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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Arabesque

  1. Arabesque

    Liquid Diet vs High Protein diet

    It’s always best to follow the diet you were given as it will be to follow their post surgical plan. As @liveaboard15 said different surgeons require different diets. My surgeon would put different patients on different diets based on the amount of weight they had to lose, their weight loss history & their medical history. So my friend was on all shakes, her friend was on two shakes & a meal & I was on keto. You can always ask your surgeon why he requires you to follow the all shake diet. The first five or so days are the hardest as you break some addictions & dependencies. You may headaches, low energy, etc. almost like withdrawal symptoms but better to get past this before surgery than after. Some people slip on their pre surgical diet. A slip is okay but regularly going off plan isn’t. The diet is required so you lose some weight to improve your health, reduce fat around your liver so your tummy can be seen more easily during surgery &, as above, break some habits & food dependencies. You can do it. It’s only two weeks. Some have to do it for three or more weeks.
  2. Arabesque


    They often say to hold off on fruit for a little while - partly due to the sugar content I think. Avoid skin, seeds, coarse/fibrous/hard (like apples & pears) flesh, etc. I was advised to begin with berries but the first fruit I had was watermelon. I think it was a couple of months out. Check with your dietician to be sure.
  3. Arabesque


    A couple of weeks before Covid hit in 2020 & we entered lockdown I bought this outfit & it has been taunting me in my wardrobe ever since. Decided I wasn’t going to wait for a special event any longer so dinner wth my hairdresser current & former stylist was it. New French inspired restaurant in a small country town. My hair looked way better later as we had our regular hair appointment before dinner. The skirt is amazing. Known as the doona skirt as there is a layer of wadding inside. Still didn’t keep me warm enough though lol.
  4. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Dined out again last night. This time a French inspired restaurant in a small country town in a sympathetically restored & decorated heritage building. Stole a yummy prawn beignet from my mum’s entree (appetiser) & I had a double baked scallop soufflé in a prawn bisque for my mine. The soufflé was delicious but I could only eat half - it was super rich & didn’t sit well but still worth the bites I had. Very sad though because I left the left overs behind. Their plating needs a little refining but everyone loved their meals.
  5. I had my gall removed 25 months after my sleeve (a year ago). My surgeon used the same scars as my sleeve. Similar recovery but while I had no gas pain after my sleeve I had lots after this surgery & they pumped me full of fluids because of my low BP. Came out of hospital about 3 kgs heavier. Groan. I probably had a little more general discomfort & took one opioid med at night on day 2 when I got home so I could sleep but no other pain meds after that. You’ll feel more comfortable going in this time because you’ve experienced abdominal surgery before & know generally what to expect pre & post the surgery. Plus you know the surgeon & their work 😉. Best thing, no liquid diet & phased return to eating after this surgery. I also wasn’t all that hungry for about a fortnight after either - bonus. PS - Developing gall stones is pretty common. They could have been pre existing or grew as a result of your weight loss. Some have their gall removed during their sleeve surgery (much like hernia repairs) if they were picked up. Have your cholesterol levels gone up? It’s a temporary side effect of the weight loss but stones will form as a result.
  6. Arabesque

    First Post-Op Dr Visit

    This is extremely common. So I kept my records & my doctors kept their’s. As @kcuster83 said the difference is still the same. If you’re like many of us you likely weigh yourself first thing in the morning before breakfast, naked. But when you go to the doctor, you’ve eaten, drunk, are clothed (I presume 😉) & their scales may be regularly checked & re calibrated while yours are never. By maintaining your own records you can keep a closer eye on your weight loss fluctuations etc. as against whenever your doctor appointments are (monthly, two monthly, etc.). But how often you weigh yourself is just what you feel most confident with. I was an everyday (couple of times a week now) but others rarely or never weighed themselves relying on their doctor’s scale alone. As for your rate of loss, we’re all different. Some loose slowly some more quickly. Just how it goes. Hardest will be that your husband will lose more quickly than you - gender injustice. Most important thing to remember is if your surgeon is happy you should be happy to. All the best.
  7. It will depend on how you recover. For me it wasn’t so much the physicality of my job, though I was tired a lot, it was I couldn’t concentrate for long periods & my head would get doughy because of the low blood pressure. I went back to work part time after 4 weeks but the symptoms persisted for a few weeks longer. Negotiate with your employer to see if you can return part time or at reduced hours if you need it & see how you go.
  8. Arabesque

