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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by danielleleigh90

  1. danielleleigh90


    Does anyone have one? Add me! Zayumzanielle
  2. danielleleigh90


    I've never heard of it? But I will definitely try to find it!
  3. danielleleigh90


    Just added you! I'm thinking about making a separate IG for my VSG journey, what are your thoughts?
  4. danielleleigh90


    Lol some people may frown upon it here, but I honestly don't care. When people mention it to me they usually throw out the whole "it leads to other drugs" theory, aaaaaand I typically laugh lol. In my opinion it's better than taking some of the medications doctors will prescribe. I'll try more natural ways and definitely will try the CBD. We shall see if there is anything out here for me! lol
  5. danielleleigh90

    so frustrated

  6. danielleleigh90

    so frustrated

    I'm so sorry that you're having these difficulties!! **hug**. We're going to start manifesting that approval, it WILL happen! ❤️
  7. danielleleigh90

    Starting the process!

    That's so bomb! I basically found out all my insurance information on my own (because I'm THAT annoying lol). Initially, the doctor was telling me that I had a 6 month supervised diet time frame, but I confirmed with the insurance that I don't. Prior to confirming this they set me up with 2 supervised visits, which I don't mind at all because it'll just keep the doctor updated. My psych is March 3rd and hopefully I'll get an April date...I have graduation in May...So It would be bomb if I could have it before then! I'll definitely check out youtube though! Since my start, I've been a bit obsessed so I look for information EVERYWHERE. I will admit I am a bit worried that I don't have any diagnosed comorbidities, but I do have a big family history of GERD, Diabetes and Heart Disease. I also suffer from Anxiety & Depression, so hopefully that is enough! I'm remaining positive though, the forums DEFINITELY give me comfort
  8. danielleleigh90

    Starting the process!

    Hi! I’m in the beginning stages with you, just don’t have to do any supervised dieting. I too had to watch an online webinar and they wanted me to wait to be contacted, but I am the type of person who needs info right away.. soooo I ended up calling lol. Things have gotten started super fast though! I started the process December 31st & have already met my surgeon & dietician. Now I have to complete an MRI, I see the Endocrine doctor Friday, I get the equipment for sleep study the 29th so the ball is definitely rolling! Good luck with everything & it’s nice to meet you! Keep us posted!
  9. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    Thank you for this! I started doing the breathing that was mentioned before and it really does help me get a grip on my anxiety at times. Meditation is something I’ve started too, I just have to learn to quiet my mind down a little better!
  10. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    Hello Everyone, Just venting--Right now, it really feels like I have a lot on my plate. I'm extremely emotional and anxious about literally everything. My upcoming graduation, worries about possible pre-op hiccups regarding insurance, work stress, issues with my brother's health....life in general. Normally, I would go eat everything in site, but I know that won't help me and I know that it could set me back & I REFUSE. I'm typically happy, but today I just feel drained & sad. Like as I sit at my desk (currently at work, on lunch) I'm picking at my nailpolish because I'm anxious and my mind is constantly running. I stopped smoking weed per doctors orders, so that's out of the question. Maybe I should try CBD again, I don't take anxiety pills due to the groggy feelings I've gotten with each med I've tried. Anyway, thank you for reading my rant. Hopefully tomorrow will be a bit better. ❤️Dani
  11. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    This doesn’t work for me for whatever reason lol. I’ve always wished I was one of those people who this worked for!
  12. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    Hi everyone! I’m feeling SO much better now. I just needed a few days I guess to chill out & free my mind. Today I have an MRI to check out this cyst that was found wedged between my pancreas & kidney to make sure nothing crazy is happening.. from here, I’ll be able to schedule my EGD. Thennnn the 29th I’ll be picking up the machine for my at home sleep study. Hopefully time will continue to fly! Thank you all for your encouragement, It truly means the world to me!!!
  13. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    Thank you! Lately, I’ve been doing makeup & practicing new looks when I’m anxious or bored & ready to eat everything. I think I need a little something at work to help me chill out, maybe something to fidget with or something? I’ll figure something out! Thank you so much for your words! They really do mean a lot!!!
  14. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    Also, thank you for everyone who has commented on this. It really means more than you know!
  15. So! I went for my sleep consult yesterday & was told they’re ordering an at home test. Anyone else done this? I know I should have asked the doctor the following question, but I thought about it while falling asleep lol: if the home test shows sleep apnea, will I also need a lab test? Thanks guys!!
  16. danielleleigh90

    Sleep Apnea Testing?

    So I spoke w/ the doctors and they said I may have to come in for lab testing IF the home test shows I have sleep apnea. So we shall see!
  17. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    LMAO! this literally made me bust out laughing, at work...I work in a call center lmao! Thank you for that!!! I know I can get through anything and I have been through WAY worse things, I just gotta remember who the F*&$ I am lol
  18. danielleleigh90

    Life's Anxiety

    I actually looked it up and it did help some. Lol. I've GOTTA work on techniques to chill myself out. It's SO easy to get worked up. my sister says that it's because I'm a Virgo lol
  19. danielleleigh90

    April 2020

    Hi! It's sooo nice to meet you! I'm not as far in the process as you are, but time is winding down. This site is definitely motivating and can help this process, it's honestly what's been keeping my anxiety down (reading about others success). Hopefully we both will have April dates!
  20. danielleleigh90

    Sleep Apnea Testing?

    Your surgery was on my birthday!! We are clearly meant to be friends lol. But I was thankful they're going to let me complete it at home! It's interesting, because for years I dealt with insomnia. That stems back from when I was in the military. Now, I can sleep but I'm ALWAYS tired. It really sucks!
  21. danielleleigh90

    Happening so fast

    I'm definitely going to lol! Originally it was 3/31. But I called & they had a cancellation of 3/3.
  22. danielleleigh90

    April 2020

    See I have depression and anxiety, I just wasn't sure if that would be considered? My BP is always around 122/82, which technically is a tad elevated but not enough to be deemed "high".
  23. danielleleigh90

    April 2020

    I think I'm most nervous about not getting an approval. I'm being tested for sleep apnea, but really don't think I have it. However, the doc does think it's necessary based off of the fact that nothing really has worked for me longterm. My go-to was always phentermine, but now it doesn't really work for me. And I just deactivated my fb but if I get it back I'll add you! And there is no snow here THANK GAHHHHH...it's cold as all hades though lol
  24. danielleleigh90

    April 2020

    I SWEAR! lol. I'm super excited to feel as good as I look. That's most important to me. I know I'm not "huge" but I know that this isn't healthy for me & neither are fad diets! And I knowww I'm happy I have my sister to go to with any questions. My mom had rny like 20 years ago, so I get to have her opinion as well. Do you have instagram or anything?

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