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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Arabesque

  1. Arabesque


    Cool linen pants with elastic & drawstring waist for the win! Our Christmases are pretty relaxed too though not pj relaxed 🤣. But with young children jumping about on & around you, mucking around with them & being inside & outside more formal clothing just doesn’t work. Plus it’s too darn hot here. Was a little dressier the year before but the younger children weren’t there. This was one of my cyber sale bargains.
  2. Arabesque

    Facial difference

    I can’t recall but I will say it’s exciting to see your jawline again. And cheekbones. And your neck gets thinner & looks longer. Even my hooded eyelids greatly reduced. A little warning though. You can start to look drawn & tired especially when you near your final weight. Your body needs time to resettle itself. Then you’ll be your gorgeous self. Think it took a month or two for me. You may have some saggy skin though too which doesn’t go - waaah! Oh, and there have been a few amusing stories here about people whose phone’s facial recognition didn’t recognize them anymore. A tip might be to keep updating it every month.
  3. Arabesque

    Capsule Vitamins?

    I was able to start taking all my meds from day 4 & that included multi vitamin capsules. Took time to swallow them (thank goodness I only had a couple to take) because of the waiting between sips. I spread out when I took them too e.g. one multi vitamin in the morning & the second in the evening. And my throat was a still a little tender from the intubation breathing tube inserted during surgery for another day or so. But surgeons have different plans & requirements. Can you email yours or ring & ask if the staff can ask your surgeon your question? Unfortunately vitamins are expensive regardless of whether they’re chewables, patches, capsules or mouth sprays. Was so glad when my surgeon approved me stopping them at 8 months (I’ve a sleeve so different long term needs). I could afford to buy more shoes then LOL!
  4. Stalls are perfectly normal & are an important part of your weight loss as the others have said. The first one usually begins around week 3but can be before or after this time like yours. They generally last 1-3 weeks & again they can last longer or even only for fewer days. The numbers are based on averages & so just give you an idea what might happen when. Yes they are frustrating but it’s best to let them ride out. The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. Don’t stress it out by making more changes other than those required by your plan so stick to it. Reduce how often you’re on the scales & try taking body measurements. Many notice that while the scale doesn’t move, their clothing fits differently. Also, if you would like more precise information about portion sizes, macros, etc, ask for them from your dietician. It’s about feeling comfortable & confident about what you’re doing, For example did they say when you should be up to a cup of food? I was told 6 months for a cup but that was what I was told for me.
  5. Not really but I can get a crampy type feeling if I drink too much or too quickly (early restriction signal) or if I drink anything too cold. Does it happen every time? Are you sipping & leaving time between sips?
  6. Arabesque

    Gained 5lbs out of nowhere

    Remember your weight loss isn’t a straight line in a downward trajectory. it zigs & zags & goes up & down for seemingly no reason. There aren’t any ‘you must weigh this, be eating this many calories, be doing this much activity, be losing this much weight by a certain date’ rules. There are just guidelines, averages, may bes & could bes. I agree with the suggestion to talk with your team. Track your food for a week or so first, just to ensure you’re not missing something (it can be easy to do). But I don’t it’s real weight gain in such a short period of time. Yes fluid retention, poop, hormonal fluctuations, etc. Could all contribute. Have you had a medication change? Have you changed your activity in any way? Are you stressed, anxious, etc. about anything? And sometimes our bodies can just be weird & not make sense. I can eat the exact same things for a couple of days & my weight can go up & down. I can break a couple of days of constipation & still weigh more. Who knows why?
  7. Arabesque


  8. Arabesque


    Love that checked overcoat @GreenTealael & the sweater dress gorgeous. As a seasonal contrast. My Christmas Day outfit. Comfortable & cool. Note the matching slides which I had from last summer & I even had a matching cross body bag from years ago. My 8yr old niece told me she didn’t like my outfit because it wasn’t Christmassy enough. Lol!
  9. Oh I didn’t realise you hadn’t had surgery yet. Your energy levels will drop & be low for a while after surgery so be ready for that. Once you lose some weight & have increased your general fitness (because you’re able to be more active), yes you will have more energy. Plus there’s a lot less of you to move about so it doesn’t take as much energy to do things. I’m a short burst of energy type of person. Still am but not lugging around that additional 40+kgs makes doing whatever I’m doing way easier. I sleep a lot better too. Before, if I got 6hrs it was wonderful. Now only getting 6hrs is pretty unusual. I can easily do 7, 8 or 9hrs. That gives me more energy, better concentration, etc. too.
  10. Arabesque

    Almost 3 weeks PO and gaining?

