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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynda486

  1. Lynda486

    Biotin affects lab results??

    I will be following this post. I have been taking it for awhile now
  2. Lynda486

    Acid Reflux

    Good Morning! I am having a revision to bypass in Sept. I still have reflux and can't wait to be off medication for it. I am hoping it will be gone after surgery. By the way, way back when I had it done no one told me the sleeve would cause acid reflux either! Good luck!!
  3. I just got an order in yesterday. Only I got the caramel flavor. Next time I will get the fruity version!
  4. Lynda486

    Acid Reflux

    Sounds like acid reflux. I have suffered for years after I was sleeved in 1998. Make sure to talk to your DR about what can done. If you can, prop yourself up at night, don't eat 2 hours before bed, avoid foods that can cause acid such as; tomatoes, coffee, citrus and spicy foods!
  5. I am also looking forward to being able to get into the car without assisting my left leg, I usually have to lift it
  6. Don't forget you deserve the longer walks too!
  7. Lynda486

    Lowest Weight since 2004

  8. I completely agree with GreenTealael, I have had to call my surgeons office several times. Every time I do, things are suddenly farther along. Sometimes I feel like a pest, but I am betting if I didn't call them I might not even get my surgery this year.
  9. I am really looking forward to that! Thanks so much!
  10. Awww and I was hoping to be off the Omeprazole right away! I imagine my bp meds will take longer
  11. Lynda486

    Medical ID jewelry

    Search for this post Medical ID tags/bracelets/jewelry in the search bar. Was a pretty good discussion not long ago
  12. Not long now, congratulations!
  13. Lynda486

    September 2019 🍂🍁

    Looks like there are quiet a few September surgeries. Mine is Sept. 16th! Good luck everyone!
  14. Lynda486

    I have my surgery date

    I am both nervous and excited! Like you I am using this time to educate myself, find shakes that I like and anything else I can think of. And of course I have to clean the house top to bottom before surgery
  15. Lynda486

    I have my surgery date

    Mine is Sept 16th!! So happy for you!!
  16. I found this the other day and I think it will be very helpful to me, and I hope to those here. https://www.obesitycoverage.com/the-big-gastric-bypass-diet-guide/
  17. I really hope you can come to a resolution! Will be cheering you on!
  18. Lynda486


    You are an inspiration!
  19. I had my EGD on July 9th and still have not heard back from the surgeon, or the office. I do know the results of the EGD and he plans on fixing that, but I not sure if he means a Gastric Bypass or just to repair the fistula he found. How long should I wait to call into the office? Lynda
  20. I got my surgery date Friday September 16th!
  21. I got word yesterday that my surgery date will be September 16th. It seems like a long time, but it will give me time to prepare. What did everyone do to help pass the time before surgery? I worry that they are not having me meet with a nutritionist even and I really want to get this right!
  22. Lynda486

    PAIN! WTF!?

    Darn and I was hoping to get rid of my pain patch!
  23. Lynda486

    NSAID Alternative

    Morton (salt company) makes a lotion "unscented Epsom Lotion it does help with some of my pain!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
