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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Arabesque

  1. Yep, that will be the one they used to remove part of your tummy & use the most during the surgery. It’s usually the slightly larger incision, cause more discomfort & take the longest to heal. How long will depend on how you heal. You had three surgeries in one so you had quite a workout & may take longer to heal & recover.
  2. Arabesque

    Day 11 PO and so tired

    All of the above plus, don’t forget you just had pretty major surgery & are healing. Best thing you can do is sleep if your body wants too. It’s going through a lot at the moment. And enjoy those nana naps & long night’s sleep because you’ll soon be back to your old sleeping routines & not really have an excuse to have nana naps. 😁 PS - I found, once through this period, my generally sleeping improved a lot as I lost weight. Went from averaging about 5 hrs a night to a good 7 or 8. That in itself was a big win for me.
  3. Arabesque


    All you can do is try & see how you go. If you have trouble, try again in a couple of days. Start with the one you can’t open. I was taking meds in hospital. Wasn’t easy as I had swelling but I could do it. I started my vitamins day 4 when I got home (had a couple extra days in hospital because my back went out & my BP was low). The swelling was gone by then so was easy.
  4. Arabesque

    Armpit smell?

    Yep, I bet it’s ketosis. Bad breath & other body odours (even from the genitals & your pee 😱) is a very common side effect. Some say it causes an acetone like smell. To me it was just embarrassing. I had a toiletry bag at work with deodorant, body wipes, mouthwash & tooth paste & brush so I could freshen up during the day. It does eventually go (can’t recall how long it took me though).
  5. Arabesque

    Worried about eating

    Welcome. As others above have said, said there are a lot of variations in plans. Mine also was two week stages. A good thing to remember is if you move to a next stage & find it a struggle just go back to the previous stage for a few days. We all heal at different rates & sometimes you need a little longer than what is suggested by your plan & that’s fine. Just do what works best for you. When you can eat solid food think soft like slow cooked meat based soups, stews/casseroles, etc. so the meat & vegetables are soft & ‘fall off the bone’ tender. I found mince based dishes easiest to begin. And ensure you have sauces or gravies to keep your meat moist & easy to swallow.
  6. Arabesque

    2 Weeks Post op

    I was allowed rolled oats in purée but the instant version which is more processed. I made it on lots of milk & a serve lasted me days. I was also allowed scrambled eggs. Again thinned with extra milk. Think almost run off a spoon not plop/dollop thickness. The first few weeks can be challenging because your tummy can be sensitive & fussy. Some people experience temporary intolerances like to milk (try lactose free) too. Sometime you can eat something one day but the next day it’s no way. Plus your senses of taste & smell can go haywire temporarily. So things you enjoyed before taste or smell awful. I found soup easiest. Also boiled eggs mashed with Mayo & a high protein yoghurt. I tried puréeing lots of meats thinning them with gravies, stock, milk, ricotta, Mayo, etc. Personally, I found puréed tinned fish disgusting but chicken thigh meat with gravy was great. It took a few tries (& thrown out meals) to find out what my tummy & taste buds enjoyed.
  7. Arabesque

    Post-Surgery Travel

    By week 7 you should be fine. But yes, breaks each day would be an idea just in case. You may find it helps to take some food with you Take a little esky with you to keep things cold & restock with ice each day (unless you’ll have access to a freezer to refreeze ice bricks). Pick up yoghurt from grocery stores, pack some shakes, meal replacement soups, cheese, jerky, protein bars, etc. just in case you struggle to find suitable protein rich & plan friendly food as you travel. Enjoy your trip.
  8. Arabesque

    Caffeine - 7th day post op

    What does your plan say? Some are a big no to caffeine for a while but others are okay with it. Mine was no caffeine but yes to green tea (still caffeine but 1/4 of that in black tea) or herbal tea. Caffeine can be harsh on your healing tummy - increases acid production & can cause discomfort. May be better to see how you react at home the first time than when out just in case.
  9. I’m a left over freezer not so much planned food prepper but the idea is similar. Most things I cook is three or four days worth (or longer) & I simply freeze two or three single serves. I freeze just about everything. Leftover vegetables, soup, meat sauces, meat balls, steak, lamb cutlets, pork tenderloin, chicken tenders, corned beef, etc. Just defrost & reheat. All I usually have to prep is vegetables & I can do that in a couple of minutes. I use a lot of zip lock bags but others use specific food containers. Have a look at the Food before & after thread, @Starwarsandcupcakes is an avid meal prepper plus there’s other general meal ideas too for home & eating out.
  10. Arabesque