    Can’t believe your surgeon didn’t tell you about stalls especially when you said you hadn’t lost in a week or so. That in itself would make me question anything else they tell or don’t tell you. We all lose more quickly in the first couple of weeks, then the stall hits & no loss & things even out. So while 12 pounds seems a lot in 1.5 weeks, 12lbs in 4 or so weeks is fine - averaging about 3 lbs a week. 1200 calories at a month out does sound a huge & impossible goal to reach. I wasn’t eating 300 calories in the first couple of weeks. I barely reached 900 at 6 months & was another year until I got to around 1300. But we are different & have different needs & our teams have us on different plans & expectations. Ultimately it comes down to only being able to do what you can physically do. You ‘re meeting or close to meeting your protein goal. You’re meeting or close to meeting any other macro & fluid goals?. Are you introducing new protein sources, vegetables, etc. into your eating plan as you’re required? I’d say you’re doing okay. But, that’s my opinion. Your dietician/nutritionalist should be available to discuss your options & concerns whenever you need so ask for (demand ) an appointment. Can you get in any earlier to see the nurse practitioner? If not stick to what you’re doing & as I said you can only do the best you can do. All the best.
  11. Yes, your energy will return. Especially as you start to eat more & a more varied diet. Try adding an electrolyte drink to your daily fluids. (They may taste sweet to you so dilute the drink so it’s not as intense.) I still add some hydrolyte to my water if I’m going to be doing something very active. You’re in calorie deficit at the moment & your body is burning fat so it will function effectively. Sometimes it takes time for your body to realise it needs to burn more to give you the additional energy you may need especially if you’re increasing your activity levels. You may need to speak with your doctor/gyno regarding the PMDD. The hormonal flush of estrogen that occurs with your weightloss could be contributing to those symptoms.
  12. Arabesque


    I echo it is your decision & your reasons are your own too. But if you go into it, still questioning your decision & aren’t completely ready to make the changes you have to make, it is highly likely the surgery won’t be successful for you in the long term. I hazard to say that 80% of our weight loss & then 99% of our maintenance is all down to our commitment & willingness to do the head work & make the permanent changes to our eating & relationship with food. The truth,& it’s a hard truth, is some people do regain a significant amount of weight again if you’re not 100% in, you’ll more likely experience this. I didn’t have any comorbidities but I knew they were in my future. I was almost 54 & menopause had done a number on me & my weight. I didn’t like it. I didn’t want to be the size I was emotionally, psychologically, physically & yes aesthetically too. I woke up day & said enough. Made an appointment with my doctor that day & about 5 weeks later I was being wheeled into surgery. Best decision. Haven’t looked back. Happily maintaining at 4.6yrs. But you have time to make your decision & you can only do what’s best for you at this time. Maybe ask your surgeon for a referral to a therapist & talk through your thoughts & feelings with them. And if you decide no now, it doesn’t mean you can’t do it in the future, All the best what ever you decide to do. PS - The hair loss is nothing in the big picture. Yes, it can be frustrating & depressing but it only lasts for about 3 months +/- . The hair your’re shedding is hair you would have lost anyway. It’s just your natural hair loss cycle is accelerated for a while. Your new hair is still growing as usual at its normal rate. It’s the stress of the surgery, dietary changes, hormonal flushes, anaesthetic. So don’t stress yourself more by overly worrying about the loss - you may make it worse. Many experience hair loss after pregnancy and other surgeries too. I lost a lot with a stressful time at work. So it could happen with many things. The only person who noticed my hair was a little thinner was me & my hairdresser. A year later it was pretty much back to how it was.
  13. Arabesque

