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Posts posted by Fatboyslim1

  1. There is virtually no such thing as "I eat like a bird, but can't lose weight" . It is a self delusional fantasy like, I'm not a drug addict, but I use heroin every day. This may sound harsh, but obesity is as dangerous as narcotics in the long term.

    If you have gone to the trouble of getting WLS then please use all it has to offer, without making nonsensical excuses that will hold you and others back.

    best of luck!

  2. I went to my first appointment just about a year ago, and had my surgery in the beginning of December. It was a long slog, but 32 days out of surgery and I am down 32 lbs, stopped snoring, lowered my blood pressure, and feel brand new. About 50lbs more over the next 3 months and I should be set for life (or a lifetime of better choices :)

    best st of luck !

  3. 2 hours ago, Serengirl said:

    So today’s rant/ of one more person says calories in vs calories out I will scream because it’s bull crap. I track everything that I eat and drink I also track how much I burn and I average 3000 deficit every single day. At that rate I should drop 6 lbs a week!!! I have never dropped that much except my first week and one other week back when I was sick and it’s drives me crazy. It’s an emotional blow when I work so hard and then lose 1 pound or worse no weight what so ever week after week. I’m just feeling super angry and upset bec this happened before surgery so why did I even go through this?!! To push and to workout and drink all of my Water eat all of my Protein barely eat any calories, and still not drop a single frogging pound?!? bleeeeeeo bleeping bleep!!! I am just frigging over it to the point of despair. I’m only human and feel cursed that this isn’t working for me and I’m at a loss for what to do. At this rate I’ll reach my goal
    Weight in 2024 MAYBE!!! 😫😫😫😫😫😫🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬🤬

    1 hour ago, JessLess said:

    @Serengirl, I was going to let that go, but of course, it's crap. Many things can skew it, tons of illnesses. Thyroid issues. PCOS. Tons of medications. Water consumption. Stress. Even sleep. Very little is actually known about it. If it was, we would all be on the same diet and it would work for everyone. Peer-reviewed journals like 'Obesity' have high impact factors because there is tons of interest in weight loss research.

    Give it some time. You may be a slow loser and still lose all your access weight.

    I didn't say anything because I'm trying to just let people be wrong and not worry about it, but when they are upsetting other people, like you, I'll say something.

    Ok, get ready to scream. I believe the above is the kind of post that causes harm to all of our chances, as it quite frankly clouds the simple science of what we all attempting . The statement that one can run a 3000 calorie a day deficit for weeks and weeks and not lose a pound is simply ludicrous.

    Call the CDC and donate your body to science. Call CNN and tell the world how you have changed the fundemental laws of physics, nature and energy.

    But please dont go on a web forum that is full of people tying to make their lives better, and make them think there just might be some reason, other than eating too much, for why they are not losing weight, and even worse, gaining weight.

    Sure steroids make you hungry (which means you eat more) and Water retention Adds temporary weight, but to portend that you for some reason are exempt from all known and logical facts is not doing anyone any good. Especially you.

    feel free to scream away.

  4. 8 hours ago, Lacycox89 said:

    I'm 5 days post VSG. I feel like I am starving. My dr approved a full liquid diet + anything that could fit through a straw. Yesterday was the first day I felt hungry. I am also very alarmed because I can drink fluids consistently without issue. Today I drank a whole 10 ounce Protein Shake in 15 minutes and felt fine..all day I drink Water and I have no pain once or ever. Is this normal? I don't think it is I'm really wondering why I feel no restrictions. Tonight for dinner I ate a 4 oz jar of green bean baby food, 2 slices of mashed/watered down avocado and a teaspoon of watered down refried beans..I ate it with ease and was still hungry...thoughts? And yes I had already hady my Protein for the day and almost all my water...help!

    All sounds normal. Everything you are consuming right now just flows right through your new stomach. Once you get in firm or sold food, it will all change. However don't forget to avoid drinking before or during meals once your food changes. Also I was never to use a stray as it adds air to your pouch that can stretch it out.

  5. Buy frozen, don't try to freeze it yourself. Commercial flash freezing is a complete different process, which creates smaller ice crystals that do not break the cell membranes. I.e. The fish, vegetables, etc. are more crisp.

    That said, my meal for our family last night: I rough cut 2 large onion and sweated with garlic in a frying pan with a bit of EVOO and small amount of Water. Meanwhile thawed out 4 pieces of frozen cod in warm water (in plastic) then lightly EVOO, then salt, pepper, and lemon citrus seasoning (both side).

    Took out a ceramic baking dish, put the onions on the bottom, then laid fish on top. Took small can of chopped tomatoes and mixed in about 10 olives I chopped. Sprinkled some capers on top. Baked for 45 minutes.

    grabbed a bag of steam fresh broccli and cauliflower.

    Glorious fish, that did not taste fishy at all.

    I should have been doing stuff like is 10 years ago.

  6. 23 minutes ago, JB1 said:

    Hi, I feel like I'm having the same issue. I can eat too much imho. I'm 2 wks post vsg. I weigh my food and have found that depending on the density of food or what it is I can eat 5-6oz at a time. Isnt that way too much? I try to stay in the 2-3oz range but this particular meal was ground chix alfredo w mini penne. I hope I havent stretched my pouch. Any others who are surprised with the amount they can eat and not be stuffed or sick?