    Definitely see your GP about this & getting a referral to an endocrinologist. Hopefully some if it could be temporary because you’re likely still on a pretty restricted diet but better to be sure. I have occasional drops (did pre surgery too). I try to take an electrolyte drink with me if being active (used to take one with me every day the first few months after surgery). At home I grab some fruit. Had a drop when doing an early morning pre breakfast food shop. Should have seen me rifling through the grocery bags in the back of my car trying to find the blueberries while trying to remain upright.
  11. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Butter, butter, butter. Can’t stand margarine - tastes so synthetic. I agree with the others. The little you’d eat on this is nothing. It’s not like you’ll be drowning your steak & lobster in butter or eating that amount every day. If you use little added fat in your meal prep most of the time, adding a little more occasionally isn’t going to make a huge difference. Just realised I’ve been using the same 500g tub of butter since December. It may be time for a fresh tub. 😆 PS - I used to mash anchovies with butter to put on my steak sometimes pre surgery. Don’t enjoy anchovies alone but like this yum! Plus omega 3, selenium & other nutrients, & salty goodness on your steak.
  12. Arabesque


    This is a skirt not a dress. Let the giggles begin. Yep, the challenge of being short. I know a few of you will understand. A ribbed wool tube skirt at 50% off I was not giving up so when the desire is strong a creative solution must be found. 😁 Congrats on your weight loss so far @Mariann812. Whoo hoo! Looking forward to seeing more of your pxts.
  13. That tightness isn’t dumping, that’s your restriction. With dumping you experience cold sweats, heart palpitations, diarrhoea &/or vomiting, dizziness. It can last for hours. You’ll really know when you experience it. Sometimes when your restriction kicks in you can get the foamies but it’s more spitting up saliva & maybe regurgitating that last little bit you ate not vomiting everything you ate per se. Dumping occurs by eating something high sugar or high fat. Your restriction & foamies usually occurs not because of eating a specific food type but because you ate too much, too fast or something too dry or coarse. As I said in my earlier post it usually passes quickly after you bring up that last bite that caused the problem. Dumping is more common with a bypass & it isn’t as common with a gastric sleeve. You’re only a couple of months out so your tummy could still be pretty sensitive which resulted in vomiting. I used to get nauseous & vomit quite often in the morning … usually after taking my multi vitamin. ☹️ https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dumping-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20371915
  14. Arabesque

