my fill without any problems, but when I made my Protein Shake in the blender for dinner I couldn't get much of it down. At the time I thought it was because it was too bubbly (due to the blender) and I didn't worry too much about it. But then later in the evening I had trouble even drinking unsweetened iced tea and Crystal Light.

    By late in the evening, when I had to finish some work and I was getting stressed about that, I felt this bubbly feeling in my tummy, like I have gas bubbles that I can't quite burp, and they are blocking me from drinking more liquids. I had some acid reflux in the night while I was sleeping which is unusual for me.

    This morning I am able to get down small, infrequent sips of liquid, but I am kind of concerned that the band may be too tight. Granted, it's been less than 24 hours, and I think I have never had my band tight enough, maybe this is what just right feels like after a fill? Also, I am stressed out due to work and I only got 5 hours of sleep (also due to work) and stress and lack of sleep always make me tighter. So I am afraid to get an unfill for fear that I will then spend the next month not being tight enough. What do you think?

  3. Oh my! I am relatively new on this journey but already suffering from the same thing. I have lost over 40 lbs and I can see it everywhere in my body, even my wristwatch is loose, but I am still wearing the same pants size because it seems like all my remaining fat is congregating in my hips (no doubt to plan a counter-attack, he he!). In some ways I feel like I look worse than even before I started dieting because my figure is even more mis-shapen and my "apron" hangs noticeably lower than it did before. At this rate, my "apron" will be down to my knees by the time I get to my goal weight! (shudder).

    For this reason, I am seriously considering getting PS done in two steps. First, to remove the excess skin in the apron sometime mid-way through my weight loss, I think it is canned a pannenectomy or something like that. Then, to have a full lower-body lift when I get to my goal weight. At least that is what I keep telling myself to keep myself motivated to continue to lose weight when I don't see it coming off my hips!

    Regarding how to hold it in, I have heard people rave about Spanx undergarments (www.spanx.com), but they don't make them quite in my size. But if you are closer to goal weight then you can certainly get them for your size.

  4. Hi all, I also have over 200 pounds to lose. I was banded Sept 9 and have lost 37-38 pounds so far. I know that I can do better, as I haven't been counting calories per se, and lately I have not been as regular about working out at Curves. I have just recently gotten to the point where I feel that I have good restriction and I am hoping that this will help me.

    I recently hit my first "milestone" which was getting out of the 400s. Only a group like this can appreciate the achievement that seeing 3XX on the scale!

    One thing I have noticed is that as I lose weight I can really see it in my face, torso, thighs, arms, even my wristwatch is loose, but I still need to wear the same pants size because it seems like all my weight is pooling around my hips. I know more exercise will help but I have had a belly since my teenage years and as I have gotten older it turned into an "apron." Two pregnancies have not helped matters. Now as I lose weight everything is sagging even worse and it seems that my figure is even more mis-shapen than ever. Has anyone else had this happen to them?

  5. I had my surgery back in September and right now I am at a loss of about 33 pounds. So how much weight did you fellow bandsters lose when you were 4 months out? I know everyone loses differently, but Im just curious as to what other people have lost compared to what I have.

    Thanks!! :tt2:

    I was banded just one day before you (Sept 9) and I have lost 38 lbs. I certainly haven't been perfect on this diet, so I know it would be possible to lose faster, but the way I am dieting I know I can sustain, and that is much better for me in the long run. It took me a long time to gain this weight, it will take me some time to lose it, but I hope to lose it forever.

  6. Yup, my hands and feet are cold to the touch. Wearing socks and slippers together seems to help my feet but my poor hands! I need my fingers bare to type on the computer for work; maybe I should look into getting some of those fingerless gloves. But I am also cold down to the bone, the kind of cold that you have to be bundled up for a long time before you start to feel warm again. Yesterday I caught a patch of sunshine through the window as I was reading and I kept moving my chair around to stay underneath that patch of sunshine as the sun moved in the sky. It felt so good even through my blanket! But before this I was always chasing the shade.

  7. I was banded in September and have lost 31 pounds so far. One thing I have noticed lately as the weather is really starting to get cooler is that I am feeling COLD all the time. I am going around my house wrapped up in a blanket all the time which I never used to do. I always used to be hot all the time and even in winter I would walk around in shirtsleeves (OK, I live in California) all the time. But not now. I feel like I am weathering some fierce New England winter and I need to brace myself against the cold when in reality it is in the low 50's outside and the thermostat in the house is set at 66.

