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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by ChubRub

  1. Hang in there!! Once you move on to solid food you will be full after a couple teaspoons of food, and hunger will be a thing of the past! Just gotta get through this part!
  2. ChubRub

    1 week out from surgery

    Congratulations! Welcome to the rest of your life!!!
  3. Thanks so much!! I will definitely order a couple for post surgery! You look fabulous by the way! No swelling, etc. You don't even look like you've had surgery!!!
  4. ChubRub

    First Plateau :-(

    You are doing great, and are almost in ONEderland!! Congrats!!! Sometimes the scale is generous, sometimes it owes you one! In my signature you can see my monthly tallies, and they went up and down, even though I've stuck to my program the entire time. Sometimes it's retained fluid or constipation, and sometimes the body isn't ready to let go just yet. Hang in there, and keep doing what you're doing!
  5. Mine was the same way. Surgery date before they even submitted it to insurance. I was nervous, but they knew what they were doing!! Good luck!
  6. ChubRub

    No loss yet

    I think it's time to treat yourself to a new scale!! It's also possible that you are still retaining IV fluids, but I think it's the scale!
  7. ChubRub


    I saw a white jean jacket when I was at Kohls getting mine yesterday! It was the same cut as the one I purchased. the brand is MUDD.
  8. ChubRub


    Agreed!!! Congrats on both! She's a lucky lady!!
  9. ChubRub


    I got a Jean jacket! Woo hoo! Now to find some dresses to wear with it. Ignore my orange socks! Lol!!
  10. ChubRub

    Meal plan for 1 year post op

    Congrats on the 70lb weight loss!!! My first thought would be to do whatever you did to lose those 70lbs! You've done it before, and you can do it again! Cut out whatever foods you are getting "sloppy" with and get back to basics - high protein will will up that pouch. As for meal ideas - I admit that my meals may seem boring, but they are satisfying! I do 3 meals a day, and sometimes add in 1 snack as well. Breakfast - Greek Yogurt or Eggwhites w/ jimmy dean sausage crumbles and 1/2 slice american cheese or Toasted zero carb bread with cream cheese and everything bagel seasoning or fairlife protein shake Lunch - half Turkey sandwich (on zero carb bread or low carb tortilla) or greek yogurt or protein shake or leftovers from last night's dinner Dinner - chaffle pizza or buffalo shrimp or 1/2 of a lean cuisine or bunless veggie or turkey burger or ahi tuna Snack - (pretty much anything 100 cals or less) - greek yogurt or SF popsicle or slice zero carb bread or 1/2 tortilla w/ smidgen of PB or 100 cal choc pretzel pack or raw veggies w/ cream cheese or ranch Hope you got at least 1 good idea out of this list. You can DO this!!
  11. ChubRub

    No energy

    Give it another 2-4 weeks! I was the same way! I took multiple naps per day, and was always exhausted. It finally went away, and I got my energy back!
  12. I have PS scheduled for January which will be 13 months after my surgery. Am I rushing? Yes! I don't care though! LOL! I've lived in a body I've hated for too long, and I want to wear a bikini while I'm still in my 40s. If I lose more weight, etc, I'll just go back for a "touch up" later. Heck, I'm already thinking about what I want for surgery #2 (and maybe #3??) After joining a few PS boards, I see that there are lots of ladies on there who didn't have WLS who are all trying to drop a few pounds prior to their surgery, so it's not just WLS patients that deal with what the "ideal weight" for PS is. Good luck!!
  13. ChubRub

    Food Shaming!