    This is one of those posts that seem almost impossible to believe, and quite frankly rather hard to comment on without sounding harsh, but here goes. Are you saying that you ate 6oz of probably one of the worst WLS meals on the planet earth, only 2 weeks out of surgery?

    How many calories are 6oz of chicken, Pasta and cheese ? 500+/-? If so, I assume that one serving was all you ate for the entire day as it really doesn't matter what size your pouch is, if you are going to fill it with crap.

    I say all that only to point out how seriously you have to take this entire process if you really want to be successful. The WLS was just a tool, you now have to master using that tool.

    best of luck!

  7. I am not a phyciatrist but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express one time, and my diagnosis is, mother or not, she's a nut job. Stay away from her so you don't catch whatever mental ailment she has.

    people seem to forget that mental illness comes in many forms, and you can never really figure it out, because they think differently than you do. I have family in the medical field and there is one thing that they all know: you can't fix mental illness. You can treat some symptoms, but you can't fix it.

    you should perhaps think of your mother from that perspective. She just seems to be different, and you don't know why, but you can't fix it. Otherwise you will get wound up trying to rationalize it by thinking she is normal, and there is something wrong with you.

    You know this is probably true, by the story of her life you have posted. If you said that your mother made those comments from her office where she is a manager of some company, or a lawyer, or Doctor then you should worry about her commentary, but from where I'm sitting, you should just shrug it off as the babbling of a troubled person.


  8. Last night I ate an apple, which was really the first sweet/sugar based thing I have eaten in the 4 weeks since sleeve. It immediately made me "head hungry" for carbs and sugar. That's the first time it has happened since surgery, and I must admit it was a strong urge.

    I calmed it down with a piece of turkey wrapped around a pickle spear (figure out the calories in that!). Wow, that's the last Apple I'm going to eat for a while.

  9. I I think you may have misunderstood the "no Water with food rule" . It means don't drink while you are eating. You should stop all water intake 1/2 hour before eating, and don't drink again until at least 1/2 hour after. I have been holding off for an hour after.

    that process allows the food to stay in your pouch and make you feel full for a longer period of time. Once you get on soft and solid foods you will get the idea.

    best of luck!

  10. Ok, I'm done. This was meant as a way to help some people stay on their calorie count so they could lose weight. Now we are on the Mediterranean maintenance diet on how fish is better for diabetes.

    I will end with this: many Asian cultures diets consist almost entirely of rice. Virtually all Asian cultures are fit and trim, but alas, there are also sumo wrestlers who instead eat primarily fish, vegetables, meat and tofu.

    It's how much you eat, not what, and for those of us on the WLS path, keep that in mind. For the maintenance and after life, that's a completely different issue.

    bad science makes for bad results when people are trying to gain knowledge. Calories per food were developed for the sole purpose of learning how much energy humans can draw from each different food. It's really pretty simple, and shouldn't be confused just because one food group has other side effects. Calories first, then which calories. Not the other way around, other than to help people maintain a count.

    over and out.

  11. Sorry for all your complications, but on a positive note it sounds like it was fortuitous that you went in for surgery, as they found a serious problem and fixed it.

    your intestines grumbling are a good sign, as that is what determines you can go home from the hospital after surgery. It means everything is working.

    i also had a screwed up throat after, primarily due to the tube and camera that were down my throat during surgery. I lived on cough drops for 3 days after.

    i don't quite understand your Water issue. You first state that you were told to drink water, and then state that you are on a no water rule? What givens with that? Water is your friend, and you should be taking in more than 64oz per day unless you have some very bizarre orders that I have never heard of.

    keep the faith !

  12. I too have seen a dramatic drop in BP already, and I am absolutely pro anything that helps people reach their goal. The whole idea of this thread is to dispel voodoo and fake science theories as to why people fail at losing weight (whether they have had WLS or not).

    for WLS patients who are holding to 600-1000 calories per day, it makes virtually no difference if the eat carbs or protien, other than the fact that protien has a tendency to be more firm in nature (think chicken vs mashed potatoes" . That density stays in your pouch longer (don't drink while eating) and burns 25% in conversion. Carbs on the other hand spike insulin which makes you hungry,

    but again, even if you do get an insulin spike, you have to fight through it and maintain your daily calorie goal.

    calories in, expenditure out is the sole determining energy and storage factor in all creatures big and small on our planet, and people would be better served by not believing that some other "force" is causing them to gain weight.

    i am large, because I choose to eat too much. It's as simple as that.

    Best of luck!

  13. I know this might sound counterintuitive but the fact that the ham and Beans you ate felt like a lump sitting in your stomach for hours is EXACTALLY what is supposed to happen. The hot peppers aside, our new stomachs are designed to fill fast, and hang on for an extended period of time. Keep it up, but chew, chew chew and no Water with meals.

    as for the family issue, I read recently than 1 in 4 successful Bariatric patients leave their environment. You can always hope :)

  14. 47 minutes ago, Healthy_life2 said:

    Calories are not created equal. A junk food diet in weight loss calories vs healthy foods in weight loss calories. Google it.