    It can't be that I have so little padding, because as you can see from my ticker, I am still very, very padded and will be for some time. The only thing I can figure is that when I was overeating my GI track was working overtime and burning like a furnace, but now that I am eating so moderately that furnace is set on low and I am not used to it yet. Hence the blanket wrapped tightly around my shoulders right now.

  8. Yeah, I hadn't even thought of the air pressure issue, but I could see how that could do it, too. I was able to eat at the beginning of the flight, but they served the first meal almost as soon as the flight attendants were allowed to get up after takeoff.

    Well, this is good to know because I can imagine that if I had decent restriction before the flight I would be seriously affected much longer. As it was I was only affected for half a day, so it wasn't really a big deal, just an unexpected learning experience.

  9. I had my surgery on Sept 9 and I recently had my first fill. I could feel that the restriction it gave me left me after a few days and I've already scheduled my second fill. Meanwhile, I have had to go on a business trip to Ireland. With the long plane ride in coach, 8 hour time difference from California, and having to join a meeting as soon as I arrived, I was seriously jet lagged. I started having some trouble eating on the latter half of the plane ride over but I thought that was because of the bready foods they offered. So at lunch I was careful to pick foods that I thought I could digest well, take small bites, and chew very carefully. Well, I found out that I could not get anything down! I ate a few bites but then I realized that the food was just sitting in my esophogus and not going down. I had to excuse myself to the ladies room to spit it out. After letting my stomach rest a while I tried again, even more carefully this time, but the same thing happened again. I wasn't able to get down even a bite of food.< /p>

    Later that afternoon I was able to take a short nap and I felt much more human again. Then that evening I was able to eat some dinner.

    I've heard people say that stress effects the tightness of the band. It's funny because I didn't feel stressed in the typical "stressed-out" or "nervous" kind of way but I guess jet lag is stress on the body any way you look at it.


  10. Some people have an apron of skin that causes lots of problems and require its removal before much of the weight loss. This is a panniculectomy and will help eliminate symptoms of rashes, infections, etc. It will also help you move around an exercise - all things necessary for successful weight loss. Int his case, a panniculectomy can be done, knowing that you will liely need a full TT (or LBL) after the weight loss. This staged approach is not uncommon.

    Thank you , Dr. Schulman, for this prompt response. I think this is definitely what I want to do. Can you tell me, given how much I have to lose, but also the fact that I have a pronouced apron even now, approximately when in my weight loss journey would be a good time to get the panniculectomy done?

  11. Dr. Schulman,

    I have more than 200 pounds to lose and I am just getting started but I have a plastic surgery question that I hope will become a real dilemma for me in the future. I was wondering if you have ever done plastic surgery on a patient who has a *lot* to lose somewhere mid-way through the weight loss period? The reason I ask is because I have always had a very significant "apron", and after two pregnancies it has only gotten worse. I am constantly battling yeast infections down there, and it makes it challenging to exercise because no matter what kind of undergarments I wear (and choices are slim at my weight), I bounce all over the place.

    Now I was banded only a month ago and I haven't lost that much weight yet. I know this is only going to get worse as I lose more weight. I imagine that by the time I lose weight down to my goal weight, my apron will be down to my knees! (gross thought). So I was wondering if it be possible or advisable to get a Tummy Tuck or pannenectomy (whatever it is called when they cut off the apron) sooner, and then go for a full body lift when I get to my final goal weight.

    I know this seems like I am getting way ahead of myself, but I am a planner and setting goals and milestones for myself helps keep me motivated...

  12. Hi all, I have more than 200 pounds to lose and I am just getting started but I was wondering if anyone who is on a *long* weight loss journey like me has ever had some plastic surgery done somewhere mid-way through the weight loss period? The reason I ask is because I have always had a very significant "apron", and after two pregnancies it has only gotten worse. I am constantly battling yeast infections down there, and it makes it challenging to exercise because no matter what kind of undergarments I wear (and choices are slim at my weight), I bounce all over the place.

    Now I was banded only a month ago and I haven't lost that much weight yet. I know this is only going to get worse as I lose more weight. I imagine that by the time I lose weight down to my goal weight, my apron will be down to my knees! (gross thought). So I was wondering if it would make sense to get a Tummy Tuck or pannenectomy (whatever it is called when they cut off the apron) sooner, and then go for a full body lift when I get to my final goal weight. (notice I said, when, not if! gotta keep a positive attitude!)

