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Posts posted by mcfluffington

  1. This maybe orthostatic hypotension.

    It can be a side effect of WLS.

    I have had a few close calls but I am not on any blood pressure meds.

    I hit the dirt once but didn't pass out. My legs went wonky. and I felt woozy.

    It sounds like you are doing the right thing, stopping the meds and calling your PCP.

    I had a cardiac work up and everything was AOK.

  2. 15 minutes ago, Brent701 said:

    at one month out you will be in serious pain if you push it. Search this forum for the "week 3 stall" everyone has it

    I read about it but my situation may be different as I had a revision. But that topic did give me some hope for the future.

  3. It sounds like things are going pretty well.

    I would suggest you start measuring your food to make sure you are in compliance with your rather than let your sleeve do the measuring for you.

    As for vegetables, I hate them myself but I can eat them if they are in some kind of sauce. something that overrides the flavor of the veggies. Maybe that will work for you.

    Good luck!

  4. when I first went to get weight loss surgery in the nineties. I was eliminated because of depression.

    but I think most psychiatrists are on board with the surgery nowadays.

    My Psychiatrist was happy for me to be losing weight with my first weightloss surgery about eight years ago. she had no concerns. by then I had depression with psychotic features.

    At this second weight loss surgery my psychiatrist was quite willing to let me have the surgery.

  5. What has always helped me Is "out of sight, out of mind." I just do not have contraband food in my house. I don't know what your living situation is and if this is feasible for you. I lived with my Mom for a year and put on 75 lbs. When I moved out I lost twenty lbs over two years. So don't be surprised it your weight loss after regain is slow.

  6. 2. Been watching a lot of Patriot Act with Hassan Minhaj. Its my favorite news/comedy show.

    3. No dessert for me! I am on a pre op diet.

    4. A bucket list for tomorrow. It would be interesting to see what I come up with high from the surgery meds. lol

  7. Hello,

    I am having revision surgery tomorrow. 12/4/191; RNY to SADI.

    I saw some research mentioning that this was a better surgery than distalization for weightloss.

    My surgeon seems hyped about its ability to cause better weightloss.

    I would like to at least get down to 200 lbs which is where I was before my weight regain.

    I gained 75 lbs due to living with someone (my mom) who had all kinds of carbs in her house.

    Luckily, I found a place near her and did not have to live with her carbs anymore about two years ago.

    Since then I have been trying to lose the weight.

    I lost about 25 lbs; basically 1 lb a month.

    I am 57 years old and thought I would be lying on my death bed in my eighties having just made my goal weight. lol

    Now I have this second chance for quicker weightloss.

    Wish me luck tomorrow and thank you for your camaraderie!


  8. My dr. prescribde me Zofran for the nausea.

    Think about the excitement of continuing your weight loss journey. Only with the super power of restriction.

    I am about to get surgery myself and I have to say the excitement outweighs the fear for me.

    Good luck and know that we are all rooting for you!

  9. My blinds are open when I wake up but it is 400 in the morning so there is nothing to see. The sunshine won't be around for three hours. Luckily the windows of my job site open on the east and we see the sunrise every morning.

    1. My personal goal is to get down to 150 and stay there.

    2. I am having RNY to SADI revision. I am pre op. My operation is on Wednesday the 5th.

    3. my weight is 246 Lbs.

    4. My favorite winter activity is piling on the blankets or standing in front of the heater with a kitty cat by my side.

  10. I had a weight regain of 75 lbs. I have lost 25 labs through changing the amount I eat and getting back on track.

    I only ate 4 times a day. Mind you I have a gastric bypass so I have some restricition but you can always eat around that.

    Then I joined Jenny Craig and Noom. I lost about 5 lbs on those In about three months.

    My weight loss was in no way dramatic. It was a steady 1 lb a month. That is right 1 lb a month. Like rolling a boulder up hill but getting it done.

    I have to say the most drastic weight loss has come through my pre-op diet. I lost 4 lbs in 5 days on mostly Protein Shakes and some Jenny Craig meals.

    I am having revision surgery RNY to SADI to lose the rest and then some. I hope. Fingers crossed.

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