    Food Before and After Photos

    Go the peanut paste. My s-i-l had a go at me (with a smile) cause apparently I taught one of my nieces how to eat peanut paste out of the jar by the spoonful & they showed the other children. And now every time she goes to get some peanut paste the jar is empty. I don’t think it was me. I wouldn’t do that (pretending to look all innocent ). lol!
  14. I think you need to get back into contact with your dietician. Did you say whether you track your food & monitor your macros? Have you still be having regular blood tests as these will show if you are lacking in any nutrients & you can track & monitor any changes when comparing with your food data. This data will help your dietician to help you construct an eating plan that will meet your needs. There are tests to see if you aren’t absorbing certain nutrients. Like a stool test can identify how much fat is present & if you aren’t absorbing it effectively. I take Creons (pancreatic enzymes) three times a day to help with my protein malabsorption (curtesy of my gall removal - not a common side effect but I was just unlucky). They also help with malabsorption of fats & carbs as well as proteins. Worth a conversation with your doctor if it is discovered you’re have malabsorption issues.
  15. Arabesque

    1.5 years post op weight regain

    The snugger pants could be from working out. I have 3 pairs of pants which had slim/narrow legs which now are tight around the thighs simply from building muscle. I started focussing on my legs (use resistance bands at home) about 8 months ago. Didn’t notice it in Winter as my pants have stretch in them but my summer pants don’t. Had to buy new pairs. Haven’t gained (actually lost about a kg) so same size but wider legs. Bit torn by it. Muscle yay! But bigger thighs & tight pants boo!
  16. Arabesque

    Struggling with dietary revisions

    Do you have a dietician? If so ask them for more specifics. We all need the amount of information & depth of detail that makes us feel comfortable & confident about we have to do. We have different needs (food preferences like vegetarian or vegan, food sensitivities or allergies, general health, current weight, age, mobility, etc.) which is why I suggest you get the specifics from your dietician for what will best complement your needs. Your surgeon may have requirements too. As some general advice, start tracking your food (lots of tracking apps available like My Fitness Pal). Increase your fluids to 2L/64ozs. Reduce or drop any carbonated drinks. Reduce snacking. Reduce the highly or ultra processed foods in your current diet. Increase your protein & vegetable intake - look at around 4oz protein & a good cup of vegetables for a meal. Modify some of your cooking styles like use an air fryer or bake not pan fry. Swap simple carbs for complex whole or multi grains. Reduce the number of sugary/sweet foods you eat. You don’t have to do all these things at once, unless you have a tight time frame but certainly start introducing a couple of these things each week or two until you get more definite information from your dietician. PS If you don’t have a dietician yet, ask for a referral to one from your team.
  17. Arabesque

    Gain Weight after 5 years

    Regain is a fear I think we all carry with us. In addition to @Spinoza’s advice, make sure you restart tracking your food intake, fluids & activity too. It can be easy to let portion sizes slip, reintroduce foods that aren’t nutritionally dense & are calorie heavy, life gets busy so you drop or reduce any activity you were doing ir simply life throws challenges at you so watching what you eat gets forgotten or put in the too hard basket. Get back in touch with your team too: your dietician, therapist, etc. To talk through what’s been happening, any emotional, medical or psychological challenges you may have been facing, why you revered to old eating behaviours, better food choices etc. & look at ways you can better manage these considerations. Even meet up with your surgeon to look at what other options are available to you too.
  18. Arabesque


    Mmmm Cheese. Good. I ate low fat Jarlsberg from solid foods but I did revert back to full fat after a few weeks cause it tasted nicer. And would sprinkle Parmesan on my bolognese & in my omelettes. Close to goal I would eat Brie, Camembert, a soft blue if out socialising where there were snacks but not a meal, A couple of pieces were ample. Full fat is so much yummier but it’s all about how much you eat each time & what else you’re eating. Saw something recently about there being something in cheese that makes it addictive. I can’t recall what because I don’t care - it’s an addiction I’m willing to indulge.
  19. Thanks for this chuckle @summerset. So true. There will always be these types of people and there numbers seem to be growing. At Christmas, my brother’s mother-in- law responded to my youngest brother’s Christmas half hug & greeting with ‘’You are grossly overweight.’ She actually greeted me quite warmly which was unusual but then when she was leaving she told me she didn’t know who I was (which explained the warm greeting on arrival 🙄). Sure I haven’t seen her since I lost my weight but for F’s sake I’ve known her for almost 40years which included many years I was slim. Hurtful but pretty much what we expect for her - insensitive, tactless, cold B.
  20. Arabesque