    Portion sizes

    Don’t worry, a lot of us felt that way some time even with support people about. You’re really learning how to eat all over again in many ways. The other challenge is discovering what works for you. You could do exactly the same as someone else but you struggle simply because you are not exactly the same psychologically or physiologically. Take our ideas & experiences as somewhere to start. Maybe try to find a nutritionalist close by who has experience with bariatric weight loss. Someone on here may even be able to refer someone. Also some bariatric clinics put their plans etc. on line so you could refer to them for additional ideas. Glad you’re giving soup another try. You may find that with other foods too. You easily ate it yesterday but today it’s no way. Then three days later it’s fine again.
  15. An article I read explained that because the body tastes the sweet from the artificial sweeteners it expects there will be glucose which it can use for energy. But because there is none the body thinks something is wrong & then holds onto calories consumed as fat. They also believe sweeteners can increase your appetite. I got the impression it is related to a sort of starvation mode response. 🤷🏻‍♀️ All artificial sweeteners do is continue to feed our desire for sweet.
  16. I get how some water tastes awful. I grew up drinking rain water & a lot of water tastes awful to me. Plus after surgery water seemed to taste too ‘heavy’ to drink. Try boiling your water then put it in your water pitcher as sometimes that can help. Watch carbonated water & drinks as for many it’s not permitted for a while. It can stir up stomach acid & the build up of gas can make you feel uncomfortable & ‘full’. Of course some are allowed it & can drink it without issues. I have to let my sparkling water go almost or totally flat before drinking cause too much gas causes me problems (hiccups, discomfort, etc.)
  17. I won’t add to what the others have said. As you know you didn’t make the best decision & you know it was because your head cravings were too strong. And you are likely emotional & stressed post surgery & you were seeking something that always comforted you. You aren’t the only one to experience this. The head battles are the hardest part of this process. It’s why many seek the support of a therapist & swear by them to help them navigate these battles. Reach out to your medical team for a reference. Better to start working on the head stuff sooner than later. What you are experiencing may be your first dumping too which is more common with bypass. Never pleasant & experiencing it is often enough for you to avoid high sugar/high fat foods in the future. https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/dumping-syndrome/symptoms-causes/syc-20371915 Be careful & take care of yourself.
  18. I packed a box of all my post surgical needs so when I got home from hospital I had all I needed & wouldn’t have to leave the house to go shopping. Just off the top of my head: Over the counter meds: non NSAID pain meds like tylenol, gas x, stool softener, Imodium. A variety of shakes, broths, soups, yoghurt drinks, etc. protein water & any other allowed ‘foods’. Post surgery, your taste buds can go a bit haywire temporarily & flavours you liked before may taste awful. So that shake you enjoyed may be disgusting: too sweet, too salty or just blah! Electrolyte drinks like Hydralyte. Some are given their post surgical med scripts before surgery. If so get those scripts filled before your surgery too. All the best.
  19. Everything that @catwoman7 said. I’d just add: 1: Haven’t heard of any breathing issues post surgery, but if you are a smoker this may be something to watch. See #3. 2: Vomiting is a possibility post surgery but haven’t heard of any one vomiting blood. When I had the awful diarrhoea attack day 3 it was very dark & I presumed it was old blood. 3. Some require you to stop nicotine before surgery. Nicotine will slow your recovery & increases risks for surgical complications. 4: I had trouble swallowing for about three days because of swelling. I was spitting up a lot of saliva. Though not easy, I was still able to sip & swallow meds. I found warm/hot drinks are more soothing that cool/cold. 5: Missing the odd vitamin is ok. We all forget at some time but don’t make it a habit. You don’t want be become lacking in an essential vitamin, mineral or nutrient. I am someone who was allowed off my multivitamins - at 8 months which was 2 months after I reached goal. I was having blood tests every three months (sometimes more) & my surgeon told me if there were any drops I’d be back on the multi vitamin. Three years out & my bloods are still good. Lethargy & energy drops in the weeks post surgery aren’t uncommon. You’re healing, recovering, & on a reduced diet. Adding an electrolyte drink can help, as does getting in your fluids, protein & vitamins & resting when you need to. 6: Pre existing reflux usually rules you out for a sleeve as sleeves are predisposed to develop reflux/gerd post surgery. Being prescribed a PPI (acid reducer) post surgery for a couple of months is pretty common as your tummy tends to produce excess stomach acid while healing & in response to changes to your digestive system & eating. Personally, I’d had reflux for years before my surgery. It was pretty mild. I controlled it with dietary choices & rarely took medication - a couple of times a year maybe. I still have reflux. It’s still not very bad but it manifests differently. I still watch my food choices & take a PPI every day.
  20. Arabesque

    Trying to get out of my head....

    Addiction transfer is not uncommon after weight loss surgery. When your addiction to food can’t be satisfied, you seek an alternative. Alcohol is a big concern as it’s often the easiest to slip into. Then smoking and sexual addictions. So I think @shoppgirl could be right in her suggestion as to what you may be experiencing. It’s also a control issue. Aspects of your life seem out of control because of all the changes you are making so you try to control at least one thing. In your case ignoring your hunger which then spirals into you overeating. Yes, many swear by the help of a therapist to navigate these challenges. I’m glad you recognise some of what you’re battling & you are open to seeking a therapist to support you. That alone puts you ahead. PS - try adding a more substantial protein for lunch than just hummus. Try chicken or turkey tenders, fish or other seafood, etc. To me hummus & capsicum is more like a snack. Is the protein snack a snack or part of your breakfast? If it’s part of your breakfast, you may need something more textually substantial (which can be more satisfying than just a shake) at breakfast as it could be why you have the snack as well. (Remember a shake is equivalent to a meal.) Try scrambled eggs or an omelette with cheese, bacon/turkey/chicken, & some vegetables like spinach, celery, mushrooms, etc. (cook the vegetables first) or rolled oats made on milk with seeds.
  21. Arabesque

    Best OTC Acid Blocker

    Don’t know if it is the same in the US but in Australia you can only get 10mg over the counter and need a script for a higher dose. You may need 20g as 10g usually is enough to manage symptoms like general heartburn not reflux/gerd symptoms. But it will depend on the severity of your symptoms. Esomeprazole is considered better than omeprazole. More advanced formulation that has fewer side effects apparently. Short term usage (months) shouldn’t cause any issues regardless.
  22. Arabesque

