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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by kristieshannon

  1. On 06/13/2024 at 05:34, GreenTealael said:

    I can only tolerate eggs sometimes, mostly hardboiled. Also if something smells like eggs, I can’t eat it. Even if I already started eating, I can’t continue.

    It’s been this way my entire life so it might be a true aversion (even my children inherited my egg smelling abilities) but after revision, it became 10 times worse.

    I can’t do eggs either, but it’s been just post op for me. Deviled eggs are the only exception.

  2. Great idea!
    Pre-op weight/BMI: 286lbs 49.1 BMI
    Surgery: VSG 08/2019
    Lowest weight/BMI 142lbs 24.4 BMI Feb 2020
    Maintenance weight/BMI: 150lbs 25.7 BMI

    I bounce from 145-150. I’m happy and healthy here, although at 150 a smidge over “normal” BMI. My doc is happy too.
    I maintain by continuing to use My Fitness Pal daily to track intake, exercise and weight. I exercise regularly, mostly walking and biking.

    Life is so much better in so many ways. No worries about a seat extended on planes or intruding on my neighbor’s seat. Buying whatever clothes I want in the regular section. No more aching knees, ankles and back.

    I was one of the statistical many whose relationship was negatively affected by my surgery. I went through a divorce about a year and a half post op. However, I’m now in a relationship that is happy and healthy with a wonderful guy who supports me in every way.

  3. Just a thought about those worried about shortages of this med-those with obesity are just as worthy of this (and other) medical treatment as someone with another chronic health condition such as diabetes. We’ve been conditioned for so long to see obesity as a personal failing rather than a medical condition. I firmly believe this narrative needs to be changed. If you and your health care team feels GLP-1 treatment is what is best to treat your obesity, then you deserve the med just as much as any other patient.

  4. Here’s an unexpected thing that just dawned on me today while doing laundry. Pre-WLS I would never wear light colored shirts because of the fact that I was forever dropping food on my chest or belly and staining my clothes. Now if I’m clumsy and drop something it hits the napkin in my lap instead, saving my clothing :)

  5. Skin doesn’t actually weigh that much. My surgeon did not weigh the skin removed. I had a abdominoplasty, arm lift, and breast lift with implants. You’ll actually probably weigh a bit more in the few days post op due to all the Fluid they give you. One week post op I was about 4 lbs below my pre-op weight, but also wasn’t eating much in that post op period.

  6. I’m almost 5 years out as well and am still cold all the time. I get teased at work about all the layers I wear. I have a heated throw blanket at home that I use whenever I’m reading or watching TV and have a heated mattress pad on my bed.

  7. I had my VSG at 49.5, and then plastics just a couple weeks before I turned 51. I don’t feel like my age affected my healing. I took 3 weeks off work after each surgery, but both times felt like I could have gone back after 2. I attribute this to starting to be active as soon as I could after surgery (lightly active, no strenuous exercise). I walked a slow, gentle mile the day after my MMO surgery.

  8. On 04/11/2024 at 15:58, ms.sss said:

    omg i just had a PTSD flashback.

    Even worse it was the tile floor of a hotel bathroom 🤮 However, that drink was delicious…made with Hazelnut Vodka. If presented with it I might just try it again 🤣

  9. I had my first drink a month or so out post op. During my losing phase it was pretty rare as the calorie content just wasn’t worth it to me. Like ms. sss I had my worst ever dumping during this time off a delightful drink called a Cocoa Puff martini-like laying on the cold tile of a bathroom floor because it was the only place I could get even slightly comfortable hour of misery dumping. Now I’m a semi-regular drinker. A glass of wine about 3 nights a week, a cocktail or two on date nights with my guy. As long as it isn’t derailing you I think it’s fine.

  10. I was 49 when I had my VSG, and 50 when I had my follow up plastic surgeries. Success can be had at any age! I’m 54 now and living a happy, healthy life at goal. I hike, swim, kayak, and have recently taken up cycling. Road biking first and have just started mountain biking. Life is good when you have the energy to live it!

  11. As @sillykitty said, PS is just one more motivator to keep on track. I paid way too much, and went through so much with recovery from my plastics to ruin it with gaining. And I truly felt like it was my reward to myself for all the hard work I went through to lose all the weight.

  12. On 02/27/2023 at 12:31, losinglosinglosing said:

    How was your recovery? Cost? How long did you wait after reaching goal?

    My WLS was 08/2019, my PS was 01/21. I paid $16,000 for all 3 procedures. I flew from Seattle to Miami because the cost was less than half. Prices vary wildly around the country!

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