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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Fatboyslim1

  1. Caffeine in coffee is such a diuretic that it can actually remove more Water, than is in the coffee itself. It is a net negative to drink any caffeine. 1/2 Caf is just half the problem. My group said absolutely no caffeine until I am on a regular diet, many months out.

  2. Everything was great except on day 6 I started to get cold. Got up off the couch, and grabbed a blanket. It was better, but i didn't really warm up much. Had my wife feel my head to see if I was running a fever (thinking infection) and she didn't really think so.

    Did a BP and pulse check. BP 145/82 (high for me) and pulse 110 (very fast). So now I'm getting worried.

    Went to find the thermometer. 99.9 degrees, Great! The doctor said "call if temp over 100".

    Pulled out the Ipad and looked up symptoms of Dehydration. It had a picture of me.

    Went to the fridge and grabbed a 32oz Gatorade Zero, and drank over a 30 minute period.

    Never looked back 😎

  3. Most insurance companies will no longer pay for the band. It worked for some, but the science wasn't right.

    The sleeve takes out the ghrelin peptide, as well as gives you a restrictive pouch that fills quickly and holds for a period of time. As I understand the old bands, anything that got past the band just dropped into the old large stomach which holds up to 8 times more volume, to feel full.

    Get the sleeve

  4. It seems like the place you are in is the biggest problem most will encounter. The various gastric surgeries with their "plans" seem to be good at taking weight off initially, but the maintenance becomes more of a "proper diet" issue, than a "post surgery" issue.

    i am very new at this, but perhaps your best avenue would be getting involved in some serious weight loss/maintenance groups that don't really care if you are is post gastric surgery or not.

    I would imagine you have an advantage over most people who are struggling with a lifetime of weight loss issues, by having a smaller stomach. But even a small stomach full of the wrong foods, can be more harmful to weight control, than a large stomach full of good foods.


  5. A little primer on alcohol (I am in the industry)

    One of the things you might like to know is the quickest buzz is consumed with straight spirits, sipped slowly. Much of the alcohol will actually be absorbed right in your mouth, and it is a quick path to the brain. Unfortunately a lot of people drink too fast, and or mix spirits with various sodas, juices, etc so there is no immediate transfer of a good feeling. So then they drink more and more and eventually it is all absorbed into your blood stream through the stomach and intestine walls, where you end up having consumed twice as much, to get the feeling sipping straight or slightly altered spirits would have given an hour earlier. Extra money, extra calories from both the alcohol and the mixers.

    Think martinis , or bourbon or rum on the rocks. About the worst thing you can do, is drink shots. You might as well tip your head back and have someone pour 4 tablespoons of raw sugar in your throat 🍰🍪 For every shot. Actually worse than that (From a WLS stand) are liqueurs or cordials. By law they must contain a minimum of 2.5% raw sugar Syrup back into the previously distilled spirits. Some add up to 15%.. Same with those creme based spirits, and that isn't just sugar they also add whole creme fat that keeps the alcohol in solution and prevent curdling.

    I have also read on many blogs people claiming they used to drink before WLS, but now get drunk easier. We'll of course you do. Because in most cases WLS patients end up with much less body mass to absorb and assimilate the same amount of alcohol. A breath anaylizer is a very good tool to have in your pocket or purse, to obtain optimal enjoyment, plus remain legal to drive (but it is always best to take an uber, or DD home. 0.04 is the ideal euphoric effect.

    there is also the fear of transference from food to alcohol and you must remain vigilant to not allow this to occur.

    the other item that seems to be misunderstood is that some believe sugar and alcohol react differently than each other in weight gain. It's simply not true. Alcohol is sugar/starch to begin with (from a variety of plants, or sugar cane, grapes, etc. Alcohol producers then add yeast to those various items , and said yeast "converts" note I sad "converts, not consumes" those plant sugars into alcohol and Carbon-dioxide

    these is no difference between raw sugar and alcohol. Except one can make you feel better if used appropriately.

    I am not writing this to push one guilty pleasure over the other, I am just pointing out that you should perhaps look up the caloric content of the alcohol you drink, with the same intensity as I beleive many do with the sugar/carb load of food. It's just calories, either way, and if you are going to drink in moderation,you shoul calculate those calories into you meal plan.

  6. Howdy all - I am going under the knife on Dec-3, and just received my diet protocol. Teaching hospital in the US, and they have just changed the initial diet criteria to the following:

    3 - meals per day (2oz) choice of: Greek Yogurt, SF pudding, Strained of cream Soup, Cream of Wheat or rice, Cottage cheese.

    3 - Protein supplement per day min: >20g protien, <190calories, < 5g sugar.

    48-64oz H2o daily, 30 minutes before meals.

    I have been viewing here for a short time, and this diet actually seems realistic, because it seems that a lot of new post-op patients have talked about feeling hungry because there is no mass in their original post-op diets. Seem logical that this diet will have a sense of volume or mass that may hold in my baby stomach, and perhaps alleviate that initial "hungry" feeling ?


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