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    KelseyMarshall reacted to FluffyChix in 2 years out and weight gain.   
    I love all of this advice!
    I'm about 20months out and I can assure you that even without crappy life situations, I can gain weight with a blink of an eye. Maintenance for me is more of a dance around losing the same 5 lbs over and over and over again each week. LOL. The scale determines how abstemious I am for the day. If I'm at the low end of my weight zone, then I will have Protein first, then al dente veggies + a tiny bit of healthy fat + some fruit or an after dinner snack of <100cals and very low carb super healthy or healthy-ish. If I'm at the high end of my 5lb zone, then it's back to my forever bariatric diet: protein first, al dente veg + a tiny bit of healthy fat.
    I keep things KISS for about 90% of my meals. That means, no fancy indulgent cooking. It's lean dense protein. It's steamed or roasted veg. It's a tiny bit of avocado and Tomato with the meal. I aim for 1 cup of food by volume. I weigh my food into the cup. So for me that is 3oz of lean dense protein by weight + 1-2oz of steamed veg + 1tsp of healthy fat or 1oz of avocado (slider) + 1oz of grape tomatoes (slider).
    I will eat up to 1 1/2 cups of raw salad at a sitting. Made up on leafy greens + cucs + red bell pepper + purple onion + radish + a zero calorie dressing + 2 oz meat + 1 oz cheese or hb egg + 6g seeds or nuts (and that's 1 1/2cups total volume for the meal including salad). It shouldn't be more than 200cals in that salad. So don't slam with croutons and crap that tastes great but makes it as caloric as a full casserole meal.
    Only eat at organized times: 3 meals or 3meals + 1-2 small healthy Snacks of 1oz protein.
    You can lose the regain. You need to work on your head. I'd seek a counselor who can help you with the self-hatred and depression you are fighting.
    Clean your kitchen out and rid it of ALL junk. Plan your meals. Log everything! Weigh and measure everything!!!! Don't exceed 1 cup of food at any meal.
    Drink your water! 100oz per day.
    For me to lose weight, I have to be at the 650-750 calorie level and <30g net carbs per day. The end. Otherwise it's just magical thinking for me. I have to FOCUS to lose. If I can do it. You can do it.
    I'm in maintenance at 900-1000 cals/day.

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