    Sent from my SM-G930T using BariatricPal mobile app

    While calories are just calories, there is a conversion burn difference between protiens and carbs/sugars. 25% of the protien you consume will be burned off converting it to an energy source we can metabolize, while only 7% or carbs/sugars will be lost in the conversion process. But quite honestly, for someone on a 800 calorie a day Bariatric weight loss diet, the maximum difference between those two sources is only 144 calories of "extra" per day. So that means if you eat 800 calories of pure sugar per day, vs pure Protein, you will conceivably lose 144/3500= .041 less conversion burn loss per day. That's a maximum 4% of one lb, difference, which is 4/10 of one oz.

    However If you were to eat pure carbs or sugar you would spike your insulin resulting in a sugar high "endorphins,etc.." plus it will make you want to eat more, but again that has absolutely nothing to do with calories in vs expenditures out.

    People do not fail at this because they encounter an 18% conversion rate difference on carbs vs protien. They fail because they eat too much or all types of food, and quite possibly they do so, because they don't understand the basics of nutrition.

  15. 1 hour ago, Danny Paul said:

    1 hour ago, Danny Paul said:

    Here is what I've been told about calories. All calories are not created equal as far as WLS patients are concerned. I was told that I needed to get 80 grams of Protein a day. In order to get that Protein I need to eat foods that supply me with protein. So, a four ounce portion of salmon has approximately 185 calories give or take. I can eat 185 calories worth of potato chips but I wouldn't get the same healthy benefit I do with the salmon. The salmon will satisfy my hunger much more than the potato chips and I get get many more useful nutrients with the salmon.

    When the experts say it doesn't matter where we get our calories from, in truth it matters very much for our long term weight loss success and health benefits.

    I'm sorry, but that is incorrect. We are all being advised to eat a maximum protein diet at this time, because we a)need to avoid the loss of muscle mass and b) we are burning the carbohydrates and fat that we have previously consumed (in mass amounts) which is currently stored in our bodies as fat.

    people need to stop confusing weight loss with "health benefit" during the short time we are all in the weight loss mode. If we all quit making excuses, we all have a better chance of being successful.

    Then when we have burned off our carbohydrate induced body fat, we can build individual diets for ourselves based on our own circumstances, activity levels and goals. But we really need to get over the "excuse" that somehow some of us are perpetual motion machines. It is harmful to our success, especially those who are confused or struggling .

  16. This is a really good review by the National Institue of Health, that surprises the heck out of me. With all the "fad" weight loss theories our there, they have concluded that over the long term for weight loss, it make absolutely no difference where you get your calories from. Ie. You could be primarily carbo based, fat based or Protein based, and it doesn't matter. It is just calories. Period.

    Quite surprising given the plethora or supposed good advise out there, but it goes right back to pure math. Calories in, expenditure out. Everything else in pure Voodoo.


  17. Exercise is NOT A MUST. It is good for your health, and highly recommended, but it is not a must. People should not be led to believe that a lack of exercise will result in weight loss failure. It is a component of a healthy life style and builds muscles, but weight loss is not dependent on it.

    i have seen too many people fail on these type of programs with the excuse that they can't exercise, when all they need to do is consume less than they expend.

    Many weight loss failures are based on misinformation and bad science excuses that are given out as well intended encouragement, but result in the exact opposite of the advise that should be given.

    If the OP is currently somewhat incapacitated due to excess weight and other physical problems we would all be better off helping her with the actual problem causing her stall " eating too much" than making it appear that somehow her inability to exercise is the problem.

    Holy crap, there are people in comas that lose weight if they don't feed them enough.

    Dear Calillily: How many total calories are you consuming per day over the last couple of weeks, and how many calories were you consuming on say day 30?

    Keep the faith.

  18. There is one thing that some people miss in the equation. Once you have lost say 50#, your metabolic 24 hour caloric burn can be as much as 750 calories per day less, than at the higher weight. So from a scientific basis, if your activity and intake are the same at day 120 as on day one, you are absolutely going to lose less weight per day.

    There are 3 ways to counteract that

    1) eat less per day at 120 days than you did at day one. That's probably not going to happen as your pouch has expanded a bit by then.

    2) exercise more as you progress, but that will actually build muscle mass, and probably make you eat more. It will be a hard balance, but it can be calculated.

    3) just keep at it, and accept that with all things relatively equal, your weight will come off slower in the last half, than in the first half. If at the same time you increase your activity level, it should make for a great eventual outcome..

    best of luck everybody!

  19. It's pure math. The only variables that can directly affect your actual weight loss, other than how much you consume and your physical activity are if you lose muscle mass (which is much more dense) or fat. The fat can be lost from different areas, and as such some is easier to lose (less dense) and some is harder to lost (more dense).

    Sadly any implication that the science of consumption vs. expenditure does not work is simply incorrect. Otherwise by now the medical industry would be data sequencing the DNA of those people who "don't eat, yet don't lose weight" to feed the world on no food.

    Sorry, but it's just math.

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