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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by Lynda486

  1. Lynda486

    Before and After Pictures

    Today's picture, ignore the hair!
  2. Lynda486

    Quantity of food

    I was wondering the same thing. What does your team think about the amount you eat?
  3. Starting Tuesday this week I upped my calories to almost 900. The whole time freaking out that I was sabotaging my goals. I had 896 calories on Tuesday, 858 on Wednesday and 916 yesterday for an average of 890 a day. This morning I stepped on the scale with a 2 pound loss! That is more than I have had at one time for a long time!
  4. Lynda486

    Taking a big dump

    Believe me they will get bigger lol
  5. Maybe just maybe eating more is the key? Starting Tuesday I upped my calories to 896, Wednesday 858 and yesterday 916, for an average of 890 per day. My scale has been moving ever so slowly (lucky to get a pound in a week) but today I dropped 2 pounds! I am also going to do my measurements today and see where that takes me. 

  6. Lynda486


    Congratulation's! Doesn't it feel great?
  7. I am so sorry for the loss of your mother and the other things you are going through. I had my revision in Sept my weight at surgery time was 213. I also had severe GERD and a fistula,which is why my BMI didn't really matter. You and I are the same height so you may not have any issues getting a revision at your current weight. As far as the Alcoholism goes have you tried talking to your regular DR? Most bariatric surgeons also have you see someone, and they may be able to help. I also agree with the diversion therapy that AJ talks about. I wish you all the best!
  8. Lynda486

    Could i smoke after 1 month ?

    I am a former smoker and have quit and started so many times. The last time I started up again I was so angry at myself for two years. It didn't do a thing for my health! News Years day was one year stopped and I plan to never smoke again. I hope you can get through this spot with out starting again! Hugs!
  9. Lynda486

    Free at home exercise videos - good range

    Thanks! I have it bookmarked!
  10. Lynda486

    My Story:

    You can really see the difference, looking good! Thanks you for your service!
  11. Lynda486

    My reason

    You look to young to have grandchildren!
  12. Steve, you have built a beautiful home!
  13. Maybe you should also block her texts? You have made a move to better yourself and your health and it sounds like she is jealous. I am sorry that she is being this way.
  14. Lynda486

    Before and After Pics

    Hubba hubba! You look fantastic!
  15. I was a faller before surgery and haven't taken a fall since!
  16. Lynda486

    Insurance approved

    Congratulations! I am in MO also, Welcome to the Forum!
  17. Lynda486


    Have a wonderful time! My first trip after my band in 1998 was to the Daytona and Universal Studios. I love the pictures of my self from that time. Enjoy!
  18. Yes, it's inches lost, smaller clothes, more energy, less pain.
  19. Yes, and I was told 6 months. But I have been taking it for years so what is a couple more months.
  20. Fuffychick, well if you put it that way... ok I do feel better once it is put like that! Thank-you!
  21. I average 64 in water which I want to get to 80 and 60 to 80 protein which I think is decent. Lately I have been doing shakes for breakfast and then a snack twice a day and a mini meal for lunch or a shake and then about a 250 to 300 cal dinner. I have been sick since Christmas day and just have not felt like exercising. I was before I was sick, just walking but it has to help, right?
  22. Lynda486

    Hospital Bag

    I wore he same thing home that I wore to the hospital. I brought my phone and my toothbrush. I, like Catwoman, slept most of the time and only used my phone twice. I was in from Monday morning to Friday morning.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
