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Posts posted by K@t

  1. Yep, mine is going to be around $11,000 (8,000€) so it is quiet a bit of money and I certainly don't want to waste it, but I wish he would just say ok, your an adult, you make your own money, and you can decide what you want to do and I'll support you. He just doesn't think that way.

    We always try to make our decisions together, and I never put my foot down when I didn't think it was that important (like I mentioned in previous posts 7,000€ to redo the kitchen, and 5,000€ for a custom office) but at the time we did those things we had more money....we are a bit stretched now and he just thinks its horrible I want to take a loan to pay for it (only 3,000€ as we already have 5,000€ in cash already) He thinks we should wait another 6 months or so until we have it all in cash, but I just don't want to wait. I have already started the process and asked for the time off from work, which was no picnic.

    Every couple is different, but i think in the end he will be ok with the whole thing.

  2. But how can just a few weeks of diet change our liver so drastically? I mean it must take years to get it fatty, I don't see how loosing a few lbs in a week or 2 is going to change that.

    However, the diet should help with last supper syndrome, and to make the transition to band approved foods easier. Also, it sounds like an added bonus is less problems with gas.....my doc didn't tell me to do any diet, but a week before my surgery date, I have to see a nutritionist, maybe she will tell me to do a liquid diet the week before....

    I still don't understand the liver thing. :eek:

  3. It sounds like every one is different and there is really no way to tell how much time we need. I'm having my surgery on April 26th (Wednesday) and returning to work on May 2 (Tuesday) so I'm getting just one day short of a week. I teach also, but I can sit behind the desk if I need to. I'm just hoping that the time will be enough for me.

  4. Well, it seems that I finally got to the root of my husbands reluctance with all this. He's afraid I'm going to die during the surgery, or that I will have some complication and if we don't have money to pay for it, the hospital will toss me out on the street. Not likely, but he has never delt with this kind of thing before so he's really insecure. He has reluctantly agreed to support me, but I think that when it's all said and done he will be happy that we went ahead and did it. :clap2:

    Here is a link to the hospital where I'm doing it. I know most of you can't read portuguese, but there are some photos.


  5. LOL Hint: weight loss is the square root of 64 times 2.

    I'm surprised no one answered this....square root of 64 = 8 and 8*2=16 so you have lost 16lbs, thats great!

    I read through all the posts and every one sounds great. I'm worried about that GB thinggie because my doc said I would need to have that done as well. I don't know if they put me to sleep or just numb me. I have a follow up appt on the 12th of April and an appt. with he nutritionist on the 17th of April. And surgery is supposed to be on the 26th.

    I can't wait to hear how all of you are doing from the beginning of the month, I'm already stock piling stuff to prepare for the surgery as well. I need to find something for Fiber though, that was one thing I didn't think about.

    I'll check in later have a great day guys!

    A few photos of me as well.


    Me at our engagment party....hubby bought me flowers.


    Me before the christmas party.



  6. Thanks so much for such sweet comments... a lady huh? Sometimes I feel like I'm still such a kid. Every one trying to tell me what to do. I hope for everything to go smooth too...I have had to deal with a lot lately from every one about this surgery, and I just want to get it done with so no one will say any thing else about it and I can be left alone.

    Thanks for all the support guys!

  7. Yep, the guy was a total ass, and when he apologized he actually said thank you to me for controlling myself while he was saying all of this....whatever I'm totally over it. He isn't worth my time, and when I told some of my colleges about the cakes they were all up hauled as well because they all know I don't eat them because I don't like them.

    As far as my man, he understands that I want to do it and he has accepted that we are going to pay for it, but he wants to wait until we have more money in savings so we can pay it all and have some extra cushion. But thats just his nature, he's always worried about money. We are fine and it will be fine. The doctor already has me running all kinds of test and I told hubby if we wait I'll probably have to do the tests again which means paying for them again. Besides when its all said and done he will be happy we got it over with before the summer when were going on vacation back to Florida, and I will feel happier and more confident going out on the beach.

    I am sorry he talked to you that way. and the whole cake thing had fumes coming out of my ears.

    Um yeah, that part had me more upset than any thing, I'm use to people giving me diet and exercise advice, but to some how throw that in was just beyond me....I actually told him when he said that, that's how gossip gets started isn't it...when some one says some one did something etc.

  8. Hey everyone.

    I saw the surgeon on Wednesday and we had a long talk. He told me that the state waiting list is about 2 years instead of 1 like I originally thought, and he said the equipment and facilities at the private hospital are newer and nicer. He basically said he prefers to work at the private hospital. (he gets paid either way if I go private or public so I don't think he was trying to be a salesman or any thing.)

