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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ChubRub

  1. ChubRub


    Hang in there!!! 6 months from now you will be giving a pep talk to someone who is feeling the same way you are now, and telling them how this surgery has changed your life!! HUGS!!!
  2. ChubRub

    Hospital Stay

    I slept pretty much the whole time. Don't think I ever even turned on the TV! May have played on my phone a few times, but mostly just slept!! Time went by very quickly!
  3. My surgery was scheduled before my doc ever submitted it to insurance for approval. I was nervous about it, but the doc's staff knew what they were doing! Approval came in a few days after it was submitted. I had Aetna.
  4. OMG!!!! What a transformation!!!! Thank you SO MUCH for sharing these photos with us!!! Makes me even more excited about weight loss and PS!!!
  5. ChubRub

    Prerequisites Completed!

    Woo Hoo!! I remember the excitement of having all my pre-surgery clearances done. I think I got my surgery date about 3 weeks after that! It's been a whirlwind of goodness, and I hope it is the same for you!!
  6. ChubRub

    Can I eat watermelon?

    I've eaten watermelon without any problems. I love it cut up in a bowl w/ feta cheese sprinkled on top!
  7. ChubRub

    Craviiings ahhhhh!!!

    Hang in there!! The pre-op diet is tough, but in 8 days you'll be sitting pretty!!! Congrats on the 9lbs too!
  8. Your PCP sounds like a jerk!! Vanity???? Really??? UGH!!!! I'm gearing up for plastic surgery in 5 months (which is totally about my vanity and I don't care! LOL!!) and if my PCP said that to me about plastic surgery, I would be pissed, but to say it about WLS is idiotic!! First thing after surgery, get a new PCP! One that supports you and supports your health goals!!
  9. ChubRub

    Is McDonalds gone for good?

    I'm only 8 months out, but I physically could not manage to eat a McDonald's burger and fries. If I really wanted to, I could probably eat 3 bites of a 1/4 pounder, or 2 bites and maybe 10 fries? I have no desire for fast food burgers and fries though, and this is coming from someone who used to eat McDonalds or other fast food at least 5x a week, if not more. Now it's just way too greasy, and not appealing to me. When you start on solids, you will see what I mean! Your taste buds will definitely change!! Case in point, I've had a tube of cookie dough in my fridge all week (planning on making cookies with kids), and the thought of eating a spoonful of it, makes me gag. Another thing I used to love to eat!!
  10. @Tammie G Out of all the procedures that you've had done, which one do you think had the most "wow" factor you as far as how you looked before/after surgery? Which was the easiest and hardest recovery? Thanks so much!
  11. ChubRub

    30-30-30 rule with water

    Watch this video as a great reminder of why not to mix liquids and food!
  12. Just noticed how far I was from goal when I started this thread. Now it's just13 lbs to go!! Woot Woot!!! It's crazy to think about how many times I've dieted in the past with a goal weight in mind, and never, ever, was I able to get this close to it. I was really good at losing 20lbs, then gaining it right back. Just had to share!! LOL!!!
  13. Have you made it to the pool yet @Darktowerdream? Glad to hear you continue to heal!!! As for the fatigue, I'm sure you are always dealing with it on some level as a result of your medical issues, but can only imagine that the surgery still has you wiped out! I know the RNY kicked by butt for quite a few months!!! Hope everything continues to go well for you!!!
  14. Congratulations and welcome to the rest of your life!!! Everything you are experiencing is perfectly normal! I felt like I slept for months!! Constant power naps! LOL!! You got this!!
  15. ChubRub

    2 years today

    Happy Anniversary!!! Thanks for inspiring us all!!!
  16. ChubRub

    8 months out

    I would track everything you eat (if you aren't already doing that), and make sure that you are getting your protein in, while keeping calories low. You said you can only eat a few bites of chicken, but snacks go down easy. What are the snacks you are eating? If they are going down easy, maybe you should eliminate them, and stick to the foods like chicken, where you are full after a few bites? I'm sure some veterans will have some great advice for you!! Good luck!!!
  17. ChubRub

    Anyone NOT lose weight post op

    I think we all had that fear that WLS works for so many, and what if I'm the person who doesn't lose any weight. I think the fact that you've already lost 24lbs speaks to your determination!! I bounced up and down a few pounds during my waiting period, but didn't really lose any weight until my 2 week pre-op diet. So you are already way ahead of the game!! It still amazing me that I live happily on 600 cals per day. The funny part is there are days where I feel like I totally pigged out, but when I add it all up, I was still only at 650 or 700. It's a crazy feeling, but a great one!! Best of luck to you!!!
  18. Your thoughts and feelings are completely normal, especially while you are still on liquids. Once you graduate to solids you will be amazed at the "full" feeling you have after just a few bites. You may also find that your taste buds change too. Food was my hobby too! While I was eating breakfast, I would be thinking about what I wanted for lunch, etc. I craved fast food, chocolate, etc. Now I'm completely satisfied eating a greek yogurt (and it takes me a while to eat it). Covid has gotten in the way of my social life, but I look forward to the next party I go to, where I can focus solely on the company, and not obsess about when they are putting out dessert! LOL!!
  19. ChubRub


    Stretch your wardrobe as much as possible, b/c you will be dropping sizes like crazy. I'm working from home, which has helped, as I wear a lot of leggings and t-shirts. I did invest in a new bra when my old bras became ridiculous. Try thrift stores for a few staple pieces too!
  20. It starts with your initial visit to the surgeon. Can lose as much weight as you want after that! Can weigh in with your shoes on too, if you are worried about being close!
  21. You can do this!!! Whenever people talk about "food funerals" I just reminded myself that the last 5 years of my life was a food funeral. I ate so much crap that I was finally sick of it. Good luck!!!
  22. Agreed that it's likely the gas from the surgery. Gas-X, etc, won't help b/c the gas isn't in your stomach (you probably knew that, but just in case! LOL!!) . Walking is the best thing you can do right now!! It should pass soon. Good luck!!!
  23. How are you feeling @Darktowerdream? Hope all is going well! I understand if you feel uncomfortable in a bathing suits, but you could always get a cute cover up to go with it? Hope you continue to heal and can start really enjoying your new body!!
  24. ChubRub

    Plastic Surgery Cost

    Woo Hoo!!! October will be here before you know it!!!
  25. Stress incontinence Lack of confidence

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
