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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Shontel

  1. Tiffy!!!!!! You go girl!!! What an awesome transformation...I hope to be as successful as you!!!
  2. Shontel

    Drinking and eating

    Like Tiff, I learned that with my lap band, to tell you the truth, It doesn't bother me at all now.
  3. Shontel

    Portion Size

    Refried beans are really dense, I noticed I could eat less of dense food. I went to Wal-Mart and bought these cool little dip bowls about 1/2 c. they are in the Corelle dish section. They saved me at first, I didn't count on my own signs & signals at first, because they weren't strong enough to tell me when to stop, it was like I was full all the time.
  4. Shontel

    Me and water. Why?

    I think early on, the water requirements are for dehydration purposes, when most of us have a lot of trouble getting anything down. But though water is a great 0 calorie choice, I hear a lot of those who have an aversion to it. Keep in mind that any liquid would count towards your goal (mine was set at 64 oz minimum to keep from dehydration) Foods have liquid which counts, tea, coffee, milk ect. I personally don't care for Crystal Light, but I squeeze some lemon in with my water (with ice) which somehow makes it more pleasing for me. If anyone has ever been dehydrated, you know how crummy it feels. Chronic dehydration has a lot of detrimental effects.
  5. Keep in mind that everyone's body types are different...My mom is an 'apple' shape where she holds her weight in her abdomen area...it took her a little while to notice size changes, but when she did...it was dramatic...I on the other hand am more of a 'pear' shape, hold my weight in my massive thighs & hips...lol so though my waist is shrinking, my thighs are just hangin on to all that flippin flab...lol...I've went down a few sizes but initially at 20 pounds..I was still in the same size. Now 45#'s down, I'm a few sizes down...and Tiffy is right, right after surgery your gonna be bloated for a few weeks till all that gas works itself out.
  6. My doc put me on Prilosec which I've taken since my surgery. The past few weeks I've been having what I call a sour stomach. sort of sick to my stomach type of feeling. I decided after reading some other posts/vlogs, to try Prevacid as this has worked for others. Its a miracle! lol....really really worked for me! No more naseua! I couldn't believe it! I don't know what the difference is, but for me at least, it made a heck of a difference. I'm still never hungry, but makes me able to do more things now that I'm not sick. Yay!
  7. Shontel

    Advice for Road Trip

    Mini me...I'm DYING for a road trip...where are yall driving from? I've always wanted to go to the Grand Canyon!! So jealous!!
  8. Shontel

    My first real 'dress up' since surgery

    Thanks yall! I got so many complements on how I looked that night!! Yay me!
  9. Shontel


    YaY deedee!! You go girl!!!
  10. Shontel

    Calcium Citrate

    I have heard rave reviews about the Calcet Creamy Lemon bites...I ordered some, and I have to say, I don't really like them. The texture is like chewing soap, really sticky and almost an oily goo....I know alot of people like them, but I'm really picky about textures, just my opinion of course I know they are really popular.
  11. Eating out has been a real challenge for me...Our southern culture literally REVOLVES around the next meal. Our society in general (wait, let me put my philosophy hat on..lol) wants more for less. Portion sizes as we all know are ridiculous. Its funny how I flocked to those same restaurants because of this when I could shovel food. Now, I see it as wasteful to go because I can only eat so little. I order half orders (when available) eat appetizers (even those are sometimes gi-normous) or the old, "honey, I'll just nibble off your plate" (grin) We truly are 'cheap' dates!!
  12. When I was a few weeks out, I took some Tylenol 4's that made me sick. It was the most horrible pain I think I've ever felt...dry heaved for 20 minutes..my stomach was in spasms, it felt like a razor was cutting through my chest as I heaved. I really thought I was having a heart attack. Cold sweats/clammy hands...I hope to NEVER experience that again. Afterwards I was so weak and drained!!
  13. Shontel

    Mardi Gras Party

    My first real dress up since my surgery (about 3 months ago 45 pound weight loss so far!), and a present to myself-a pair of Buckle Jeans!!
  14. Shontel

    Down 3 sizes!! yay me!