    Transitioning from shakes to food

    I joyfully kissed all my shakes away on day one week three. It was always my goal to rely on real food to get all my nutrients in & not depend upon supplements or meal replacements. My surgeon was also okay if I was not hitting my protein goal while going through the first stages as long as I was making an effort so that took off some pressure. But as @ShoppGirl said it does depend upon how much you can eat. (I wasn’t able to eat much but usually hit 40-50g of my 60g protein goal.) I found a good high protein yoghurt (15-20g) & a yoghurt smoothie (22-30g) to keep my protein closer to goal. I also did things like make my scrambled eggs & rolled oats extra milky to get in a little more protein. But being lactose intolerant I realise this isn’t quite as easy for you. Were you given a caloric goal or a recommended carb intake or limit? How many extra carbs or calories are you getting in by consuming lactose free/dairy alternative products? Because we eat so little it would take a lot to really have a negative impact on your weight loss. I drink a lactose free milk because I can’t drink a lot of ordinary milk. (No issue with other dairy though.) And even though it has about double the calories, it didn’t have an impact on my weight loss. Milk alternatives can actually have fewer calories than cows milk (per 100mls): Full cream cow’s milk – 281 kilojoules (67 calories) Rice milk – 255 kilojoules (61 calories) Regular soy milk – 241 kilojoules (58 calories) Oat milk – 213 kilojoules (51 calories) Reduced-fat cow’s milk – 191 kilojoules (46 calories) Reduced-fat soy milk – 153 kilojoules (37 calories) Skim cow’s milk – 142 kilojoules (34 calories) Sweetened almond milk – 123 kilojoules (29 calories) Sweetened cashew milk – 123 kilojoules (29 calories) Coconut milk – 95 kilojoules (23 calories) Unsweetened cashew milk – 73 kilojoules (18 calories) Unsweetened almond milk – 69 kilojoules (16 calories) Same with carb content. Macadamia milk: 1 gram of carbs/cup Hemp milk: 1.3 grams of carbs/cup Soy milk: 1.6 grams of carbs/cup Almond milk: 1.99 grams of carbs/cup Flax milk: 2 grams of carbs/cup Coconut milk: 3.38 grams of carbs/cup Oat milk: 9 grams of carbs/cup cows milk: 12grams of carbs/cup Have a chat with your dietician. They should be able to recommend lower calorie or lower carb alternatives if your intake is excessive for you to try. PS - Stalls rarely have anything to do with the calories or carbs you are consuming but are a natural part of your weight loss journey. Your rate of loss is never constant but zigs & zags, ups & downs & plateaus. Your body stalls or takes a pause (as I heard a surgeon say recently) to catch up with the changes - surgery, weight loss, change in diet or activity, etc. Think of it as your body is stressed & it needs time to recover & accept the changes. Just like you do if emotionally or mentally stressed.
  23. Arabesque

    Portion sizes

    We’re all different in how much & what we can eat. Were you given any portion size recommendations? I scrambled my eggs from purée stage & two eggs were breakfast for three days. It took me months to eat one egg. (I remember ordering one egg scrambled at 8 months while on holidays.) Still can’t eat two eggs three years out. Tread carefully because all your cut nerves are still healing and your full signals & messages you’ve had enough aren’t getting through or aren’t getting through in the same way. It’s why portion size recommendations are helpful at the beginning. (I was told 1/4 - 1/3 cup from purée.) Burping signals you are swallowing air while eating not that you are full. Also aim to eat until you’ve had enough (do you need the next bite or just want it) not until you are full. It takes time for the full message to get through so when you feel full you’ve really eaten too much. Sorry soup made you sick. I loved soup. Could it have been too thick or something in the soup - a flavour or ingredient??
  24. Arabesque

    TESPO Liquid Vitamins

    Just curious. Does it work like using a coffee pod machine?? Pop in a pod & the dispenser mixes the powdered vitamins with water? My winter vitamin D boost comes in a spray (a squirt under the tongue) & I’m curious if that’s working too. Swallowing meds is a an annoyance.
  25. Arabesque

    Bowel Movement after Sleeve

    As an addendum to my above post. Went to dinner with a friend & fellow sleever that night & guess what our bathroom conversation was about?? Yep, pooping! We were laughing about her constipation solution: she gets dressed in all her cycling gear & a couple of minutes later she has to peel all her Lycra off to poop. We also were joking about how you can weigh more after breaking a constipation streak. The loss doesn’t show until the next day. Neither of us could understand why that happens.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