    He has me doing a battery of different test, blood, liver, etc. and then I have an apt. with him on the 12th of April to go over all the test results, and then he said we can do the surgery any date after that. We are shooting for April 26th. He said he thinks I'm a good candidate and the first thing he asked me was if I knew this wasn't easy and if I knew I would still have to change my eating habits ect. I told him yes, thanks to all my buddies here at LBT I do.

    I also asked him about the bands and he said he likes the VG band the best but that he can put any band I want. He seemed impressed that I knew about the different bands (thanks to whoever posted that thread) and that he does stitch the band in place.

    Money wise, he said its going to be between 7,500€ and 10,000€ he said I won't know the total cost until the end because the longer I stay in the hospital the more expensive it is etc. I have to pay the hospital part up front on the day I leave and he said that should run about 6,000€ and then he said the rest was his part and I could pay that in payments or whoever I had the money to pay. So that was nice to know.

    Any way apart from the crappy day I had today with my director, everything seems to be going well and I'm excited to start my new journey.:clap2:

  9. Hey guys,

    Thanks for all the support....and update....he actually called me about an hour ago to apologize! I'm not sure why but he called and sounded really humble and asked if I would be willing to talk to him and of course I said yes, and he told me that he was really sorry and his remarks were inappropriate and that he hoped we could still continue to work together. :faint: I don't know if he felt guilty of if he was just covering his ass. Then later he actually called the director at the school where I work (there are several branches and fortunately i work in a different branch then him.) and told my director that he hoped he hadn't causes any problems for me and that he was really sorry. My director said he thinks that the guy is really embarrassed about the whole situation and is truly sorry......

    N e way, I'm going to avoid the guy as much as possible and I'm going to take my days off for my surgery and I'm not going to listen to any thing else.

    aren't you the one who could wait a year and have it free

    Yep thats me, but the waiting list as I found out is more like 2 years now. Plus its in a state facility and I think the private facility has newer equipment and is nicer. The surgeon seemed more confident in the private hospital and he gets his pay either way.

    Thanks again guys!

  10. I have had one of the worst days of my life today. I finally got a date from the surgeon yesterday. I should be happy right...well listen to this....

    I just started teaching school in January, but I have been very up front with the school and I told them I might be doing a surgical procedure this year. A month ago I talked to the director and he told me no problem, just to let them know when I needed time off. Today I went to talk to the director to tell him that I have a date and I will only be taking 3 days off (yeah, thats right...3 I made sure to schedule it in between 2 holidays so that I will get a week off but only need to take 3 days)

    The first director that I had talked to was to busy to talk to me and his secretary told me to make an appointment. Then I went downstairs and I saw one of the other directors and mentioned to him that I needed to talk to them, so we went into his office. When I told him what I was there for, he said he couldn't BELIEVE that I would spring this on them knowing I had only been at the school for 3 months, THEN he proceeded to tell me that I have always been overweight and that he knows I have a problem and that I should exercise more and diet...and basically telling me what to do with my life....

    Then he proceeded to tell me that some one complained about me eating all the cakes in the waiting room. (they usually put a plate of 10 to 15 miniature cakes in the morning) which is complete and absolute trash! I hardly EVER eat any of the cakes mostly because I don't like them. I also am part owner of a cake factory myself! If I want cakes I'll bring them from my own store...and 3rd of all...thats just gossip. And I couldn't believe he was repeating that to me.

    I basically told him that it was non of his business and that I was there as a courtesy to let them know what days I would be taking off. It took almost everything I had not to burst into tears in his office. He apologized (in a smart ass kind of way) and said he shouldn't have made those comments and THEN he went on to say that he wouldn't do any thing about the other problem. It took me a few minuets to remember what he was talking about....he meant about me eating all the cakes!! What the hell was he going to do? Forbid me from eating cakes?? WTF

    Now I'm not even sure if I should be doing the surgery, its bringing all kinds of problems at work, and we are going to be stretched for cash paying it all and my husband isn't so sure....and gawd.....help me guys.

  11. Hey Vicki,

    I'm fairly new here but I can help on a few.

    NSV=non scale victory i.e. when an old pair of jeans fits better, when you can see ur toes...that kind of stuff where you know u have lost some weight but it's not necessarily weight off the scale.

    PB=productive burp....you can do a search for this and find lots of threads that explain what it is, but basically its when food gets stuff and you burp it back up or push it back down. (I think)

    DH=dear husband, or DS dear son, or DD dear daughter...you get the picture.

    and the Ils im not sure about.......

  12. Unfortunately I don't have one yet....I'm still trying to decide which doctor I'm going to get it with. I live in Portugal and I have a unique situation, but I have a consultation on Wednesday this week so hopefully I will know more soon. The portuguese state will actually pay for the surgery but the waiting list is over a year long, so I'm checking into having it done privately.

