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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Arabesque

  1. Arabesque


    Gall surgery shouldn’t affect your tummy at all. It may be related to extra stomach acid. The gall regulated the release of acid into your tummy. Without a gall it sort of just drips all day. I don’t have an issue when I eat but if I don’t eat for a few hours, I can get sharp cutting ulcer like pain. This usually results in a acidic (smelly, loose & a little burny) bowel movement the next day. But give your surgeon a call. Better to know what’s going on especially with pain.
  2. Arabesque

    low carb pre op diet

    I did keto as my pre surgery diet (2.5 weeks) but had no keto flu symptoms or withdrawal symptoms of headaches, etc. I was a little surprised though was already low caffeine so that helped a lot. At about 5 weeks post surgery I started having the ketosis body odour issues, low energy & brain fog. I lost about 5kg pre surgery (11lbs). I didn’t continue the keto eating plan after surgery because I had read some articles saying it wasn’t best as a long term way of eating & also my dietician advised it was a good way to kick start your loss but shouldn’t be continued. I was glad because I didn’t like the high fat aspect of keto & it never sat well with me. She & I both agreed on following a balanced diet making slight adjustments as best suited me, my body & needs. I am lowish carbs (focus on low processed multi & whole grains only) but & am lowish fats. I don’t track macros so I couldn’t tell you exactly how much my lowish is. I eat two serves of carbs a day vs the recommended 4 serves for someone my age. This does not include the carbs in vegetables, etc. This is what works for me. You may need something totally different.
  3. Arabesque

    Smart Scales

    Everything has an app now. Even my new electric toothbrush has blue tooth & can record how long I brushed, how hard I scrubbed, etc. I mean really?? Been cleaning my teeth without an issue for 57 years. Sorry. No help wth your question. Just being a bit cynical.
  4. Arabesque

    Bariatric friendly pain relievers

    I believe that topical anti inflammatory creams are okay because they aren’t absorbed through your digestive system but through your skin. So you could apply anti inflammatory creams like Voltarin, the old tiger balm, etc. for some relief. But do check with your surgeon first. Hope you recover soon. Any sort of back pain is awful.
  5. That’s dumping so you are one of the unusual sleevers who do dump. It will be from the sugar in the ice cream. Some sleevers have said in time they have been able to tolerate small amounts like a spoon of ice cream without experience dumping but that might just be them. On occasions if I use too much milk with my rolled oats, I can get a few dumping like symptoms (cold sweats, weak feeling in my tummy, general feeling of blah) anywhere up to 30 minutes later. I believe it’s because the extra milk flushes the oats (starch) through my digestive system more quickly & therefore dumps it in my intestines. It’s a fine balance. If it happened a couple of hours after I ate I’d say it was hypoglycaemia. It also tends to happen if I have breakfast too early.
  6. I get you may be a little torn between the excitement it’s happening sooner but also worried as you’re losing the time you were going to use to better prepare mentally, emotionally & physically for the surgery. My process went very quickly. (We don’t have the same approval hoops from insurance companies here in Australia thank goodness.) From my appointment with my GP to get a referral to getting the appointment with the surgeon, then the dietician was not quite 6weeks. No time for second thoughts. It was okay because I generally am someone who makes a decision & that’s it. Plenty of time to get myself organised for before & after surgery. Your surgeon is obviously very confident you are ready. Just think, you’ll be losing weight & feeling great much sooner. You got this. All the best.
  7. Arabesque

    Rate of loss post-op

    That statistic, besides being an average, reflects bounce back weight gain which is pretty common, general diet complacency where after a couple of years we let things slide a bit, adjustments to the way you eat to better complement your lifestyle, general health, changes to medication, etc. It’s not the highest amount of weight you may lose but where you MAY end up at the three years point. It’s the same stat that says the a average weight loss at three years for sleeve is about 65% of the weight you have to lose. The most I lost was 43.8kgs (141%) . Then I settled at around 42kg (135%). Now at three years it’s 40 (129% - damn HRT & I had to up my protein intake.) Yes, my gain is minimal & I lost a lot more then the stats suggested but others do experience less loss & greater gains. Treat averages (stats) & BMIs for that matter as a guide only not a hard & fast rule. They just give you a bit of an idea of what might happen.
  8. Arabesque