    My taste buds are weird now LOL

    The change in your taste buds can be really weird. Things you loved suddenly taste disgusting. I was eating smoked salmon for a couple of weeks then one day it was like🤮. And I couldn’t face the vegetables I always ate. Thankfully the tummy turning aspect it is only temporary. Enjoy embracing new flavours cause that new enjoyment will last. Oh & be glad your sense of smell hasn’t gone crazy either. That can make walking through malls, eating out & cooking at home miserable.
  9. Everyone gets some loose skin but how much you end up with depends on many factors like age, gender, how much weight you lost, how long you were at your higher weights, genetics, etc. I don’t have a lot & haven’t gone down the surgery path because it doesn’t hinder me in any way & I can hide it easily under clothes. I can wear body con pants & dresses without any issue or need for ‘suck it in’ underwear. The loose skin I have doesn’t bother me much. In a way I earned my loose skin after losing my weight. And like the others, I’d rather have some loose bits than the fat. And since some of us are posting pxts … There’s a little overhang at my waist but my slouch makes it looks worse then it is. 😁
  10. Arabesque

    No fluid issues?

    It’s an individual thing. You may only be able to sip for months or you may be able to chug liquids in a few weeks. Neither is right or wrong. Just for the first couple of months we usually are advised to sip slowly to support & not strain our healing tummy & digestive systems. Follow the advice from your surgeon & you’ll be fine. You’ll get to what your body is comfortable with in your own time.
  11. Arabesque

    Weight gain & Health Issues

    As @catwoman7 said some of those changes you mentioned are just temporary. Like hair loss usually persists for about 3 months & your hormones settle once you’ve lost most of your weight (oestrogen is stored in fat so as you lose all the excess oestrogen is released into blood stream). Large weight regain can occur because of complacency & people slipping back into old eating habits. It can occur because how they were eating wasn’t sustainable &/or was too restrictive. It didn’t allow them to live their life as they wanted & hindered them doing what they enjoyed. Or they didn’t do the head work to understand & learn to manage their old eating behaviours & what drove them to eat. All things the surgery doesn’t do anything about. But it does give you the time to explore these factors. Also remember the average weight loss at about the three year mark is 60% of the weight that had to be lost. This can include the bounce back ‘resettling’ weight gain, complacency & adjusting to a more flexible eating plan. Or it could just be the weight your body is happier at. Sure there is always a chance to develop an issue that has to be monitored but it’s rare. Comparatively, there are very few complications from weight loss surgery. Some of the issues may not have anything to do with the surgery. I have a protein malabsorption issue. Not from my 3 yr old sleeve but from my gall being removed last year. (Malabsorption issues are very rare with sleeve.) I have low BP. I had a genetic predisposition before surgery now it’s all the time because of my lower weight not the surgery. Gerd is probably the highest risk after sleeve - about 15-20% I believe. But it can be managed or treated by a revision to bypass. Some issues may be revealed because you likely are being monitored medically more closely now then before or your weight & associated comorbidities may have been masking what were pre existing conditions. You’ll likely read & hear about people with problems because they they post to seek help & support. They don’t often post about what the cause was or the remedy. In comparison, people tend not to post or talk about their successes. I know many people who’ve had the surgery. No one has experienced long term or developed new issues because of the surgery. A couple regained most of their weight because they went back to their old eating habits. Certainly the benefits far outweigh any temporary side effects or the very rare problem.
  12. Arabesque


    It could be little post surgical muscle spasms when you swallow. Everything is still a bit sensitive. It takes weeks to heal & recover. Make sure you’re sipping not gulping & leaving time between each sip. Cold drinks are often a culprit too so try room temperature liquids or warm/hot (many of us find warm more soothing). Eventually you may be able to drink larger amounts, closer together & drink cold again but when, how much & how often is an individual thing. Me, I can’t do more than two large mouthfuls in a row after all this time but others can chug. Just one of those things.
  13. Arabesque

    9 Days Post Op

    You won’t have messed up so you can breath about that. I do agree with the suggestion to check your portion size recommendations. Mine was 1/4 -1/3 cup to begin from purée. Liquids stage was just sip your shake or soup ‘meal’ until finished. Portion size of those were a cup of but I’d dilute them to double & would take a couple of hours to drink. All adds to your fluid goal so all good. If you weren’t given portion size recommendations, ask for some. Nerves are cut during surgery so your signals aren’t working & then they may not work the same which is one of the reasons portion control is important. Plus liquids go through your body more quickly so your tummy is emptying more quickly than you getting ‘full’. Even when your nerves have healed, you’ve recovered & are eating solid food, you may not feel full or feel your restriction. The actually goal should not be to eat until you are full or feel the restriction but eat until you’ve had enough. Three years out I still ask myself do I need the next bite or just want it. Big difference. I still eat slowly too: 30-60mins depending upon what I’m eating (of course I’m eating more then you are at the moment). It takes me about 50mins to eat a 6oz/1cup yoghurt. But surgeons have different recommendations on time frame & you’ll discover what works best for you. I still also take small bites. A teaspoon helps to modify the size of your bite & keep them small. Then, put your spoon down between bites & wait a couple of minutes before your next bite. There are a lot of new things to learn but you’ll get there. Also what worked for your brother may not work for you. All the best.
  14. Arabesque