    I know this seems like I am getting way ahead of myself, but if I thought I could get PS sooner I think it would help keep me motivated...

  13. I was banded on September 9 and I quickly lost 12 pounds, in pretty much the first 5 days or something like that. But since then I haven't lost a pound. It's been almost two weeks since I lost anything. I've been following the diet pretty closely. I'm on mushies now and I'm eating non-fat cottage cheese, hummus, non-fat yogurt, Soup, scrambled egg, and sugar-free Protein Drinks. I don't have much restriction now. My doctor said not to worry about portions right now, just focus on healing. I am not restricting my portions now, but I know I am eating far less food than I used to, and much lower carbs and calories. I am drinking unsweetened iced tea all day. I haven't started taking Vitamins yet. I just joined Curves and I had my first workout today. I know I should be more patient, but I feel like I am exerting will power all the time and I have nothing to show for it in the past two weeks. I think I need to measure my portions. I already have an appointment for a fill at 4 weeks post-op which is the soonest I can get it done. I hope this will get easier in the future, because right now I feel like I am working hard and have nothing to show for it. Please tell me that it will get better!!! UGH!:bolt:

  14. it's not even cramping...is just that i get sort of a light throbbing when I turn certain ways or if I strech out......:S

    I was experiencing that, too, from right after surgery until about a week and a half afterwards. I noticed it in particular when I twisted to the left. I asked my doctor about it in the post-op appointment and he said that it is the port site that is inflamed which is normal. He said that in order to attach the port to the abdominal wall he had to disturb a bunch of nerve endings and they are still "angry at me" which most of his patients experience. Twisting in particular, he said, aggrivates these nerve endings. I pretty much don't feel it anymore now, a little over two weeks after surgery.

  15. I have experienced that, too. I used to be able to make myself burp easily anytime I needed to. But since I got my band it simply doesn't work. Unfortunately I can still swallow air (not on purpose!) but I don't have a way to bring it back up again. I think this is the reason I am experiencing more gas... on the other end...

  16. I am a little over two weeks post-op and I have recently started on mushies. I have been following the diet pretty closely, eating mostly hummus, yogurt, cottage cheese, Soup, and Protein Shakes. The last few days I was wondering if all my food was going bad because it seemed like everything I was eating had a bitter taste, but now I realize that the bitter taste is in my mouth, not my food. Has anyone else experienced this? Also, I know this is "bandster hell" time, and I don't have much if any restriction left, but I have not lost any weight in the last week in spite of the fact that I am eating much less than I used to and very little carbs. I quickly dropped about 10 pounds in the first week and then nothing this week. UUURRG! I already have a fill scheduled for four weeks post-op which is the earliest I can get a fill.

  17. Hi all, I just joined this forum. I was banded on September 9 so I am now one week post-op. Everything seems to be going smoothly so far. I only had pain for about two days, and I could manage it with alternating Tylenol and Advil (liquid gel caps). I felt a lot of restriction at first, even to the point that drinking Water was somewhat difficult, but now I don't feel too much restriction. On the other hand, I haven't been too hungry yet. This afternoon I got a bit hungry and then I realized that I hadn't really eated much of anything today, just drank Water and unsweetened ice tea and an Isopure Protein beverage. So I had some Soup and I feel much better. This liquid diet is gonna get old quickly, I can tell you, though. At least I only have one more week of liquids and then I can go to mushies.

    One interesting thing I am noticing is that the skin in the area of my incisions is so itchy. Is anyone else experiencing that?

  18. Hi everyone! I've been browsing on this forum for a while but I thought it was about time I introduce myself and start posting. I just got banded one week ago. So far so good. Healing is coming along nicely. I am still on the liquid diet, and I am just starting to feel hungry. At first after surgery I felt quite a bit of restriction, but now I don't have too much. I've got quite a lot to lose, and I'm not really sure what I should select as a goal weight. Since I'm starting at 433, to be honest, I would be happy getting below 250. Funny how that as a goal weight would be higher than many people's starting weight... But I would really like to get down to more like 170. For my height (5' 9.5") that would probably get me down to size 14 or even 12. I suppose I don't have to decide right now, my first mini-goal is to get out of the 400s! That shouldn't take too long as I am already down 13 pounds in the last week. Well, I think I will be around here for a long time...!

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