    Accidentally ate poppy seeds

    In reality you probably ate very few poppy seeds but yes, watch for any side effects. Did you see any poppy seeds or were they puréed in the mix? If you didn’t see any, you’ll probably be ok. These things happen & is a good reminder to be extra vigilant. I’m an avid reader of nutritional panels & ingredients on anything I buy because you just don’t know what ingredient they include. Poppy seeds would be the last thing I would expect to see as an ingredient in hummus. (Sesame seeds in the tahini which is an ingredient in hummus sure but that’s puréed so ok.)
  9. Arabesque

    Citric Acid in drink mixes

    The citric acid may be one of those things (& there’ll be a few of them along the way) that you just have to try & see how you go. Have some alternative non citric acid things on hand just in case. Certainly, you will already start producing excess acid post surgery in response to the surgery, the healing of your tummy, etc. (it’s why we’re usually prescribed a ppi to reduce the production for a couple of months). So there is the possibility adding an acidic food or drink to your diet may exacerbate the issue.
  10. I’m three years out & I have times I’m not hungry. Recently had a month of being hungry not hungry but I’m a little sadly back to my usual eating. I go out often & order an entree or a main depending on the restaurant. An entree is about the right serving size for me & when I have a main I regularly only eat a bit more than half. (I’m not afraid to ask for a doggy bag.) I am aware that I’m more likely to get the foamies or for my restriction to kick in when I dine out. I think a lot of it is a psychological thing for me though: I consciously or subconsciously get anxious it might happen & so it does. Doesn’t stop me going out though. I wonder if some of your reactions are similar - psychological - especially as there doesn’t appear to be a physical reason as yet??? When my dad had a mega chemo dose to wipe out his immune system before undertaking stem cell replacement, he developed psychologically induced nausea & vomiting. His haematologist explained it as being a learnt behavioural response. He had had such terrible nausea & vomiting his mind & body expected he’d always be nauseous & vomit. Apparently it’s a bit like people continuing to experience sea legs when they get back on dry land & they bounce & sway about as the mind & body think they’re still on a boat & need to move with the waves. (I’ve experienced that - it’s a really strange feeling.) It’s just a thought. Our mind & bodies can react in many weird & unexpected ways. I hope this can be sorted out for you soon. Where in Queensland are you?
  11. Stalls are part of the process. We all experience at least one. They usually last 1-3 weeks. Think of them as your body judging needing a time out to catch up on the changes: change of diet, weight loss, etc. They pass when your body is ready. Just stick to your plan & you’ll be fine. We all have fluctuations in our weight. Everyone. You may not have been aware of your natural fluctuation in the past unless you weighed yourself as regularly as you do now. I fluctuate a kg - 2.2lbs. Can be fluid retention, constipation, diarrhoea, what you ate or drank yesterday compared with today, hormonal fluctuations, etc. (I used to gain a good 3 kgs in the days before my period & would lose them in the first days of my period.) The thing to remember is that your weight loss will never be a straight downward line. It will zig & zag, up & down, plateau, drop more slowly or quickly one week to the next. As long as the general trend is downwards you’re golden. PS Congrats on your weight loss so far .
  12. Arabesque

    Post op blood thinner

    They gave me shots while in hospital for 24hrs (don’t think it continued fora second day) & that was it. But others on this forum have shared they had to give themselves injections for a couple of weeks. It may depend on your general health status & history, mobility, etc. I found the injections themselves didn’t really hurt but the bruises in the various sites were tender. If you are concerned about injecting yourself (I would be too) ask if there is an alternative med. Though that may depend upon you’re able or allowed to swallow meds in the first week or two after surgery.
  13. Arabesque