    Post Op changes

    What sort of changes are you referring to? Dietary, taste, constipation/diarrhoea, tiredness, activity, recovery, food intolerances, stalls, hair loss, etc.?? It’s good to be aware of possibilities but you can’t predict what will happen to you. Generally a lot of things that change are temporary or are easy to modify your behaviours to manage the changes. Some may be frustrating or require support from your medical team & dietician. Some changes will become permanent like dietary choices, activity, etc. Don’t let fear hold you back. The benefits are amazing.
  15. Arabesque

    blood pressure changes

    Your BP is often higher when you see the doctor. Apparently they attribute it to a conscious or subconscious stress reaction. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I started keeping a record of my at home BP readings to show my GP but then forgot to take it 🙄. My readings are usually 15-20 points higher at the surgery than at home. Funny thing is I’ve been seeing her for more than 20yrs, taught her daughter, she’s very supportive & we get on really well but my BP still goes up. I blame the traffic I have to battle to get to the appointment. 😁 And yes your BP will be up & down at home too depending upon what you’ve been doing, time of day, if your hydrated, etc. I always record the time & add what I’ve been doing against the reading. Sometimes it’s helpful to take it at the same time three times a day. Congrats to everyone who have been able to reduce or drop their meds. 🎉
  16. Arabesque

    Post op week 1

    I’d think that one would be very suitable as a lite yoghurt. It’s no fat, no sugar, no sweeteners & 15g protein. Most ‘lite’ yoghurts are either low fat or low added sugar but they up the artificial sweeteners keeping them sweet. As I said before just watch any chunky bits of fruit. Strain it well after adding the milk. Remember to add enough to make it very thin & easy to swallow.
  17. Glad you’re going to go back to your surgeon. If all the suggestions & ideas based upon people’s experiences here don’t provide you with any answers or ideas to try about your struggles your surgeon is your best bet. Hope they can help.
  18. Arabesque

    Trintellix and weight gain

    Anti depressants are notorious for causing weight gain, often because appetite increases. Your doctor needs to check the anecdotal evidence about Trintellux. Maybe there is another med you could try? Weight gain In clinical studies, people who took Trintellix didn’t have a significant change in their weight. But after this drug was approved, some people taking Trintellix reported weight gain while taking the drug. https://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/trintellix#side-effects My GP increased my HRT 6 months ago & I gained a couple of kgs pretty quickly (& started getting random pimples too - WTF?). I also was increasing my protein intake & I blamed that at first. I cut out some things from I ate, added a little more activity but no change to my weight. Now, I’m putting 90% of the blame on the HRT. But what do you do? Symptoms or some extra kg. Don’t let it demoralise you. You’ve done so well with your weight loss. All the best.
  19. Arabesque

    Pre Op Diet

    You’ll notice lots of differences in pre surgical & post surgical plans all the time. I know my surgeon puts different patients on different pre surgical diets. He considers many factors like weight loss history, health status, how much weight they have to lose, etc. in his decision. He put my friend on all shakes. He instructed a friend of hers to do two shakes & a meal. Me, he put on keto. You just have to follow your plan. Your surgeon likely recommended it for a reason. You could always ask them why.
  20. Arabesque

    Just need to moan, whine and vent -- Sorry

    So sorry you have been struggling. It will be interesting to see what your PCP says, what tests they order & what treatments they recommend. I wonder if the release of hormones & other things stored in your fat as you’re losing weight has stirred up some of your health issues? This isn’t uncommon. My cholesterol rose while I was losing though my fat intake was very low & my liver function was off. My predisposition to low blood pressure has become a permanent condition. I grew a gall stone & had my gall removed. Plus the surgery & all the changes to your duet & eating puts you under a lot of stress & that can stir up all sorts of health issues. Just a suggestion. I don’t understand nutritionalists who recommend no chicken, beef or pork for months after surgery. What’s their justification? What do they recommend you should eat instead? I presume plant based proteins. Can you eat seafood? The weight loss phase should be the time you learn about how you want & need to eat in the future - learning new eating & cooking habits, new & alternative ingredients. If you were or are intending to follow a meat free diet in the future their plan is fine but if not … Plus you have to get your tummy & digestive system used to a broad range of foods again & see what it does & doesn't tolerate. I was eating meat including seafood from soft food & some in purée. Some didn’t taste as good to begin but I could tolerate them all. Unfortunately constipation in some form is a cross we all have to bear while losing. Soluble fibre, stool softeners, laxatives, etc. become part of your life for a while. It does improve a lot once you are eating more & a more varied diet. Glad you decided to go out & some some fun with a friend though it was unfortunate you injured your hip. Don’t give up though. Just take it more slowly.
  21. Arabesque