    From the album: Mardi Gras Party

  15. Shontel

    1st Month after Surgery

    I lost 26 pounds my first month. My second month I had a stall, but still lost 14. Had an abscess in one of my incisions so that set me back from activity, but still loss nonetheless.
  16. Shontel

    Week 11 Weigh Day

    Down 1 more pound, 45 total. I noticed the first part of the week I was feeling sort of sick/tired....I switched from Prilosec to Prevacid and that helped alot!! Other than that, this week has been slow. Dreary weather, rain, cold....grrrrrrrr.....bringing me down! Ready for some warm weather. Have been researching some vaca places....tropical, beach, hut....lol...drink with umbrella...ahhhhhhhhhh....
  17. Shontel

    Not a lot to report

    I haven't had a chance to wish you a speedy recovery! I can so relate to feeling frustrated about not being able to be 100% or work out. You are a strong person and you'll get through it girl..chin up!!
  18. Shontel

    Battle of the flab

    I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but excess skin is just that....excess skin. You can build muscle under it but that won't solve the problem. My mom and sis both had RNY lost 125#'s each. My sis had a TT & breasts done. Plastics are essentially the only way you'll get rid of excess skin.
  19. Shontel

    Staple Removal

    You had staples in your incisions? I had dissolvable stitches.
  20. Shontel

    Weigh Day...10 weeks out

    aHOMEgal, we're not trying to scare...lol...I know for me, info from how others were doing at various stages helped and inspired me. Its not that I don't still LOVE to cook, its just that at this time (and I'm sure it will pass) I'm not getting the pleasure out of it that I used to because I'm literally NEVER hungry. I think it will pass as I've read, and I'll find my 'normal' soon...
  21. Shontel

    Weigh Day...10 weeks out

    Yay!! Down 4 more pounds!! 44 pounds down! This week I've been under a lot of stress with work...not doing well with protein although I did buy some protein bars. One thing I've noticed this week is that I'm just NOT EVER hungry. Not necessarily a good thing for me, I find myself working at my desk and its noon or 1 o'clock without anything but coffee...yikes! Also, I'm thinking of switching from Prilosec to something else...I find that I am getting sort of a upset stomach, maybe its a little heartburn, not sure but annoying. I have started drinking Carnation Instant Breakfast to get me some protein, maybe not the best choice but I like it. I'm finding ways to cope with eating so little. My fiance' and I share entrees or he eats what I can't. I'm still only able to eat maybe 1/2 cup, depending on how dense the food is. I just don't care about food anymore, this has been a big emotional issue for me. I've lost my friend. (sigh) I think it will take me a long time to adjust to that part. Its a daily struggle. Last night when I was cooking, (and I LOVE to cook) it was like I was just going through the motions, weird, not satisfying or fun...just a task to complete. I realize now that the journey is complex, the physical part is nothing compared to the emotional part. An everyday struggle. I'm finding that, though I'm happy about the weight loss, this feeling of loss of my (food) friend is greater. I know it will balance itself out sooner or later, I know I will adjust as I have with everything else in my life, just a bumpy road for now...Stay Tuned.
  22. Shontel


    Yes its the hole where the port was removed, and I had the Allergan band. They gave me Bactrim antibiotic (1 per day for 10 days) I am completely healed after about 3 weeks of packing, no complications whatsoever. Good Luck and let me know if you have any other questions!!
  23. TexasT: I had an abcess on my wound, Very Similar to you..... you can look at my blog, I posted photos of it. At least yours opened on its own, I had to have mine re-opened, and packed.....its a pain in the a** but it does get better, I had very bad pain from my incision as it was infected. Did you have a drain after surgery? Good luck and hope you feel better!!
  24. Shontel

    Weigh Day! Yay! 2 Month Update

    3 more pounds!! yay total of 40! 2 months out! This past week has been another up and down week, but I'm determined to end it well. I'm noticing and paying more attention to the amounts I eat. What I love about the sleeve vs the lap band is that when your full, you just know it...when I take my last bite and I feel full, I stop. With the band, you might take 3 bites past your feeling full point, then you feel MISERABLE..usually hacking up what you just put in. I haven't vomited at all since I've been sleeved (ok, I dry heaved my first 3 days after I got sleeved because of swelling due to the band, but I'm not really counting that..lol) I think having the band gave me an insight and tools that I wouldn't have had otherwise. It made me think about chewing my food and the speed at which I scarfed down my food. I can't say this past few months have been that hard. The liquids were, but I was fighting head hunger mainly, not so much that I was even hungry. My emotional state is improving as well, after weeks of being sick from the abscess, I'm finally feeling physically healthy again. I still find myself wanting to eat more than I can, but I find that if I just eat what I want, I don't feel deprived. I treat myself to ice cream when I feel like it. I dont' know if my weight loss will be typical, I mean I'm sort of breaking a lot of rules...but I know I'm eathing healthier, so that's gotta count for something Thanks to all for listening! Stay Tuned for more...:001_tt2:
  25. Shontel


    I had the band for 3 years before and did ok, towards the end, it stopped working, no fluid would go in or out...I had a removal and revision at the same time in November. For me it was rough in the first few days....the site of band removal had swollen shut causing me to dry heave for 3 days. This doesn't happen to everyone I should say. The sleeve is SO MUCH BETTER!! And you have a special insight, because you have the basics down: chew thoroughly and eat slow! Good Luck!

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