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Nuu Lyph

LAP-BAND Patients
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About Nuu Lyph

  • Rank
    Dog Lover
  • Birthday 11/12/1965

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  1. Happy Birthday Nuu Lyph!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday Nuu Lyph!

  3. Nuu Lyph

    Starting my Nuu Lyph

  4. Congrats, I too am getting banded on the 29th. I am suppossed to do the Liver Shink diet, but I find myself mourning my fav foods.
  5. I am very interested in attending, how do I get more info, or is it too early?:thumbup:
  6. Nuu Lyph

    Whom did/will you tell?

    I have told a lot if people, mostly because I don't care what anyone thinks. It's taken me a long to get to a point where I want & can afford to get some help. I've been looking into this for 3yrs. A few people @ work have gotten it done, including my boss,(she had bypass) and the support is great. I've had a few nay-sayers, but I told them not to mad if I'm cuter then they are!! But seriously, you would be amazed at the support you get from folks. Good luck w/ all, and you will always get support from us:wub:
  7. Nuu Lyph

    I'm approved!!!

    Congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I was just approved also, so I can feel your jubilation!!! Much luck.
  8. Hi Nuu Lyph. Sorry for not getting back to you sooner. I didn't know I had a message, until I was just changing something on my profile. You're my first...lol I'd love to chat with you too. That'd be great.


  9. Hi Kiz, You must be from Richmond too. I noticed your Doc. is in the same group mine is. ...Dr. Elliot. I've gotten my physc. done , now I gathering my 5yr weight doctms. then it's off to insurance. Love to chat w/ you some time. Dawne

  10. Just starting out. I had my seminar on May 27th my physc on June 16th & my surgical consult on the 17th. They said now all I have to do is gather 5 yrs of documented weight, but I feel like I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. It can't be this easy...... can it? Nuu Lyph:redface:

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