    Wish you knew before surgery…

    I understand. I too am a single person. My family aren’t just ‘down the road’ either & I also don’t work anymore so I have all day to fill in. I do have a small circle of friends but they work, have families & their own interest & commitments. I don’t have a lot of hobbies either (except shopping - does that count -ha). I read lots. I’ll also happily go to the movies, art gallery & dance performances alone. I set myself a task to do everyday. Clean a wardrobe, drawers, cupboard or pantry, potter in my garden, various household tasks, etc. I even iron my tea towels as a task. I’ll watch/steam/download true crime & other documentaries, lifestyle programs, & other programs. Play some games on my iPad (love a jigsaw app I have). I’ll ring or txt friends & family every week too (been having a txt conversation all morning with two girlfriends). It’s amazing how your days do fill. I don’t exercise as such (just some stretches everyday) but another activity would be going for a walk, swim, gym visit, yoga class, … Joining a yoga, Pilates or other class, a book club are opportunities to meet people too & chat with those with similar interests. Are there adult education classes in your area where you can learn pottery, to paint, write a short story, or whatever? Get to know your local shop keepers & assistants too. I was chatting with the lady at my pharmacy this morning - yep, I can be that person holding up the line - but it’s an interaction & you never know what they can share about local activities or events you could attend or invite your work colleagues to join you at. Get to know your neighbours. One of my neighbours & I get together randomly for a cup of tea/coffee & a chat. I met some other women through her too as she invited me to join a sip & scribble group.
  14. Coughing after surgery isn’t that uncommon after abdominal because some patients build up mucus & then cough to break it up & bring it up. It’s important to cough & bring up the mucus to reduce the risk of an infection or pneumonia. Make sure you use a pillow against your abdomen to support your tummy when you cough. Breath exercises like breathing slowly & deeply can help. Check with your surgeon though as the cough should be easing or gone by now. Doubt it is reflux unless you are also experiencing more severe heart burn symptoms, burning in your throat, sour taste in your mouth, trouble swallowing or breathing. A 40mg PPI is a high dose so should be controlling any reflux or excess acid production you may have. But always best to check with your surgeon too.
  15. You could have a lactose sensitivity which has fewer symptoms than a full lactose intolerance. It’s not uncommon for this to develop after surgery & it usually is only temporary. Look for non dairy, lactose free plant based shakes & lactose free milk. Generally cheese & yoghurt don’t cause as much of an issue - something to do with the cultures used to make them - but it may be worth trying some lactose free, plant based cheese & yoghurts just in case. An aversion to or difficulty with eggs isn’t uncommon either. It usually is temporary too.
  16. Arabesque


    It’s the acidity on your healing tummy that’s the concern. It irritates the stomach lining & stimulates acid production. Post surgery your tummy has been cut & is a wound which needs to be protected while healing. Also post surgery, our acid production often increases in response to the surgery & reduced diet anyway which is why many of us are prescribed an PPI which reduces acid production for a few months after surgery. Yes, some people drink coffee post surgery without issue but that’s just part of our individual differences. Personally I would think cutting out or reducing your caffeine intake pre surgery would be better then trying to do it when recovering from surgery which is stressful enough on our bodies, emotions & thinking. But it’s up to you how you want to manage it but ensure you keep your team informed what you decide to do.
  17. Arabesque


    Happy birthday. I’m one of those who lost a lot of their taste & desire for alcohol after surgery. I went from a large glass or two every night to a regular glass once a month & sometimes I don’t finish the glass. Sure there are times I may drink more frequently or if it’s a long evening I might sip on a second glass but they’re rare. I say I go for quality rather than quantity now. So I drink champagne, quality gin, wine or whisky - well that’s my justification for spending a lot on a single glass - tee hee! I guess it just comes down to what you enjoy & can manage.
  18. Arabesque

    Pre op blood screenings

    I had a blood test as part of my pre surgical check (height, weight, ECG, etc.) three days before my surgery. I believe it was a pretty broad test (CBC, lipids, metabolic, nutrient, etc.). I remember they took several vials & they still do. This initial test formed the base line then for the subsequent post surgical blood tests.
  19. Arabesque

    Day 6 full liquid on

    Same as @kcuster83. I could have eggs at the start of week 3 in puree stage. Just had to be runny scrambled eggs or boiled eggs mashed with Mayo. But, yes some people struggle with eggs to begin: they just don’t sit well or taste unpleasant. What does your plan say? PS - Congrats on your surgery. I had a lot of swelling too & then my back spasmed so I had three nights in hospital. I found warm drinks more soothing & easier to sip.
  20. Arabesque

    Sleeve or Bypass Regrets?