    Unfortunately, many people who enjoy overeating like to see everyone around them overeat as well (maybe so they can pretend it's normal to eat that much?). My only experience was with a friend's husband who basically mad an ass of himself by continually asking me "Is that all you're eating?" in a loud and rude tone. He didn't know about my WLS, but did know I was on a "diet" so of course that was all I was eating! I just kept replying "Yes, and when I'm all skinny next year you'll remember how I got there!" Mind you, he ate 4 or 5 slices of pizza on top of appetizers and a few beers, but he was the one commenting on what I ate! LOL!! When this happens, don't be embarrassed as I'm sure everyone at the table was thinking your host was the rude one! A positive story was a recent dinner with some girlfriends, and as we perused the menu, one of them asked me what I was getting (fish tacos) and then ended up ordering the same thing. I did my usual of leaving the tortillas on the plate and using a fork to pick out the good stuff. I didn't even notice that she was doing the same thing until she said "I want to look like you, so I'm doing what you are doing!" and she thanked me for inspiring her to eat healthier. So ignore the rude people, do your own thing, and you never know who you are inspiring!
  14. ChubRub

    Anyone NOT lose weight post op

    @Keatsy I'm almost 9 months out, but yes, still happily living on 600 calories per day. It's crazy, b/c 600 calories used to be my daily breakfast from McDonalds (actually it was probably MORE than that)! I'm still amazed at how quickly I feel full, especially when I'm eating high protein foods.
  15. ChubRub

    Best Home Workout Subscription

    Not familiar with Lily Sabri, but I love Popsugar Fitness on YouTube.
  16. ChubRub


    Thank you!! They were only 2 bucks! Loving your jean jacket!! I need to get one ASAP. I love the look of a sun dress or maxi dress with a jean jacket. I don't wear sleeveless b/c of my arms but would wear them with a jacket like yours!
  17. Pretty much the same as everyone else has reported! I was around 400 calories til month 4 or so, and gradually increased it to 600, which is where I still am today at 8 1/2 months out. My range that I've given myself is actually 600-800, but I'm pretty much steady at 600 while I'm still in the weight loss phase! I also shoot for 60g of protein as well.
  18. ChubRub


    Went to a kids consignment sale to get a bunch of stuff for my kids. Well they had a huge juniors section and OMG the junior clothes fit me! I got a pair of jeans, pair of pants and 4 tops for 20 bucks! Woot woot!!
  19. ChubRub


    Woo Hoo!! Congratulations!!!
  20. ChubRub

    What to expect

    Gastric Bypass is the best thing I've done for myself!! Start getting excited, b/c you are about to embark on a journey to a whole new you!!!! The pre-op diet is hard, but after that it's smooth sailing! Yeah, little things like constipation and that kind of stuff, but it's all worth it to let your inner beauty SHINE on the outside!!!
  21. ChubRub


    You look great! I'm glad to read that I'm not the only one who has been holding onto my "skinny" clothes for all these years!! I may be out of style, but I don't care if I can wear clothes from college!
  22. Congrats on your surgery!! I had mine in December, had 1 post-op visit in Feb, then Covid hit and haven't been back since! LOL!! I'm not having any problems otherwise I might try to go back now. I did get labs done last month just to make sure all is well. I also haven't seen my PCP since prior to surgery, again just b/c I'm not having any problems. I get so much advice on these forums that it makes up for everything else. If you are having problems getting in your protein, I would look at what you are eating and get rid of the low protein foods that might be giving you calories but not the good stuff that you need. I still do a protein shake for breakfast for an easy 26 grams, plus I just really like shakes! My calorie range is 600-750 but I try to stick closer to the 600 range for now. Like others have said, definitely get the labs to make sure all is well, but other than that you are probably on the right track by doing your own research here!
  23. My problem areas are my breasts and tummy, followed by arms and thighs. All of which can be hidden under clothes. I’m having PS in January to address the boobs and tummy just for my own vanity and I want to wear bikinis! I’ll take the loose skin over fat any day though!!
  24. ChubRub


    Another tip is to take your time eating, and stop eating the second you feel restriction. Don't swallow another bite. I have even gone so far as to spit out food that was already in my mouth b/c I felt restriction. It's that extra bite of food that tends to cause the pain (at least for me).

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