    Surgery Failure

    Welcome to your first stall. They usually occur around week three but can start before or after that. They usually last 1-3 weeks. (There are lots of usually, often, averages, common, etc. after surgery.) While this time when the scale doesn’t move, is frustrating & can be depressing, it is an important part of your weight loss. It’s when your body takes stock of the changes that are occurring (weight loss, dietary changes, etc.) & reassess its needs in regards to metabolic rate, digestive hormones, and so on. The stress of your surgery can also impact this first stall. (Yes I said first as you’ll likely experience more of them.) The stall will break when your body is ready to move forward again. You can’t force a stall to stop. Best advice used stick to your plan & don’t stress your body more by making changes to your diet & activity other than those your plan wants. Take some body measurements. While the scale doesn’t move, you may notice changes in a tape measure or in your clothing.
  21. Arabesque

    Anyone else feeling down about 2024???

    I agree. You’ve been through a lot & coupled with the quiet time post Christmas & New Year’s, it’s understandable that you might be feeling low. New Year was pretty fiat this year for many of my friends & acquaintances. Not interested in celebrating, happier at home, in bed early, etc. Even my street was very quiet & there are lots of young people in the apts across the road who are always partying. Were you the same? Maybe make a coffee date with a friend, an appointment with a beautician, get a mani/pedi, go to the movies, etc, to have something to do & look forward too. I’m looking forward to seeing my beautician on Thursday & my nieces & nephew may be visiting on Friday. (Even though my house will be a mess after they leave. 😁) I agree too that if it persists to speak with your doctor or team.
  22. Arabesque

    Not feeling full. ...

    I agree with @Spinoza. You’re still healing. It takes about 8 weeks for you to heal & that includes all those nerves that were cut during the surgery. A lot of messages aren’t getting through or the signals are different as a result. It’s why sticking to your portion size is very important (it always will be) but especially in this healing period. In a few weeks, & when you’re on solid food, you’ll start to feel those signals again including your restriction. Liquids go through your digestive system more quickly so what signals you may still have don’t get a chance to get through. You may even find when they return your signals for full & hungry are a little different too. Some say they sneeze or their nose runs when they’ve had enough. Keep eating slowly too as it takes at least 20 minutes for the message to get through that you are full. The goal should be not to eat until you feel full but until you’ve had enough & don’t need to eat any more (not just want to eat more). I wasn’t hungry or really interested in eating for almost a year. It is a blessing of the surgery while you are losing. In actuality, after our hunger returns, many of us say we wish we still weren’t hungry like we were in the beginning after surgery. Though not hungry, I knew I had to eat so I ate to a routine, ensuring what I ate was nutrient dense & in appropriate portions. There’s a lot of things to learn & understand about your eating & your body. It takes time but you’ll work it out. All the best.
  23. I didn’t have any pain like that after my surgery & was off pain meds by day 5 too. Mind you the gas pain was still pretty bad a week later. Was surprised as I had none with my sleeve & it was the same surgeon like you. Give your surgeon a call. Better to be sure. PS Did they use the same incisions as from your bypass?
  24. Arabesque


    Leg cramps are awful. So painful. I used to get them randomly at night. Keep your fluids up so make sure you’re meeting or close to your daily fluid goals. It can be easy to let it slide especially in winter. Add an electrolyte drink to get in the minerals you may be missing at the moment. Try adding a banana to your food intake too. Gentle stretching & heating pads can help. Hope this helps.
  25. Arabesque

    Liquid and pureed stages

    There are plant based protein powders about you can purchase which are whey free. Look for plant based or lactose free yoghurts, soups & milk. So many options available these days. Bone broth is good too. Or you can make your own soups. I love soup & made quite a few. Purred them in the beginning & let them simmer for ages so the meat & vegetables would be super soft & tender in the soft food stage. You can process many proteins simply by adding enough broth, stock, gravy, milk, Mayo, etc. - just lactose/whey free versions. Make your own yoghurt drinks/smoothies by blending the yoghurt with milk & sugar free flavours or protein powders. I was allowed to eat instant oats during puree - just kept extra thin & milky & you can add protein powder to that too. The hardest part for me was my altered taste buds. A lot of things tasted awful - shakes too sweet, bone broth too salty, & some textures & smells were off putting too. Thank goodness this was temporary. All the best.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