    First, congrats on your weight loss. Yay! If you’re losing at a great pace why do you want to lose faster? We all lose at our own rate & what is right for us. And you’ll end up at a weight that is right for you too. Sure you may lose a little faster at the beginning with a bypass but it slows just like any other surgery as you progress. So at this stage you’d probably be losing at exactly the same rate. You also didn’t start at a very high BMI so your rate of loss wouldn’t be like someone weighing 400, 500+lbs. But their rate of loss slows too. In five months you’ve almost reached your goal. Can’t complain about that. As @RickM said the average weight loss at about 3 yrs post surgery is about the same regardless of whether the surgery is sleeve or bypass (about 65% of the weight you had to lose). I’m glad I got the sleeve. I exceeded my weight loss goal & happily sit at a weight I never thought I would weigh as an adult let alone to have basically maintained. And to me that’s the biggest win: maintaining. Generally I’m healthy. I don’t need to take any vitamins like you would with bypass. And while I have a malabsorption (protein) issue, which are possible with bypass, it occurred as a result of my gall removal last year & had nothing to do with my sleeve surgery 3 years ago. I had mild managed reflux before surgery & I still have reflux now. It manifests differently but again it’s managed through diet & meds. If it worsens & I need a revision in the future I’ll deal with that then. I have to be careful to eat slowly & to avoid dry or coarse food but that’s me & my sleeve. I had a bit of a fussy digestive system before anyway so there’s nothing that’s harder to manage or limits me in any way. Celebrate every pound you’ve lost & enjoy the life you can have now. Don’t worry or question how fast you’re losing.
  21. Arabesque

    Acid reflux at nightime

    Not sure as I’ve never used a wedge. Maybe try it out before buying & if it only props up your head & shoulders it may not be right. If it props you up from the entire chest it should be ok. I only had to use a single brick under each leg so the bed was raised only by a couple of inches. Funny was for ages after I bought the ensemble & couldn’t use the bricks I was so used to sleeping on that slight slow I felt like I was falling head first off the head of my bed.
  22. Arabesque

    Low heart rate

    My general heart rate is low too three years out & I have low blood pressure. I was even asked if I was an athlete because my pulse was so slow when I was in hospital last year which was hilarious to me & my family & friends. I’ve spoken to my my surgeon’s colleague & my GP because I was concerned about potential bradycardia but they’re okay with it - guess it’s not low enough. 🤷🏻‍♀️ I think it all contributes to my fairly sudden drops in energy - race about & then nope need to stop right now. I bought a BP monitor & tracked & recorded my BP & pulse fir a few months. I’d would note what activities I had been doing if it was higher or lower then usual.
  23. I live alone & managed easily by myself. My surgeon did keep me in for an extra night to ensure I was stable because I lived alone (ended up staying a third night because my back went to spasm) . But otherwise everything else was fine. I had no gas pain & the surgical pain was very little by about day 4/5. I could up pretty easily (just carefully). I made sure I had everything I needed in regards to over the counter meds (Imodium, stool softeners, non NSAID pain meds, hydralite, …) shakes, soups, broths, etc. And filled my scripts at the hospital before I left. I was between contracts when I had my surgery but I needed all of the 4 weeks I had before my new contract started (low blood pressure, doughy head & low energy). I did a quick trip to the grocery store at the end of the second week & also went to a joint 60th birthday party then too. But we all heal & recover differently. It may depend on the complexity of your surgery (like if you get a hernia repair at the same time, etc.), your general health & fitness, your weight at surgery. I also had friends on call & good neighbours if I ran into trouble.
  24. Arabesque

    Acid reflux at nightime

    I agree with the others: ensure you tell your surgeon about your reflux before your surgery. If you were looking at a sleeve, I’d reconsider. Yes, to the PPI too. You may need to take at least 20mg. Over the counter heartburn medication likely won’t help. Also you can reduce the incidence & severity of your reflux by modifying your diet. Cut out out or reduce caffeine. Avoid carbonated drinks & spicy, rich, creamy or fatty foods. And yes reduce the volume of food you eat & eat more slowly. I modified my diet for years & was able to manage my reflux (not as severe as yours though), only needing to take a PPI less than 5 times a year (usually if I had too many champagnes or gin & tonics😉). I also propped up my bed with bricks under the legs at the head of the bed (until I bought an ensemble). I was advised not to use pillows because they can cause a bend in the upper chest below the throat & the acid pools there. All the best.
  25. Arabesque

    Liver Problems

    Ditto what @RickM said. It’s not unusual for liver function to rise after surgery. Mine settled back to acceptable levels once my weight loss slowed. My surgeon & my GP did keep a regular check & I had almost monthly blood tests between them & a scan to ensure my liver was okay. (It’s how they discovered my gall stone actually.) I’m still glad they are testing to see what’s really going on with your liver. One benefit of the surgery I found is the thorough checks they do on your health after … well at least my surgeon & doctors. Things I would have just ignored or just accepted in the past, they’ll investigate further just to be sure everything’s ok.

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