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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ChubRub

  1. Love the runners tan!! Reminds me of my high school lacrosse team. We all had the whitest feet and would take our socks and shoes off after practice to try to tan them up! LOL!!
  2. Hang in there!! Drink a little pickle juice for the headaches!!! You are going through carb withdrawal, but it will get easier. HUGS!!!
  3. Today marks 6 months Post Op!! I'm thrilled with the progress so far, and look forward to continuing my journey. I'm down 71lbs so far. I need to lose 19 more to get to a "normal" BMI, but would ultimately like to lose another 10 after that, to get down to 130. My before pictures are from my sister's bridal shower and wedding, the only time I let someone actually take my picture. I hated being the "fat bridesmaid" though! Please forgive the tight clothes in my "after" picture, but I wanted to wear something that would really show off the the progress I've made. Someday I hope to be confident to wear tight clothes like that out in public, but not yet! LOL!!
  4. My pre-op lifestyle changes were no more soda and no more eating fast food in the car. These 2 changes I plan to keep for life, as this is what put the pounds on to begin with. Post-op, I'm just following my plan and increasing exercise. It obviously becomes easier to exercise more as I lose more weight. Due to Covid, I don't eat out anymore, but I know that when the restaurants reopen I'll be able to make good choices. And when I'm in maintenance, if I want a couple bites of dessert...no biggie!
  5. If I had your figure, I'd wear skin tight clothes all of the time too!! LOL!!! Or walk around naked!!
  6. Thank you everyone!! When I look at myself in the mirror I see some changes, but when I look at the photos, I can really see the difference!!
  7. Obviously the surgeon is pleased with your progress if he wants to use your photos on the website!!! Can't wait to see them!!! Hope you are able to get some much needed sleep!! so excited for you!!
  8. @Darktowerdream I keep checking to see if you've posted yet! Woo Hoo!!! I can imagine how exhausting the first few days are, so thank you so much for checking in! I have no idea about pooping in a faja, but it's a very good question for the experts!!! Rest well, and I look forward to reading your updates as you continue to recover!!!
  9. Congratulations on your new grandchild!!! I think you will be fine to host. I was a member of the tired club (2 naps a day for the first couple months), but even I could have handled hosting a baby shower 3 months out. The pure excitement and adrenaline will have you bright eyed and chipper on the day of the event! You could always ask her for a guest list now, and start addressing the invites, etc, so they are ready to mail when the time comes. Start menu planning, decorations, etc early too. By the time the shower gets here you'll be one proud (thinner) grandmom!!!
  10. ChubRub


    He just had major surgery. Even if it was his appendix, etc, it's normal to feel like that after major surgery. Tell him to ask for more pain meds, and just sleep it off!!! Things will be looking better very soon!!
  11. You are both welcome!!! It's a party! Of course, I'll be wrapped in a mumu while you are both rocking those bikinis on the beach!!
  12. You could always travel to Miami with me in January, and we can shake our flat booties in South Beach! LOL!!! One of the many reasons I love my surgeon is that he does a drainless TT, which makes it much easier for travel. I'm actually going to Miami for a week in a hotel, and then heading to Naples (I have a condo there) for another week, before I fly home.
  13. ChubRub

    i made the jump

  14. Best of luck today!!! You are probably getting prepped for surgery now!!! Rest well after, and I can't wait to hear all about it!
  15. ChubRub

    6 years

    Wow!!! Thank you for the inspiration!!!!
  16. Glad you made it there!! Rest well, and hope you get some yummy food to eat today! I can imagine that you and your body are feeling a little overwhelmed right now, but you can do this!! Fingers crossed for a great surgery with great results!!!
  17. ChubRub

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    My tatas! LOL!! Breast Reduction/Breast Lift/Breast Augmentation. Basically, I'm having a lift and reduction, but then getting implants too for fullness/shape.
  18. ChubRub

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    Yassss!! If I look half as bangin as @GreenTealael I will be a very happy girl!!!
  19. I wasn't hungry, but had zero energy. I took 2 naps a day for the first month! I feel great now though!!
  20. Have a safe flight, and try to get some rest!! I'm sure it will be an exhausting day, but exciting at the same time!!
  21. ChubRub

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    If you are willing to travel, check out Miami too! Even the most expensive PS in Miami is cheaper than the lowest priced PS in my home state. I'm paying $11K for a Circumferential TT (aka LBL), BR/BL/BA w/ lipo to flanks and upper abdomen. I've heard that the price for those procedures just went up $17K, but even that is way cheaper than my local surgeons, and in my opinion my local surgeons aren't as good at tummy tucks.
  22. Think I just found a new job for the hubby!!! LOL!!!
  23. Best of luck to you @Darktowerdream!!! Hope you have some fun mom/daughter time too. I love pixie haircuts BTW! Unfortunately, my face is too fat for one. I need big hair to balance my big face! LOL!! You are so tiny, and I bet the cut looks perfect on you!
  24. ChubRub

    Unsupportive Family Member Rant.

    I completely agree that she should support you, and you have every right to feel hurt. I'm sorry if my previous post made it sound like I was agreeing with her! I'm not!! I'm glad your hubby is 100% in your corner though!! Hopefully your mom will come around too, especially when she sees how healthy and happy you are!

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