  13. Hey Cindy,

    I can try to offer you some advice about my own situation....I have been overweight all my life and have always been on one diet or another (I'm 5'5 242lbs). One day I came across a lapband site when looking for weight loss websites. I read about it and thought....woooohhh...I could NEVER do that! liquids for 2 to 4 weeks....thats crazy, surgery?! never!!! The worst I have ever had was I had my wisdom teeth pulled out! And then I found this forum. I got myself informed about the surgery and its benefits and drawbacks. I decided that the positive FAR outweighs the negative and I couldn't be happier about my decision... I'm currently in the process of getting banded (sorting out options and what not) but I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to join "bandland".

    Every one is different and every one has to decide whats best for them, but I would recommend sticking around this forum and reading up on things to help you decide....also speak to your doctor about it see what he/she thinks. Good luck in your decision!

  14. Priceless! I almost didn't read this post, thinking you were one more person who had all the answers, but this is great! And way to go with -21 pounds!

    hehe I didnt read it either the first time I saw it because I thought the same thing...

    Very cute I just read it to my husband....he said we better start speaking in Portuguese then!

  15. Hey Kellie,

    I just had a few questions about the breast surgery....so they actually used ur excess skin to in effect give u bigger firmer boobs? Do they feel real? Do you know if you will still be able to breast feed after a surgery like that? I actually have one breast larger then the other and it would be nice if they could make the smaller one the same size as the bigger one....or something like that....any way, I wouldnt mind bigger perker boobs, but I'm afraid that it will be really painful, plus I still want to have kids.

  16. I'm a part of the His and Hers computer club as well. Hubby has his "mean machine" and he bought me a nice laptop.

    Funny thing about the forums is that I use to be like the husbands, I use to get upset at my husband for being on forums all day long and making posts etc. However after I found LBT I understand why he spent time in those places. Now we both happily sit across from each other in the office typing our own messages. :typing:

  17. Thank you ALL for such great support. It's hard when we both can't agree on something. But that being said, I am an adult and I make my own money and I can decide what I do with it. I didn't complain when hubby wanted to redo the kitchen (even though I thought the old kitchen was fine, 7,000€) and I didn't complain when he wanted to get custom made desks instead of just buying furniture(5,000€). I realize it's a big investment, but like most of you said, in a year I could be a whole new person.

    At this moment I have no co-morbidities, just a BMI of 40.8. However, in the last year I gained 25lbs, what will another year do? I have high cholesterol now, and heart problems and diabetes run in the family, plus in the last 6 months or so I have been experiencing back pain and pain in my knee that I never had before, which makes teaching really difficult since we stand a lot.

    The plan for now: hubby was going to go with me to the consultation, but he really doesn't like to do that sort of stuff so I'm being "nice" and letting him off the hook. I told him he didn't have to go. That way, I can talk to the doc in private and let him convince me that I need the surgery right away. Then when I go home I can tell hubby that the doc thinks I need to do it right away and that waiting another year might be dangerous for me. (which it very well may be), that should be enough of an incentive to at least get him thinking about the idea.

    Getting my FIL in the act won't do much, my hubby doesn't listen to him, never has and I doubt ever will....however its good to have some support here in Portugal, and also, it sounds like he might be willing to donate a bit to the cause.

    I didn't want to wait because I'm about a year and 1/2 away from graduating and trying to get a job. No one wants to hire fat people!
    Ain't that the truth....fortunatly I already have a job, but I work with adults and teenagers and no matter how good of a teacher I am I still hear snickers from the kids and comments from the adults about my size. Here in Portugal it's just not acceptable to be this big and they assume that your lazy or sloven if your over weight.
    I think you should do it, but it will be hard not to have the support of your hubby. Have you had a heart to heart with him and told him how you are feeling mentally and physically?

    I have told him how difficult it is and how I feel and he understands, and he is still looking for ways around the waiting list, but the truth is, there isn't a way and if I want it done now I will have to pay...and he just can't accept that.

    A common problem among overweight people is that we don't take good care of ourselves, either emotionally or physically.

    I've learned is that if I just TELL him what I'm doing (not bossily, just matter-of-factly), without justifying or excusing it, he'll say "okay, good for you."

    Amen sista! Isn't that the truth, I'm always putting his needs before my own and then I go eat a chocolate bar. And the matter of factly telling him is what I think is going to happen. Thats how I got to the consultation point. I told him, I love you, I'm not going to fight with you, I'm not upset with you, but I'm going to make a consultation and see what my options are. And it's up to you whether or not you want to sulk about it or support me.

    Just because you are married you are still two separate individuals. It sure would be nicer if he agreed with you on this, but I think if it's what you want then you go for it.

    Thats EXACTLY how I feel. I wish he would agree but if he doesn't then we are just going to have to agree to disagree.

    Sorry for such a long post guys....thanks again! :)

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