    Always best to follow your surgeon’s plan especially in things where there are many different positions. Some say to avoid caffeine to begin because it can be too harsh on your healing digestive system. Some say to drop it because it is just another addiction. Some people are given coffee right after surgery. Mine was no caffeine just herbal or green tea. Can’t recall for how long as I gave up coffee years ago (the caffeine affected my sleep badly & it used to aggravate my reflux) & only drank green tea anyway.
  22. Arabesque

    Post op week 1

    You don’t have to make your own cream soup. Just buy them from the supermarket. That’s all I did those first two weeks. Made my own soups after then but honestly couldn’t be bothered to cook anything that first fortnight. Heat or shake were my cooking limits. 😁 Any broth works including the broth from wonton soup or pho (jus drain & strain the solids out). Bone broth is the best but it can be salty. Just watch any fruit chunks in the yoghurt. Strain it well after blending it with the milk. Chobani yoghurt was recommended to me but I found it too sweet. Found a less sweet one with more protein (20g) which also had a yoghurt drink. Think it’s only in Australia (Danone yopro) but the don’t do the drink anymore. Mine didn’t have to be ‘lite’.
  23. May be it’s the type of carbs? From purée stage I was allowed carbs: rolled oats & vegetables (not potatoes), then fruit later on. So instead of saying ditch the carbs I should have said reduce the carbs & look for more nutritious complex carbs like in multi & whole grains (low processed), seeds & vegetables. If you’re able to eat bread & pasta on your plan look for the low carb, high protein & multi grain versions. And of course leave them to last when eating: protein first then vegetables & then carbs if you can. But maybe it’s a case of discovering what works for you and it may be reduced carbs or only complex high fibre carbs. Ketosis didn’t last for my whole weight loss phase, just in the beginning. (Thank goodness - those bad body odour, bad breath, keto flu, etc. side effects are awful.) You don’t have to be in ketosis to lose weight. That’s just one way. Continuing to be calorie deficient will enable you to lose weight. I haven’t eaten pasta, rice or bread since before my surgery three years ago. I go out often including to Italian & Japanese restaurants & haven't felt like I’m missing out yet by not eating rice or pasta. Plenty of other options on the menu. As for bread - I have 7 specialty bakeries & patisseries within a 2 km strolling radius of my home. Don’t feel I’m missing out with them either. It’s just how you look at it. But that’s me. You have to discover what works for you.
  24. Arabesque

    Started WK 2 and Starving

    I was allowed instant rolled oats from purées & being instant they were more highly processed & less coarse than traditional oats. Grits are even smooth so it makes sense they may be on your plan. Give them a go but definitely make them very liquidy - run off a spoon like soup. A lot of people have issues with sugar alcohol artificial sweeteners. Try to avoid them as much as you can or look for alternatives. It won’t be easy, though cause they seem to put them in everything. The learning can be fascinating. I’ve really enjoyed researching things associated with the surgery, nutrition, health considerations, etc. as well as learning about me & what my body needs to function effectively. You just got to avoid the fads, the self proclaimed experts, those with agendas to push, … but it makes for interesting reading. This forum has been very helpful to me too. A wealth of information. Lots of similar experiences but lots of different ones as well. All the best.
  25. Arabesque

    Dinner party on soft foods

    Oh, yes the fish is the way to go and maybe the eggplant depending on how it’s prepped & served with. Just watch the sides. You won’t be able to eat all you’re served but that’s ok. Ask to take your left overs home as others have suggested if you want & yes a cooler can be invaluable. And yes try some fish at home before you go just to be sure. (I ate a lot of fish from soft food.) Don’t be afraid to give the restaurant a call before you go either to let them know you are on a restricted diet post abdominal surgery. They may be able to offer you an option just like they would for a vegetarian or vegan or for someone with food allergies. Most restaurants are very flexible & understanding these days. Enjoy the party.

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